Chapter 47

"Abe, I... *sigh*"

"Just go, Albus."

He waited for a bit for me to turn around and look at him, but I kept staring out the window. As he sighed again and turned around to leave, I looked at his retreating back, which brought up a prompt from the system.

[Name: Albus Dumbledore

Age: 18

Class: Wizard

Lvl: 50

HP: 200

MP: 900]

Albus was way stronger than me. And given that him and Grindelwald were evenly matched, it was safe to assume that Grindelwald could wipe the floor with me.

But that would be the case if I didn't have the system. In my previous life, I was able to raise my strength and dexterity through sheer hard work. Since I lacked any kind of magical abilities, I couldn't increase my EP/energy.

But that wasn't the case in this life. I had magic, and I could feel it coursing in by blood. that meant it could be worked on and could be increased without the use of stat points.

I stood still and began to take deep breaths, focusing all of my attention on my breathing. Sure enough, a prompt from the system soon appeared.

[New skill learned

Meditate: 5/sec MP regen

Focus increased by 1

EP/MP: 456]

'Albus is gone. I have two days before I have to leave for Hogwarts. Let's make the most of it.'

Thus resumed my never-ending grind. As Allan Curran, my grind was mostly physical. But as Aberforth, it was both physical and spiritual. I took a deep breath and delved into the vast realm of magical theory.

As hours went by, my comprehension of magic increased steadily, and so did my 'Focus'. Understanding the laws of transfiguration was extremely fun, and the charms were simply mesmerizing.

I read through the books of the first and second year in the two days I had before going back to Hogwarts. As I packed my books and clothes in my trunk, I looked at the wands in my possession.

There was no way for me to use the 'Wand of Defiance' in the open and come up with a believeable reason behind it being mine. It was quite a relief that Aberforth's original wand still answered to me.

[Aberforth's wand

Composition: Ceder wood and dragon heartstring core. 13", rigid flexibility.

Compatibility: 8/10

Magic dmg: 50

Focus: 20

Vitality: 20]

The wand was severely lacking in comparison, but it was good enough. I tried casting a few spells, and while it wasn't as effortless, it was sufficient.

With my clothes and books packed, I was ready to leave for Hogwarts.


"Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! I'm sure all of you are eager to start with the welcoming feast. But first, let's all welcome the first years joining the Hogwarts family!"

[Phineas Nigellus Black

Age: 52

Class: Wizard

Lvl: 68

HP: 170

MP: 1400]

So far, I noticed that the amount of MP used up to cast a spell decreased with the increase in proficiency, so much so that to cast a 'Lumos', it took me 1 MP to cast and maintain the spell with 1MP/sec of usage.

Wirh meditate, I could keep a lumos up for as long as I wanted.

This led me to believe that the amount of MP in a person wasn't enough to tell how strong they were. It was useful, but what truly mattered was their proficiency in magic.

"Oi Abe! What are you spacing out for, mate? Look, the firsties are so tense, it's so funny!"

"Hah! Look at that redhead! His face looks like a tomato!"

I zoned them out. I was not interested in bullying kids. Instead, I allowed myself to grieve some more. I was lost in my thoughts for the entirety of the ceremony and could barely eat my fill.

It was going to be a long time before I could fully accept that I would never see my family again. The feast was over, and we were led to our dorms. I didn't talk much with my roommates and tucked into my bed to quickly fall asleep.

'Tomorrow, I'm going to the 'Room of Requirements'. Getting busy is the best way to cope with loss.'


"Welcome to the fifth year of your Hogwarts education. It is a crucial year for you students. So, I hope to see the lot of you focusing on your studies l, rather than goofing off to Hogsmeade. Now, open your books to page number 35. Today, we shall learn about the vanishing spell, 'Evanesco'."

Matilda Weasley went on to lengthily describe the origin of the vanishing spell. To 'vanish' an object from all the senses... It basically meant erasure from existence.

Not a single object once vanished had ever returned. In a way, the vanishing spell broke down the object to the atomic level. The casual animal cruelty being displayed as Matilda 'vanished' a rat was not lost to me.

'Then again, we've grown human ears on the backs of mice.'

"The vanished object goes into 'non-being', that is to say, everything."

'Yeah, I definitely need to learn how to enchant stuff if I want to prevent them from being destroyed to the atomic level by some no-good wannabe nuttjobs. And this place is full of them.'

I could already imagine some perverts trying to 'vanish' a girl's clothes for shits and giggles.

'So the difficulty in casting a successful 'Evanesco' depends on the vanishing object's complexity. I already have medical knowledge of the bachelor's level. Does that mean I can theoretically vanish some dude's balls? Huh, talk about ending bloodlines.'

I looked at the goblet in front of me.

'A brass goblet. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Atomic numbers 29 and 30. A nucleus of protons and neutrons with electrons jumping in and out of spin. Visualize... Will... And enunciate...!'


The brass goblet immediately glitched out of existence.

"Marvelous, Mr. Dumbledore! Ten points to Griffindor!"

I looked at the wand in my hand and thought, 'Holy shit! I can basically erase anything out of existence as long as it isn't enchanted to resist the spell. I can vanish people's balls. I can vanish people's brains. I can vanish buildings. I can vanish nuclear bombs! I can vanish the earth!'


"Something wrong, Mr. Dumbledore?"

"Uh, no, ma'am. It's just an itch in my throat."

'... I let the power get to my head for a moment.'

It was at that moment that I realized that I had the most dangerous weapon ever in my palm.

'No wonder Grindelwald and Voldemort became crazy. This power can corrupt even the most robust of minds. Now I know how Americans feel when they grab hold of a gun. No wonder there were so many school shootings... Fuck... I'm surrounded by trigger-happy brats with weapons of mass destruction in their pockets... Rowling did not think it through when creating this world.'