Contract and Rewards

Arriving inside, Izumi saw something that he could probably only imagined but never thought it'd come true. This caused him to open his eyes to its fullest and his jaw was already touching the floor (Inner Izumi) even though for the first time he saw a loli and it was legal at that.

A little girl with short green hair wearing white t-shirt, sitting on a chair that would too big for her. She was looking at him with usual her expressionless face, no one knew what was going on inside her mind.

( Another Pic here )

However, there was no change in his expression could be seen.. His expression was same as any normal person... atleast on the outside.

'Well, she's small and I shouldn't have expected to meet her even though I had a hunch that she is the chief.' Izumi was startled but quickly came to his sense.

He knew she was from the anime 'Mangaka-san to Assistant-san'. She was quite perverted and expressionless. Even though she was legal loli, she was too small for him. He might be perverted but not a loli-con and definitely wouldn't want to be caught by FBI for corrupting a minor.

"Hmm, did you just think something rude about me?" The chief editor spoke as she felt he must be thinking something rude about her.

Izumi was sweat dropped wondering whether the so-called woman instincts was at work. It scared him a little,..alas...women really have a Semi-OP ability.

"It doesn't not matter since you're here, why don't you show me your book?" Minano was actually quite surprised that someone didn't doubt her after seeing her.

There were many times people didn't believe that she was the chief editor of Weekly Shonen and thought her of someone's child. It vexed her sometimes but she was used to it.

She had a good impression on Izumi when he didn't show any surprised expression seeing her.

If she only knew what he was thinking, then she would have immediately thrown him out and then it could have caused problem for both of them.

For Minano, her company would continued to declined and on the hand, Izumi would lose his little brother. Since, she didn't know, everything is going to end on a happy note.

"Here." Izumi gave his book to Minano, she started reading it immediately. He asked Mihari, the name of the Chief Editor even though he knew from his past life but it'd be strange if he know her name suddenly, since it was first time they met, he had to act like confused.

"Her name is Minano Matome." Izumi nodded and waited for Minano response.

He kept waiting until Minano spoke with serious tone.

"Please publish your novel in our company."

"Well, that's the plan after all. I would be happy if you could make the copies as fast as possible." Izumi said since he wanted to complete the quest given by the system but looked like he was worried for nothing.

[ Ding!! Quest Complete. ]

[ Since Host have already submitted the novel at Weekly Shonen, it's only matter of time before the book goes worldwide. ]

[ Rewards: Uzumaki Bloodline, Cooking mastery and Weapons mastery.]

[ For Merging Uzumaki Bloodline, Host need to endure pain for 2 hours. Recommended you to start the process when at home. ]

[ And Please don't forget to check Beginner Package.]

'What? It seems the system is a seer. Beginner Package huh? Fueh! Atleast my little brother got save.' Izumi felt relief inside ever since he got the quest he had been working nonstop. So it made him relief that he got saved and could have childrens in future.

"Hmmm, we'll try our best and don't worry we'll give you an appropriate contract." Minano said as both Izumi and her start discuss leaving a clueless Mihari who couldn't understand what was going on.

Izumi was surprised when he heard he would get 20% royalty since mostly newcomers get 10 or minimum %. So him getting double of that made him little surprised.

"Really? Are you sure?" Izumi asked just to make sure.

"Yes, I'm sure that this book has potentials to become popular and we can increase it in the future. I hope you can write and publish the rest of the volume." Minano said sincerely.

She understood Izumi's potential just from reading a Vol. It won't be surprising if he suddenly got offers from other country since good terms of entertainment knowledge were very few.

Izumi knew this but he wanted to create a good foundation in Japan first then think about overseas later.

But he didn't expect that Minano would be so shrewd and generous towards him for their company future. But still he agreed, he had no problem at that what he needed right now is money and was sure this novel would be popular in no time.

How can you be so sure about it?...Umm, Imagine yourself living in a world devoid of any good entertainment systems except for a few movies, animes or comics and manga or novel. And this is where, Izumi' One Piece come in.

(A/N: Of course not, its belong to the original Author....but it's my Fanfic ya sad feelings.)

His book is bigger and better version of the pirate movie they had watched and contains many big plots. So it'll definitely arise people's interest to read it, and gradually increasing the numbers... eventually, causing the book to be known around.....It may be take a month or even weeks but it still depend on choice of the readers..


After some talks, Izumi was satisfied with money and signed the contract to publish 'One Piece' in Weekly Shonen Jump.

Both Izumi and Minano shake their hand and with a smile, said..

"Happy Collaboration!"


Izumi was resting on his bed with his eyes focused on the blue screen appeared as he opened the Beginner Package.

[ Beginner Package Reward (One time).

1 Summoning Ticket; Can summon any characters from anime, mangas, etc. One time offer and mixing of both genders, animals & birds including the historical figures. Summon will help and travel with host to other worlds unlike any other. ]

"Oh? Does that means I cannot summons whoever I like? Damn this system, even said male and animals.., What the Shit!! As if I would ever want to summon a male. Let's check out the Bloodline for now." Izumi was, of course happy to get a summon but he hope that Goddess of Luck didn't abandoned him and heard his pleas to have a female Summoning partner.

He opened the rewards and clicked at the Bloodline and a white light surrounded him, he braced himself for any possible pain.




'Ha? Nothing is happening! Did the stupid system played me fool or it wa-...'


Suddenly, he felt an excruciating pain all over his body and it only kept worsening as time goes on.

"Shit! Grrh...*Haf*Haf*...This system is clearly fucking with me." Izumi said as his eyes become red from all those pain. It was like thousands of needless pinching him at the same time. He was barely holding on, it had been already an hour and 55 minutes had passed with only five minutes left.




Izumi was obviously breathing heavily as he felt change in his body which becomes more energized. His height had increased, his sense and hearing enhanced rapidly and lastly his muscles were more flexed. All in all, he become more handsome than before.

However, will the system forgave him easily for insulting it...That's a big no!

A great deals of information rushed inside his mind making him held his head while cursing again loudly, luckily no one heard him since everyone were sleeping and if they heard, mothers would cover their child's ear and fathers would rush here to find the bastard who was shouting such third-rate words.

"You damn system! F&+@#₹₹&₹...So&_₹₹@___...." Izumi couldn't resist anymore and passed out. Not before wasting his remaining will power on cursing, of course.








[ Moral of the Story: Never poke a sleeping lion.]


(A/N : Please vote in the previous chapter if you haven't as the deadline is approaching... Since, 24 hours was the given time..




And Readers!! I really need your help, I don't know the awakening process of Kongo Fusa and how to use it battle?

Only uses I know are, Binding the enemies or supressed a Bijju and barrier strengthening... So please tell me if it have any killing attacks..

Curses!! I blame the author of Naruto...He didn't even explained the full uses of these chains....

Please give me some hints.... I'll be grateful if you could help me even a little would suffice..


Come to my discord channel and ask away questions..

Here's the link.