Grayfia Lucifuge

A/N: I already told you that I'm inexperienced in writing so there's bound to be some plot holes.... please give me time eventually I'll improve..


"Where am I?"

The woman was confused as the scenary were unfamiliar to her then her gaze landed on Izumi who was watching her. She felt something from the boy and it made her comfortable, but she didn't let her guard down.

As for Izumi, he didn't say anything as he was waiting for her to clear her mind.

It was not a normal reaction after all. She was just transported here without her consent and she was not nervous, only confused, either she was confident or something must have happened.

Izumi also noticed this, but chose to stay silent.

He shuddered from her icy glare then something clicked inside his mind which made him realize that this woman had a lover in her world, who was known as the strongest devil.

'What kind of bullshit luck is this?' He cursed under his breath.

He is not into NTR'D others forcefully....okay!!

"Are you Grayfia Lufig-"

Before he could finish, dozens of ice spikes materialized and aimed at him.

"Why is the Demonic Power so weak here? This is not underworld neither the Human World.. Human! Tell me where am I?" She grabbed Izumi collar and shook him.

"Stop, Stop.... I'll explain." Izumi freed himself from her grasp by gripping her soft hands which surprised her a little as no human could freely move themselves from her hold.

But this man...

Izumi sighed then looked at the woman who was known as strongest queen of the underworld and the wife of the strongest devil, Sirzechs Lucifer.

Yes, he summoned Grayfia Lucifuge.

Grayfia calmed down a little and closed her eyes for some seconds.

"Believe it or not. You're in different world."

Grayfia bluntly ignored his serious confession and started looking around. From below to window to clothing and even his clothes.... he wouldn't be too surprised if she suddenly pulled down his pant to check.

Izumi gave up and sat down waiting for her inspection to finish.

Few minutes later, Grayfia was looking at him sharply, Izumi understood the meaning but feigned ignorance.

"What are you trying to find anyway?"

"The device you're using to record this." She answered with a stoic face.

Is this the same Grayfia who fought on par with Gods?

'This is not prank for fuck sake.'

Izumi dragged her to his bedroom and closed the windows and double checked the door lock, since he didn't want anyone to eavesdropping at this conversation.

"I don't know what happened to you. I used Summoning Ticket and you arrived here." Izumi stated without beating around the bush, not mentioning anything about the system.




"I see! I was running suddenly a portal appeared, sucked me in. It felt like someone forcefully Summoning me. I guess it has something to do with you." After taking a breath, Grayfia replied.

She already knew because someone told her that her destiny lies elsewhere and the portal would guide her to her destined person, she won't be telling him that after all....and needed to keep her act... It was a word between her and the voice.

You must be confused how could she believed the words of some random voice? Yes, she did as she couldn't detected any lies which mean only two things, either the voice was telling truth or the person who said was stronger than her...

And obviously she was leaning towards the former because if the person was stronger than her then he/she could have killed her...and be done with it. And something inside told her it's okay to trust the voice...

And what she did previously was clearly her acting.

"Oh! Are you nervous or angry???? You know since I forcefully bring you here, you must be missing your family or friends from your world." Izumi found it really weird for her to accepted everything easily, so he questioned.

"I...I don't have a family. They were killed during the war and I was hunted because of I'm the last remnants of Lucifuge bloodline and for the crime I haven't committed. They branded me as a traitor and wanted to capture me to escape their punishment. Those council men made me scapegoat when their crimes came to light. I have one friend but...I don't want her to involved in the chaos..."

Grayfia expression become pale and tears rolled from her eyes as spoke about her life.

Izumi hugged her immediately since he was same as her who had no one so he could understand her suffering. Grayfia was startled at first then melted into his hug because it was first time someone hugged her except her parents. She clearly knew Izumi reaction was geniune since she could smelled it...if not Izumi would have frozen by her.

Devils have great sense of smell.... after all.

Izumi was confused after hearing her parts. Since he knew her story very well...So he thought something must have changed...Or She must be from Alternative Universe.


Orginal story of Grayfia...

Grayfia's mother died from an illness. Her father died in a civil war, between Original Satan Faction and Anti-Satan faction. Grayfia fought for Orginal Satan and during the war she fell in love with the leader of Anti-Satan Faction, Sirzechs Gremory which made her change sides. In the end, Anti-Satan won, but Grayfia was ordered to be executed because she was the daughter of the vassal of Orginal Satans. Everything was avoided due to Sirzechs involvement, she was freed but on one condition to become the queen of they won't feared her betrayal.

Furthermore, She had super maid fetish which she took after her mother who was a maid and at the same time a devoted wife...

According to her, being maid is like totally dedicated to her master in every sense.


Both of them parted, Izumi asked her some questions and understood that nothing changed except she never met Sirzechs and never betrayed the Original Satan Faction. Her father told her to hide at the last moment but she was found out and made scapegoat by old fossils who wanted to save themselves from being executed. They shifted all thier blame on Grayfia since she was an enemy and no one would believe her..... In that case, they could kill two birds with one stone.

'No matter where. We live in a culture of blame. People will blame anyone or anything for their misery sooner than take the responsibility to own it and make it better.' Izumi remembered his teacher words from his past life..

"Stay here Grayfia. I live alone and would probably buy a house later. You can live with me and I'm sorry I don't know a way for you to go back. I'm really sorry."

Izumi bowed down his head for the second time in his life since he made a mistake thinking everything as a game to this point.

Grayfia was stunned by his action but felt warm for the first time in a while.

"Don't worry, even if there was way to go back I wouldn't go anyway. And I accept your goodwill so, take care of me from now on." Grayfia stood up and bowed.

[ Days Passed ]









Thus marked the beginning of the harem story.

Let's wait and see how, Izumi Miyamura brings endless joy and adventure while enjoying the warmth of his wives and family.

Hope you all like it!


(A/N: I know many wouldn't like the way Grayfia let a stranger she met just ago hugged her... and you're right but she could sensed the opposite party intentions and found out Izumi didn't had any bad so she accepted his hug... also it was first time any male hugged her out of pure intentions usually they lusted after her body...So seeing someone does this genuinely made her warm.... You could call this... Love At First Sight.....I of course noticed that many Author sometimes forgot the first year....but mine would be different..)

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