CHAPTER EIGHT : Charming Unicorn

The Rodrigo Mansion.

Adrian impatiently walked around waiting for Ayra to regain conciousness. He felt awful seeing her in pain.

"When will she finally get well.... I'm really restless now?".

The family members entered the house chatting among themselves. Mira noticed something was off with Adrian because he was pacing around the sitting room and every one minute, he would raise his head and stare at the stairs as if waiting for someone to come down. She approached him and asked if he was OK.

"You seem off today" she said.

"Well, mom..." He paused feeling embarrassed by what he was about to say and gulped deeply on his saliva.

He cleared his throat and gazed at the elders if they were focusing on him. And that was right because when they entered the house too, they knew something was wrong and needed an explanation. Besides, Ayra was no where to be seen.

"Erm, your.....Aish" he felt his whole face beet red.

"Are you burning? And by the way where is Ayra? Isn't she home?" Maya, ayra mother cried before approaching Adrian. She touched his forehead and clarified he was normal. No fever.

"What meant to say is that your em....monthly stuff?" He gulped on his saliva again.

"Monthly what?!!" Both Maya and Mira yelled out together which make the elders chuckle.

"Period" he continued and blushed. "Is it really pain?....does it pains a lot?". Both the mothers could not control their laughter by his cuteness. Gosh, he is 18 for goodness sake but still behaves like a charming unicorn. Mira thought.

"Why, do you have it?" With this said the entire room was full of laughters.

"Stop teasing the boy and just answer him" his father cried trying to bail him out from the teasers.

He bit on his lower lip and sucked the blood before saying nervously.

"I'm just curious in case my girlfriend you know" he blushed making the elders laugh again.

"Ayra was in pain when you all left for the temple. I thought she had fever but then she fainted so I called the doctor to come and examine her. He explained to me that it wasn't fever but a cramp which he identified as her period. I'm so embarrassed right now" he lowered his head slowly.

"It's normal for girls and you didn't have a clue about what it was. You really don't have to be embarrassed, consider it as a lesson you learnt OK" Maya cried to him and gave him a hug.

"Lover boy" she thought and smirked.

"But she is not waking up. It's been almost six hours and still she hasn't regained consciousness. Will she be alright?" He asked worriedly.

"She is fine OK...nothing serious".


The school canteen.

"Babe....are you really breaking up with me? Do you think I will let you go just like that uh?" Kris yelled at Leah, who wasn't even bothered by his taunts.

"You bitch....I should be the one breaking up with you not the opposite" he cried angrily. His friends tried to stop him from doing anything stupid but didn't yield to them.

"I will show you who the king of the school is" he said and left.

Phew...he is finally gone" Leah sighed and left the canteen with her friends.