Chapter 35

Robert was drowning himself in booze while cradling his sore crotch. Lyanna hadn't held back when she kneed him in the balls.

"Wha'z next, huh?!"

"Next, we decide the fate of house Targaryen."

Robert's throat released a growl of anger upon hearing the name of the house. His resentment for them ran deep. Even after knowing that Lyanna never loved him, he still hated Rhaegar and the dragons.

"Kill all the fuckin' dragons and their fuckin' spawn!! Ram their 'eads through walls and end their cursed existance!! I, your king, commands you!!"

With my patience long since worn out, I said, "I'll pull your fuckin' balls out through your stinkin' mouth! Shut the fuck up, you bumbling twat! I can make your reign the shortest ever in the shitin' history, ya hear me?! Shut the bloody fuck up! No one asked you to give your buggering opinion! You know what? Go.. fuck some whores and sire some bastards. Just do your manwhore things and leave the big stuff to your superiors. Stark, just get this bitch out of my sight before I decide to turn him inside out."

Robert was cowed and said nothing more. Although, I could tell he was struggling. Ned Stark quickly dragged his friend away and I carried on with the proceedings.

"Bring in the fuckin' dragon cunt!"

Rhaegar was dragged into the room, tied with chains as he struggled and screamed murder against all present.

"I'll have your heads on a pike! Release your king at once!"

His eyes fell on an emotionless Lyanna and he immediately shouted, "You fucking bitch! Everything was fine until you ran away from me! Was my love nothing to you?! I lowered myself and took care of you, dressed your wounds, clothed you and bathed you!! This is how you repay my kindness?!"

Lyanna grabbed a nearby guard's sword and said, "Release him!"

I nodded to my guards and they removed the man's chains.

"You shouldn't have put me in the chains! Guards!! Throw these traitors in the dungeons!!"

Lyanna simply threw the sword towards him and he caught it by reflex. Then, before he could say another word, she closed the distance between them and smashed her metallic fist through his inbred face.

Rhaegar's head whipped back and he fell on the floor, groaning in pain while holding onto his bloody nose. He got up quickly and swung his sword at her while saying, "You bitch! How dare you lay your ha-"

Lyanna blocked the slash with a dagger and punched him again, opening up his face even more. Then, she straddled him and puched him repeadedly with her metal fist while she screamed in rage.

She kept punching until his face was a broken mess. The mad man could only groaned in pain. When she was done, his face was quite a gruesome sight to behold.

His bones were sticking out of his skin from various places and there wasn't a single patch of intact skin left. Lyanna then got up and with her steel toed boots, she kicked him in the crotch, repeatedly, for minutes, until he stoped making any sound.

As a final insult to his name, his blood and his house, Lyanna went ahead and used a torch to light him up on fire.

Rhaegar was still alive and weakly screamed in pain as his skin burned under the intense flames. His whimpers finally stopped after a few moments and Lyanna collapsed on the floor in a puddle of tears.

She had finally gotten her revenge against the man who ruined her family.

I moved to her and quietly offered her my hand. She looked up at me and after a moment, accepted it. I helped her up and asked the handmaidens to help her and take her out of the throne room.

It took a couple of moments for everyone present to come back to their senses. They had just witnessed a wrathful girl beat Rhaegar Targaryen to death. Her rage fueled screams and grunts still echoed in their minds as their eyes refused to leave the still burning corpse of Rhaegar.

Rhaegar's Kingsguard had been there to witness the brutal death of the man they had sworn to protect. Their eyes were lifeless as they realised how wrong their actions had been and how they had failed their vows, their oaths and their purpose.

"All of you, the former kingsguard, will be allowed to defend your selves. In seven days, there will be a grand trial by combat for all the prisoners to save their lives. All of you will be facing me in battle. You will be well fed till then and will be given the meals of your choice on the morning of the trial, as long as it's reasonable."

Everyone in the room was looking at me like I was some kind of fair ruler who didn't want to kill unarmed and defenseless men.

'I just want to fight them. It'll help me increase my HEMA proficiency. And I'm close to leveling up.'

[Name: Allan Curran (Human)

Title: The hunter, the savage, strongest human on Planetos, Stranger's Sword*

Class: Assassin

Level: 85

Health: 1320/1320

Energy: 1214/1214

STR: 70

DEX: 70

FOCUS: 184

VIT: 200

Unspent points: 25

Expert Silat (28%)

Expert HEMA (85%)

Expert survival (95%)

Adept hunting (07%)

Adept crafting (09%)

Advanced cooking (32%)

Expert free running (83%)

Adept smithing (03%)

Adept smelting (01%)

Intermediate masonry (85%)

Advanced medicine (10%)]

'I suppose killing tens of thousands of armed men will give you some boost in your stats.'

I left to look for Lyanna and found her sitting on a couch. Her eyes were still red, but, I could tell that something had changed within her. She had killed three men. Even if she had killed two of them to save herself, she had lost her child like innocence.

I sat beside her and we talked for hours as I helped her cope with the reality. More than two months ago, she was just a rebellious girl oblivious of the savagery of the world.

She was never the same again.