Second Generation Nouveau?

Walking away from the high school students, Izumi was wondering since he never interact with Kyouko Hori who was his girlfriend in the anime, he thought may be they won't end up together this time.

He was almost sure it'd be different since he dropped out from the school because of family affairs and had no plan to study any further. He even recieved letter from the school asking if he changed his mind.

He didn't think twice and burn it immediately.

Tell me, why would he waste his time doing something that he already knows? He still remembered everything he studied in his last life... Going by his World standards, he could probably make the best teachers bow down to him and revered him as 'The Father Of Teaching', if he decides to become a teacher.

So he discard the idea of studying again from his mind.

Why his?..hehe..Because another interesting thing happened.

Yes, he had already fully accepted his identity as Izumi Miyamura. Since the previous owner was a weakling who never complained or retaliated whenever bullied. From what he learnt watching the memories, how he was always bullied at school because of his introvert nature. And this was the one of the reason that lead him to etched a tattoo on his left arm. Now that, he was here, he won't just stand and do nothing when someone provokes him, rather he'd return them two folds of what he received.

(Tattoo design will be reveal later.....Have some patience)


After roaming for a while Izumi arrived and saw a quite big building. He had to praise the owner who built this building in the middle of the city. He knew that the price of the land here weren't cheap. He entered the building and walked towards the corner, where the receptionists desk was, admiring its interior design.

"What can I help you with?" The female receptionist asked as she looked very eager to serve Izumi. After all he was the most handsome young man she had ever seen and she could tell that his body was packed with muscles from his collar bone.

"I had sent an appointment for meeting yesterday and was told to come here for further discussion about my Novel." Ignoring her gaze Izumi speaks. He never like any girl who would flirt with him just for his face and if someone more handsome than him appeared in future, won't they start crushing after him.

"Yes, please wait for a minute. I'm calling for permission. And please state your name."

The female receptionist was bit disappointed that the young man didn't responded to her charm but quickly shake her head and return to her professional mood since she is an expert at this.

All in all, every female or even male receptionist are experts in flirting since their works and promotions depends on how good they interact with people. So, it was not weird for her to change suddenly.

Izumi wrote down his name on a paper and the receptionist took it over.

Izumi didn't had to wait for long, as a beautiful young woman in her late 20s walked towards his direction. She had blonde long hair in twin braids, grey suit and petty body. Somehow, she looked exhausted and even eager to meet him but in Izumi's eyes she looks very cute.

"Are you the one called Izumi Miyamura who sent a clip of your novel?" She asked with a erratic voice and had to admit that the young man was very handsome.

(Pic Here)

"Yes! I want to try and submit my novel here if possible." Izumi said patiently.

"Okay, please come with me and I'll take you to the Editor in Chief, since she wants to meet you. Is that fine with you?." She asked unsurely.

After seeing the nod, she gestured him to follow her.

They went inside a lift. And the silence made him uncomfortable so he started a conversation.

"Ahem, you didn't tell me your name since you know mine and it would be rude for me not knowing your name?" Izumi asked causing the girl to become embarrassed since she had forgot to introduced herself.

Clearing her throat, she introduced herself properly.


"That's right how can I forget. My name is Otosuna Mihari. I'm a new editor of Weekly Shonen and secretary of Chief Editor." She said with a smile however Izumi was looking at her with a strange expression.

"Wh-hat?" She felt uncomfortable from his stare.

"Why did you said your profession? You know that if I was a bad man I would have probably manipulated you to take over the company since you're the secretary that have many rights to company's secrets." Izumi nonsense his way, but he was right if he decided to seduced her then she won't be able to resist and would fall on the hands of a beast.

(A/N: I know it may sounds illogical but I wanted to write this because it's funny..)

She was what you called naive and pure girl and was easy to manipulate.

And what she and Izumi didn't know that all of this was a test planned by a legal loli.


Minano who was watching this from her monitor smiled after hearing Izumi explanation. She knew her secretary personality very well and sometimes used her to get to know his other editors or author if they had any bad intentions towards her and her company. Even though, she felt bad.

She did same with Izumi but didn't expected the result would be different from what she imagined.


Because most of the people would like to know Otosuna better after hearing she was her secretary. But it was first time someone corrected her mistake and even reminded her not to blurted out her profession to anyone who she met for first time.

And how she knows that Otosuna would introduced at lift and not at first meeting because she knew everytime she would be too hyped to forget her introduction at first meeting. And her guess was accurate again.

She was worried that Izumi might be some Second Generation young master born with Silver or Golden Spoon, whatever... that probably wanted to play around, but after reading the content of his story she was relieved and after seeing him reprimand her secretary, she was sure that this boy might be different from what she imagined. But she agreed with one thing.

He was too handsome and was sure, that not many women could resist his charm if he decide to become a beast.


Otosuna was shocked and didn't thought anything like that before. She then remembers that everytime she introduced herself to some they would talked to her like they knew her for long time and always found it weird.

"I..I." She don't know what to say as her words stuck inside and before she could speak.

"We're here." Izumi said as the lift stopped and the door suddenly opened revealing platform as they arrived at their destination causing Otosuna to nod and guide him, without wasting any time two of them walked towards a room with big door since there was only one room in that particular floor, subconsciously she forget about the earlier incident.


When Izumi entered inside the room, he was shocked beyond core from what he saw which made his eyes almost popped by widening to its limit.


(A/N: So, how was the Wuxia and XianXia mixed cliche's line?.....Well, whenever I read those novels this kind of lines should be present everywhere....So I thought 'Why not give it a try??)

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