Chapter 22

A pale eyed crow sat on one of the stones at the fist of the first men. I took a fleeting gance towards it and said loudly, "I don't know how or why all those animals attacked me. I didn't even provoke them! Did they want me to go away?"

"Caw!" (Yes!)

"Nah! I don't think so. I'll camp here, right at the base of the hill."

"Caw!" (No!)

"Could it be that there's something hidden around here?!"

"Caw! Caw!" (No! Go away!)

"It must be hidden under the hill!"

"Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw!" (You've got to be fuckin' kidding me!)

"Imma see and dig right at the base."

"Caw!" (Fuck!)

I removed all the snow using my hands. Then, I took out a shovel and dug up the damp soil. Slowly, the sword was beginning to shine through the soil.

"Caaawwww!!!!" (How could you possibly know exactly where to dig?!)

I grabbed the handle of the sword and pulled it out.

"What an old looking sword. It's all dirty! Why would anyone burry it here? I bet it's gone dull and useless."

"Caw! Caw caw caw caw!" (Yes! It's a useless sword! So, put it back and forget about it!)

I shrug my shoulders and said, "Eh, I'll take it anyway."

"Caaaawwww!!!" (Fuuuuuck!!!!)

I was cackling inside as I could imagine that old pedophile going ape shit in his tree. Of course he was a pedophile. He could peep anywhere and kept an eye on all the kids.

The filth didn't even realise when I pulled out a throwing knife and threw it at the crow that he had possessed.


The knife struck true and beheaded the crow cleanly. I knew that it was dangerous for wargs if the animal they were possessing, died.

'Hope it hurts a lot.'

I cleaned the sword and let my eyes drink its beauty.

The classic damascus pattern on it made the sword look amazing. Its unique pommel and the ruby embedded in it made the sword look very elegant.

Then, I decided to 'observe' it.

[Dark Sister (Valyrian steel bastard sword)

STR: 120

DEX: 120

Fire damage: 70

Sword proficiency: 150

Attack: 300

Cold resistance: 70

Properties: Unbreakable, forever sharp

Important item]

'Hot fucking damn! This is an overpowered sword! Well, overpowered in my hands.'

I activated apex aura again to dissuade any other animals to come closer. I unequipped #49 and equipped Dark Sister. Immediately, I felt to boost in my body. With a total dexterity of 340, I was confident that I could evade a hailstorm of arrows and could outrun a cheetah.

I covered my horse in layers of blankets to keep him warm and we stayed at the fist for the night. Meanwhile, back in his tree, Bloodraven was trying to convince the children of the forest to go and kill me and retrieve his sword.

Much to his frustration, the children disagreed as it would put Bloodraven in danger of getting discovered by the white walkers. He could only stew silently and hope that I would die from the cold as I hadn't lit a fire.

Too bad that I was unaffected by the cold.

I woke up fresh when it was still dark and lit a fire to cook some meat for myself. Due to my apex aura, not a single animal had dared to come near my 'camp'.

My horse neighed and kicked the snow. Seeing that he was awake, I fed him some grass and fruits which he happily gobbled down. I looked towards the north, there were a few places I wanted to visit, Bloodraven and his tree being one of them.

'My time here is up.'

I had promised Craster's victims that I'd give them safe passage beyond the wall. I wasn't going to go back on that promise. Also, it was almost time for Brandon's wedding with Catelyn. Which also meant that the event was or was not going to happen which led to the rebellion.

Bloodraven was a hundred kilometers away from me and that would put me four hundred kilometers away from the Wall. I couldn't possibly make it in time.

'The old man isn't going anywhere. Lyanna could be in danger by the time I get back to the kingdoms. Priorities, man.'

My decision was made.


Lyanna missed Allan while he was away. She enjoyed learning from him and talking to him. He treated her differently, different from her family and all the men. Different from Robert and Rhaegar.

She knew that both Robert and Rhaegar cared little for her. They merely lusted after her body. She knew that Allan didn't lust after her and even respected her.

That was all she ever wanted. To be respected for being an individual. Not for her titles, not for her social status, but, for her individual self.




Lyanna watched with a bored gaze as her brothers sparred in the yard. She had tried to spar with them on many occasions. Much to her outrage, they never agreed to it. Even her father forbade her to spar with anyone. They didn't want her to get wounded or get scarred. A scar on a lady to be wed was a blemish.

Lyanna scoffed at that. She was more than a mere 'lady'. She was a warrior! A scar or two didn't matter to her. If Robert wanted to marry a flower, he should have looked south. Northern ladies were not flowers and that was what she had told Rickard, only to be harshly rebuked for her petulance.

'All men around me are a bunch of sissies. They just don't want to fight me out of fear that I'll defeat them!'

After all, she was Allan's apprentice!

"Lady Lyanna, it's time for your lessons."

That was another thing she hated. Learning to be a southern lady and a lady's duties. But, she had to attend the lessons as she didn't want her father to shout at her again.

Lyanna sat with the other maidens and listened to the old bint explain what happened on the wedding night. The maidens around her giggled with their faces flushed from shyness.

Lyanna scoffed openly.

"Is there something you want to say, lady Lyanna?"

With her nose held high, Lyanna got up and said, "If that oaf, Robert, ever brings his prick close to me, I will rip it off and crush his balls before I shove it up his arse!"

The maidens and the bint gasped in utter shock at the vile words coming out of a noble lady's mouth. Meanwhile, the guards outside the doors tried hard to control their laughter. It never got boring with Lyanna around.