

Chapter 55: Horus Eye Mercenaries (4)

Dimensional Store System In Apocalypse

"Cover the perimeters. If you can't capture them alive, then shoot to kill." the sergeant ordered as he makes sure two of the special force members stay outside of Zhang Qin Feng's place.

"Move-in! Don't let them have a chance to regroup!" using the scope on his automatic rifle, the sergeant took a few shots and brought down one of the terrorists behind a trash can.

"Flying Fox, Red Fox, push left. You two stupid bulls, go right," the sergeant ordered.

Their battle tactics were highly efficient as they quickly take control of the overall situation within seventeen minutes.



[Threat neutralized. You have one guest coming to you right now]

Soon after Stein's battle report, Captain Hu came inside Zhang Qin Feng's apartment. He was shocked to see that Zhang Qin Feng was still calmly enjoying his meal even with all the commotion going on outside.

"Is everything alright with you, Mr. Zhang?" Captain Hu asked.

"Thank you for getting worried on behalf of me. I'm alright. I might need to bother some of your men to pay attention to my uncle inside the Suihe People's Hospital..." Zhang Qin Feng replied. He finally finished what he bought by the time Captain Hu is here.

"Mr. Zhang, our young lady is worried about you. Would you mind following me back to the Wang's Estate after this?" Captain Hu asked as his mission right now is to bring Zhang Qin Feng back. As for the other responsibilities related to the eight eleven terrorist members, he can simply leave it to the sergeant.

"I don't mind going back, but before this, I'll have to pay a visit to my Digital Currency Facility to make sure that it is safe from the terrorist attack. Do you think we can stop there before going back?" Zhang Qin Feng asked.

Their attack today made Zhang Qin Feng re-evaluates the terrorist's intention. It also made him more interested in this as he questions what his uncle got himself in by just hiring a new worker to help.

"Of course. We can always make a trip somewhere if you need. Let me prepare a car. We can depart at any time you like." Captain Hu said.

"Then, let's do it as soon as possible. I'm a little worried about my facility," said Zhang Qin Feng.




"What happened?" a man playing with a dagger in his hand asked. There are three other people inside this house.

"I think Savoy thought it will be an easy task for him to get the equipment back, which is why he brings so few people with him while going to the boy's house. Well, none of us think that he's related to the elite force, correct?" another person said. In his hand was a stack of cards. But the difference is that all the cards are made from durable steel and not paper or plastics.

"Savoy, that idiot... Now, what are we going to do? Should we just skip all the troublesome parts and go straight to the handover of the hacking software? I'm sure the buyer will be very interested if we change the price to eighty million Pan-Euros." he added.

"No. One hundred million, software and the tactical warhead is what we were told. Don't simply change the rule unless you wanna mess with Timo." this time, a slender individual replied. From the silhouette and body figure, it is easy to notice that the speaker was a lady.

"Don't use Timo to test us. The boss is Howard, not Timo." the last individual said. He was the biggest of the bunch, with a height of about 6.2 feet.

"So, with Savoy is out of the picture... Who is going to look for the tactical warhead?" the female asked.

"I'll go. I think I know where did that thing go." the individual playing with a stack of cards in hand said.

"Alright. Then Poker will go. The three of us should continue to bring more members and get stationed here. I think Timo has the intention to establish our force here." the female individual said.


"Alright. I've checked the facility. There shouldn't be a problem for me to not come here for a week." Zhang Qin Feng said as he locked the shutter to get inside the workshop.

"If there's nothing else, shall we get on our way now?" Captain Hu asked.

"Sure." Zhang Qin Feng agreed to leave. With the shortcodes were copied securely into his mobile phone, there's nothing much for him to be worried about. And from Stein's report, it seems that 170,000 coins were distributed all over the world.

Out of 170,000 coins, Zhang Qin Feng possessed 11,500 coins. Its value is equivalent to 2,300 dollars in Dongcheng Currency. Although they're not considered a lot right now, a simple change in its digit is what Zhang Qin Feng needs to transform from a poor investor into a millionaire.

The two of them went into the car and prepared to leave.

Coincidently, as they're preparing to drive the car out of the factory zone, another vehicle was on its way to leave. The two drive side by side for a while on the motorway and only separated as they came to the junction leading to the Suihe City Center.

After a while, Zhang Qin Feng and Captain Hu finally reached the Wang Family's estate, where Wang Yufei was waiting for them to return. She immediately hugged Zhang Qin Feng once he comes down from the vehicle.

"The news was all over the building. Are you alright?" Wang Yufei asked. From her messy look, it seems she has been in a worrying state for a while.

"Nothing happened to me. Maybe it's just a coincidence." Zhang Qin Feng said as he hugged her back. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed that Captain Hu was following the elder away quietly.

'Hopefully, nothing irregular will happen.' Zhang Qin Feng prayed.



[Your prayer is not going to went well. It seems that the car which comes out along with us from the factory area is flagged by the system]


'Flagged by the system? What do you mean?' Zhang Qin Feng asked as he walked beside Wang Yufei towards her room.


[The system noticed that the car had quite a few fortifications. If the system's suspicion is not mistaken, the terrorist group Horus Eye Mercenaries might be closer than everyone thinks]

Dimensional Store System In Apocalypse