Chapter 15

He did it.

Despite of him not knowing who was the knight of the laughing tree, Rhaegar still won the jousts and crowned Lyanna as the 'Queen of Love and Beauty'.

It would be an understatement to say that Robert was livid. Brandon was angry as well and Ned was frowning at the audacity of the prince. Lyanna, she was contemplative.

The party from Dorne left Harrenhal feeling humiliated. But, they could do nothing as the king was a pyromaniac and psychotic to boot and their anger over Rhaegar's audacity could trigger the mad king into burning Elia alive. The Dornish were much smarter than a certain someone.

I was told to leave and gather my belongings as my time at Harrenhal had come to an end. I was to leave with the Starks and serve at Winterfell before I got my promised castle.

I finally had time to look at my stats.

[Name: Allan (Human)

Title: The hunter, the savage, Fastest man on Planetos

Class: Assassin

Level: 62

Health: 260/260

Energy: 260/260

STR: 51

DEX: 51


VIT: 40

Unspent points: 250

ATK: 1004

EVA: 997

SPD: 1172

DMG: 1103

PHY DEF: 934


Reflexes: 1374

Willpower: 1059

Fortitude: 967

Vigour: 974

Cunning: 903

Hand to hand: 874

Dagger skill: 1119

Sword skill: 1063

Spear skill: 916

Axe skill: 835

Hammer skill: 791

Archery: 829

Poisoning: 495

Advanced Silat (92%)

Expert HEMA (23%)

Expert survival (87%)

Expert hunting (95%)

Expert crafting (98%)

Advanced cooking (42%)

Expert free running (83%)

Expert smithing (66%)

Expert smelting (29%)

Intermediate masonry (75%)

Apex aura: Passive skill, deactivated.

Blunt damage resistance: lvl 1


Expert common tongue (24%)

Beginner High Valyrian (54%)


Skill points: 1

Sneak attack: lvl 14 (Cooldown: 5 sec)

Hide: lvl 14 (Cooldown: 30 sec)

Pummel: lvl 6 (Cooldown: 2 sec)

Assassinate: lvl 12 (Cooldown: 45 sec)

Fast reflexes: lvl 5 (Cooldown: 30 sec)

Quick strike: lvl 5 (Cooldown: 2 sec)

Expose weakness: lvl 5 (Cooldown: 10 sec)

Warcry: lvl 1 (Cooldown: 30 seconds)]

I allotted twenty points each to Vitality and Focus and the one skill point to 'Warcry'. With that done, I spent the rest of my time dismantling all the traps I had placed over the years and boy, it took quite a while.

I gathered all of my things until all the slots in my inventory were full and filled my cart with brine meat, cookware, some weapons, clothes and fodder for my two horses who pulled my cart. They were two 'dray' horses, fit for heavy, load bearing tasks. I had gotten them from hunting down a party of brigands.

'Despite of my interference, the events played quite similar to the canon. I don't know if Lyanna ran off with him or he somehow tricked her and kidnapped her. Either way, the war is bound to begin in an year. I have one year to improve my skills.'

Using the skills was what raised my proficiency in them. I couldn't get too strong and just plough through armies as it would limit my improvement. I didn't want to be a brute.

With everything loaded on my cart or in my inventory, I was ready to leave.


I was riding at the back of the Stark convoy. There was no one to disturb me and no one chattering around me as all the men at arms were in the middle or on the sides of the envoy. I had suggested to Brandon to let me travel ahead to scout, but, as I was new to the north, it was better for me to be at the back.

The north had a much better relationship with its mountain clans than the Vale. Thus, it was unlikely that any raiders would attack. Although, a wildling attack was entirely possible.

I had my bow and my quiver full of arrows on my back along with a belt of throwing knives and my principe sword on my waist. My eyes and ears were trained to the surroundings, taking note of the vegetation and the sounds from the animals.

Attacks from the predators of the forest was going to be extremely rare. Only my fellow humans were stupid enough to try their luck on a caravan of soldiers armed to the teeth.

It took us days to travel across the north and reach Winterfell. In that time, Brandon challenged me to a spar four times before he deemed me worthy of being Lyanna's mentor.

Four sound beatings followed by three defeats for Ned and I was given the nod. The only one left to give the approval was Rickard Stark.

I sparred with some of the men at arms as well and defeated them with enough ease. Suffice to say, I had proven my mettle to all of them.

There were no incidents aside from the yelling that could be heard at night coming from the Stark tents. Lyanna and Brandon had many heated discussions about her betrothal with Robert and the stunt pulled by Rhaegar.

Finally, after tens of days of travelling, I could see the castle of Winterfell on the horizon. Another hour later, we entered the walls of the stronghold and I was called to the front by Brandon.

I rode on my horse to the front and saw an aging man facing the Stark siblings. His expression was stern and his jaw was clenched. He was not in a good mood. The man beside him, dressed in chainmail and armor had his hand on the pommel of his sword just in case I decided to make any move against his lord.

"Allan, come." Brandon said.

I dismounted my horse and confidently walked up to Rickard before dropping down on my knee to pledge my fealty to him.

"Do you think you are better than any Stark man to teach 'my' daughter how to fight with a sword?"

That was the first thing he said to me. It was a tactic for intimidation, clearly, and a challenge for me to prove my prowess in front of the man himself.

I looked up at him and said, "You can put me against a giant and I'll defeat it. You can put me against a shadow cat and I'll defeat it. You can put me against a dragon and I'll defeat it."

Rickard and I stared at each other for a few tense moments before he nodded and said, "So be it. Defeat the Master-at-arms of my household, Ser Rodrik Cassel, and I shall employ your services as discussed with my heir."

A new chapter in my life was beginning and I was ready for all tribulations the world was going to throw at me. In a place where I was all alone, by myself, I had used the nature itself as my whetstone to sharpen myself into a weapon.

I was ready and there was no backing down.