Revenge is a dish best served sexually

Yennefer was sitting on the bed in a room in the Kingfisher. She was brushing her raven black hair and was muttering one of her favorite songs. As expected, Geralt didn't give much protest when she and Triss had cornered him, and told him to come to the Kingfisher that evening. After all, witcher or no witcher, he was still a man. A man who was expecting to have the night of his life.

Yennefer looked at the clock on the wall. Triss was late. Typical Merigold, never capable of being on time, which was a habit she absolutely hated. Just as she was thinking that, she heard a knock on the door. She stood up, placed the hairbrush on the table and walked towards the wooden entry.

Opening the door revealed Triss. Contrary to Yennefer, Triss was wearing her practical travel clothes. "You're late." Yennefer said with a cold voice. She was standing in front of the opening, refusing to let the red haired woman enter the room.

"Yes I know, I'm sorry. But there were witch hunters at every corner of the streets. I had to avoid running into them and that took some time. But as far as I can see, Geralt hasn't arrived yet. So I'm still on time, right?" Silence. She was looking Triss in the eye for a couple of seconds. Then she moved out of the way so the other woman could enter the room, who did exactly that.

Triss let her coat slip off her shoulders and then turned around, so she was facing Yennefer. Yen had just closed the door behind her and was leaning against it, watching the red haired sorceress her movements. "I can see that you are already ready to go." Triss mentioned, referring to the fact that she was only wearing underwear. Black underwear with little white ornaments, of course.

"Yes, I can't wait to get this over with. To see the look on his face once he realizes what he has gotten himself into. You should get properly dressed as well, Merigold." Yen walked back towards the bed and started brushing her raven locks again. Not that it was necessary, her hair was soft as satin and didn't have any tangles, but doing that relaxed her.

"As you wish, Yen. Won't take much time though." Triss murmured some words and a green light surrounded her body. When the shine faded away, she was wearing nothing but her underwear. It was black with clear blue ornaments and little red bows. Very Triss'ish.

"Tada!" Triss said. Yen raised her eyebrow and looked as if she was looking down on Triss. "Congratulations Merigold. You managed to cast a level 1 spell without burning down the building. You should be proud of yourself. It's only one of the first spells that every novice coming to Aretuza learns. Bravo."

Triss rolled her eyes. "No need to be so sneering. After all, I am helping you with your plan. Am I not?" Yennefer stopped brushing her hair and turned towards the other woman. "I was under the impression that this was our plan, Merigold. Not mine." Triss smiled. "Yes Yen, yes it is. Talking about the plan, shouldn't it be about time Geralt arrived? It's getting late. And it's not like we are getting any younger."

Triss had just finished her sentence when they heard a knock. "Speak of the devil…" Yennefer whispered and walked towards the door. Before she opened it, she closed her eyes and send a wave of her magic towards Triss, who could feel this immediately and instantly put her shield up. However, once she felt what the purpose of the magic was, she started to let her shield down. Slowly and hesitatingly, but she did it anyway. When Yennefer her magic came through and made contact with Triss her being, they could hear each other's thoughts once again.

It had been years since the two sorceresses had shared a communication bond, but it felt as if it had only been a day. It felt warm, comforting and reassuring. Just as their friendship always used to feel. She smiled towards Triss. "Ready, Merigold?" "Let's get this show on the road Yenna."


Apparently Geralt had lost his patience waiting for the two woman to let him in, so he opened the door himself and walked into the room, holding a bottle of expensive wine. Yennefer appeared behind the witcher, putting her hand on his shoulder and pressed herself against him. "I'd lost hope that you'd appear." She purred, while Triss flattered herself against his other side. "We couldn't wait for you to show." Triss whispered.

"Well, we really are happy that he came, aren't we?" Triss added in thought. "Absolutely." Yen replied. Triss took the bottle of wine out of Geralt his hands, and walked towards the table using sensual movements. It just took one look at Geralt, and you could see that he clearly liked where this was going.

Yen took Geralt's hand and started leading him towards the bed, making very sexual noises. "Omg Yen, you're so overdoing it!" Triss send, which made Yennefer her smile even wider. Geralt removed the swords from his back using only one hand, and then he threw them on the floor. Yen made his clothes go away with the snap of her finger.

"That's how you do a undressing spell, Merigold." When they got to the edge of the bed, she pushed him. He landed on his bed next to Triss, who was already laying on her side of the bed. You could see the bobble in his pants grow, so, so far he was buying their show.

Triss her hand started exploring the witcher's chest, and Yen crawled onto the bed, her hands striking the inside of his legs. He clearly liked what they were doing. "Now?" Triss thought. "After you." Yennefer replied. Triss took the witcher his right hand and held it against her face for a moment. Then she placed his hand into the shackle that was attached to the bed, but she didn't close it yet.

Yennefer realized that she never expected to do something like this with Triss. That Triss Merigold would be her partner in crime. The two sorceresses sat up and turned towards each other. The only thing left for them to do was to lock him up. But for some reason, Yennefer was drawn to Triss. Had to look at her. Had to feel her.

She looked at Triss, lilac eyes met cornflower blue ones. It felt as if she saw her for the very first time. Her fire colored hair, the freckles on her face, the blue eyes, the smile that seemed to be glued to her face…

Yennefer didn't know why she did what she did next. Maybe it was the excitement in the air, maybe the wine she had drank earlier when she was alone… But she did it and that was all that mattered. She leaned forward and captured Triss's lips with her own.

The scent of Triss's perfume entered her nose. It was the smell of cherry's, and it entwined with Yennefer her lilac and gooseberry perfume. Softly their lips explored each other, for the very first time. She was kissing Triss Merigold, the sorceress she had hated for years.

Triss went along with it, she probably assumed it was still part of Yennefer her plan. The moaning sounds that Geralt made, seeing the two woman kiss had clearly turned him on, made their lips break contact. They turned their attention back to the witcher laying on his back. He was clearly having the time of his life. "Shackle time." She send to Triss, being careful not to let her in about the thoughts she just had. The thoughts during the kiss.

They each grabbed one of his hands, and locked them in the shackles. It was done. Geralt of Rivia, the famous witcher, the white wolf, the butcher of Blaviken… Was tied to the bed wearing nothing but his underwear. The two ladies got off the bed and walked to the table where the wine he had brought along was waiting to be consumed.

Yennefer grabbed the bottle and started pouring the wine into the two silver goblets that Triss had put their earlier. Geralt looked at them with a pouty face. "What about me? Don't I get any?" he asked. The two sorceresses both looked him in the eyes. "You…" Yen said. "…just got exactly what you deserve." The women tapped their glasses in victory and took a sip from the wine. Yennefer had to admit that it was good wine indeed.

It was only now that Geralt seemed to notice something was wrong. "Hey! This isn't funny!" he growled. Yen and Triss put their cups down and walked towards the door, completely ignoring the witcher. "Come back!" he yelled. They didn't. "Triss! Yen!"

He tried getting out of the shackles, which was a lost case. Frustrated he floundered with his legs, which was a extremely funny sight. He looked like a fish who was thrown onto dry land.

Just before they opened the door, Yennefer snapped her fingers once more, and as a result she and Triss were completely dressed again. They closed the door and left Geralt the Fish behind them.