Meeting Landlord...

A/N: Guys check the 'Dictatorship leader' below, history in commenting against many Authors and he was the reason why many Authors are quitting halfway..... Go show him who's the boss. He is one of those 'Sages' who are spreading hates all over the internet... When I gave him taste of his own medicine,.. He blew up... Check his comments section. He was spewing insults to each and every story he came across..... You could this type of people were the reason I stopped my last Fanfic.. If he used victim card, I'll use Author card.... I mean he's spamming me hate and demands to change the story and expect me lick his shoes..... then used other readers doing this and that... I tried to ignore but this one is really getting on my nerves..

(Pic Here 1) Outburst

(Pic Here 2) My reply

Ohhh, I had forgot about the important part, to be honest .... Our party was postponed to tomorrow..... So I could only post one chapter Tomorrow due to that.

Hope you all like this one!!


Arriving at a fairly decent sized house, Izumi signalled Grayfia to come out and walked besides him. But he didn't expect her to wore the maid outfit.

When did she changed? That was something he could never find out.

Sometimes, he wondered whether everyone from Lucifuge family had maid fetish like her but a sudden pinch woke him up from his imaginations.


"You were thinking something rude about me, didn't you Master?" Grayfia asked with a scary face making Izumi sweat, he shook his head nervously and said.

"Of course not, I was thinking that you look very beautiful." Izumi complimented her but he was sure next time he won't be lucky.

If the female instincts was always this great then I'd be in trouble in future since Grayfia was a devil. Her instincts must be better than humans. Every devils had keen sense of smell and sense.

Izumi swore that he saw Grayfia still didn't believe him.

'I must not unnecessarily provoke any opposite sex in future if not I would definitely land myself in deep trouble.' He noted inside his mind.

Unknown to him, what he said, likely the opposite would happen..

Izumi took a breath since it was first time in a while he come here while Grayfia rang the bell and stood behind Izumi, waited for someone to come..luckily they didn't need to wait for long as a footsteps was heard from other side.



Opening the door, the woman was shocked to see Izumi and didn't even notice Grayfia.

Miko Kasumigaoka, the mother of Utaha Kasumigaoka. She looks bigger version of Utaha but with kind look on her face unlike Utaha's usual fierce looks.

She was wearing a cooking apron on top her clothes.

Waking up from her shock, she said.

"Come inside Izumi-kun. It's been a while since I saw you." She then noticed someone standing behind him.

"Hi, Aunty she's my maid. My mother assigned her to look after me if something happened to her....and due to some circumstances she arrived little late. Her name is Grayfia Lucifuge." Izumi introduced Grayfia with a fake story not to raise suspicions.

His bullshitness was there from the beginning.

"Ara Ara, I see. Then I am thankful to you for looking after him." Miko nodded happily and thanked her.

"There's no need Miko-sama. It is my duty to look after Izumi-sama." Grayfia bowed like a typical maid bow while kept her hands clasped.

Izumi who was on the sidelines, was smiling and praising himself for his luck to get such a beautiful maid like Grayfia but shuddered when her gazed landed on him.

"Izumi Sama, you can't grinned like that infront of guest. It's bad manner." She reprimanded him.

"I...I..." His words got stuck as he doesn't know what to say.

If he compliment her, Aunty would misunderstood their relationship and teased them.. If he divert the topic Grayfia would begin her lecture so, he chose the best remaining option.

He stayed quiet.

Miko was laughing watching their interactions with her hands on her mouth and keep saying.

"Ara Ara...."


Izumi sat on a huge couch with Grayfia standing behind him, facing a man between 35 to 40 age, who was reading newspaper.

Satoru Kasumigaoka was a journalist and quite successful at that. He had been offered for CEO position but refused since he doesn't want to cut down his times with his family.

"Are you sure about moving Izumi? How did you get money to buy house?" Miko asked worriedly.

"Hahahaha, no need to worry about me Aunty, I am not a kid anymore. I have sufficient money I got from writing novel." Izumi waved his hands with a laugh while speaking. Got another scolding from a certain maid.

"You can't speak like that, Izumi-sama. I'm sorry for his manners." Grayfia hung her head down for forgiveness like a dutiful maid.

"Come on, Fia-chan it was just like habit." He smiled but in return he received a deadly stare.

"In the end, it's your decision so we're not going to push the matter any further, but remember if you need anything you can rely on us." Satoru finally spoke closing the newspaper, he continued on looking at Grayfia.

"You're his caretaker right? If yes, then please look after him carefully as his parents were pretty much respected. So stop him from doing anything that'll sully their names." He said to Grayfia who nodded.

'Damn, Is this how everyone see me? I'm pretty much ruined if it becomes true.' Izumi cursed inwardly.

Miko questioned that had been bothering her when she heard he got money from writing a novel.

"Izumi. Can you tell which book you're currently writing?" She had a hunch but hearing from him would be better.

"Oh? It's 'One Piece'."

"What!!" Both couple stood up in shock.

They couldn't believe their ears, you're saying that the boy sitting infront of them was the one who wrote a masterpiece....not him of course he stole it...

"What with that reaction? Huh!" Izumi twitched his lips.

He was crying inside because no one believed or had any trust on him anymore.

"Wait? I remember The Author name was Miyamura. That was you?" Satoru spoke in disbelief to which Izumi nodded.

He immediately ran inside and come with a book.

"Please sign this, Miyamura Sensei." Looking at his uncle who was looking at him with star in his eyes, he felt weird.

"Okay Okay. Just stop looking at me like that. People will misunderstand." Izumi sign the book and stood as he spent enough time here.

"Why don't you stay and eat with us today?" Miko proposed.

"I'm sorry Uncle and Aunty but I have to go since it's already past time for my working time... Yesterday I got few requests for workers and didn't had the time to properly check it... So, I'll definitely come another day." Izumi said and was about to leave suddenly remember the other reason he came for.

"Sorry Sorry, I forgot to mention that I'm moving 'this' weekend..... so I am keeping this for time being and I'll return the key afterwards." Izumi added with embarrassment, after recieving their permission he quickly left saying goodbye.

Grayfia followed after him, but not before bowing respectfully towards the Kasumigaoka couple.

"Please forgive my master for his inconsiderate behaviour!" Saying this she left.


Staring at the door, Miko held her husband's hand.

"Who would have ever thought that Iori's death changed him this much. I guess it was good that he jumped back from his depression and trying to move forward."

"I was thinking the same, haha, it's good to be young. Furthermore, something telling me that he will bring great change to the world." Satoru blurted out then thought as a joke.

What he didn't know that his words will definitely come true in future. But whether it's good or bad, no one could tell.

A/N: Hehehe... I can.

Both of them went to their room, without noticing that someone was spying all this time and listened all their conversation from the beginning, with Grayfia as an exception.

She takes her work vigorously. Her job was to protect and look after her master's well-being therefore, she noticed that someone was eavesdropping their conversation, but didn't brought it out because whoever it was didn't had any malicious intent.










Now Now, My Bois! Why don't you try & figure it out?

Who was the lucky thief??


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