Little Brother

He opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings, a bad smells assaulted him which he immediately recognised.


He stood up and ran towards the bathroom holding his mouth..


He washed his face after letting out everything, he was shocked at his reflection when he looked at the mirror.

He saw a handsome young man about 15 or 16 years, quite surprising that he became young again.... however that was not the problem.

(For pic... please go the profile comments)

He clearly knew this face. How could he not? He had a hobby that no one knew.

He was an otaku!!

Every successful person had some strange hobby!!

He had long black loose hair, blue eyes and tattooed body...

"What the hell? Hadn't I died? Then how come I am here? And what's with this body, and this big tattoo, its not mine!!!" He screamed while checking all over his body.

He looked exactly like the main character of Hori-san to Miyamura-kun.

Yes, he was reincarnated into the body of Izumi Miyamura.

He knew that Izumi Miyamura was a fucking piercer, who had pierced his mouth and left ears because of bullying he had suffered.

He sighed in relief knowing that there's no sign of piercings, only a big tattoo that goes over his left shoulder but he had a different tattoo which somewhat confused him and its resembled someone who had this similar tattoo, someone he knew from his previous world.

'Did I reincarnated into his body? But how? From what I remember, there should be nothing wrong with the main character and never drank in the anime or manga as he's mother always scolded him. Are the plots changing?.' He thought.

Suddenly, he fell on his knees holding his head in pain as memories kept flooding caused him to lose his consciousness.

Half an hour later, he woke up and let out a painful groaned.


"I see. This is definitely different from I know. Hmmm,..."

Izumi Miyamura formerly known as Izumi Nakiri from father side. He had a happy childhood with loving parents but everything changed when his father died(will be explained later) after, the family of three were thrown out from Nakiri clan. He lived here with his mother and changed his last name to Miyamura as it was his mother last name before she married.

He works in his family's bakery, Iori. One day, his mother fell ill due to some strange disease. He dropped out from his school to work to get more money for his mother's treatment but never in her dreams he expected his last supporting pillar to leave him alone. Depressed at his mother death, he drowned himself in alcohol and died because of he couldn't withstand these pressure of all this.

Died by depression!!

"I see, both of us are same..huh! Is God enjoying watching me like this? I wanted to reborn with some powers but I won't feel weak like that but got different result. Being born in a body of normal human with no sorts of power whatsoever."

Why us?!" Izumi could not help but cried out..

He was descended from the India but he lived in Indonesia and spoke in Japanese. He understood these 3 languages clearly with average English. He never cooked as he had chiefs who did the works.

(A/N: His mother was an Indian...His last life.)

He was an otaku, but he didn't think his Japanese would be this good. What's with this situation?

He thought about it and could only conclude it was a reward from the AnimeVerse. He was reincarnated into an anime world after all, and it would be difficult for him if he didn't know any Japanese.

[ Intializing proces....





Procession complete. ]

"What!!" He was startled by the sudden sound inside his head.

Hearing it, he become surprised and let his imagination ran amok thinking that he got a Overpowered system or something like that.

But the truth hits his face hard.

[Welcome to the new world of wonders.

Explaining to the Host.

Please don't get your imagination run wild as the system don't have what you're imagining. This is your everyday normal system which will only give quest and rewards after completions of quest. Depending on the situation, rewards may be good or bad that cannot be categorised...As the system will not be responsible if anything happen to the user during the quest. Meantime please check your current quest.]

[ As world is very hazy devoid of any good mangas or novels, entertainments and if this goes on then the people residing would become lazy and die because of stressed or over work because they're not many entertainment available.]

[ QUEST: Write a novel or manga and spread it within your world. Even single volume would be appreciated.

Time limit: 1 week starting now.

Failure: If you don't create a manga, your little brother will become dysfunctional and you won't be able to create a descendant. You will both become depressed and kill yourselves. Please, try to complete this quest as soon as possible or You'll lose your little brother and you're sure what I'm talking about.

Rewards: Uzumaki Bloodline, cooking mastery and weapons mastery. ]

He was about to refused but those words stucked inside his mouth when he saw the punishment.

He very well knew what this cursed system talking about.

He even remembered his parents promised from his last life and he was sure he'd marry in this life but if he lost his little brother...

His little brother!

His dragon!

He'd rather die again but would never sacrificed his most precious thing.

He couldn't help but shuddered.

He wanted to scream at how unfair this system was. He didn't care about Manga, but he did care about dying again without realising his dream.

He couldn't believe that he would lose his little brother if he couldn't make a manga within two week. He needed to begin drawing manga as soon as possible, but he noticed a small problem.

'I can't draw Manga, so novel is obvious choice!'

'Well, I should thank it for giving me options, I could write novel instead.'

He sat on the floor, shook his head and got rid of his meaningless thoughts and started to think about his deal as remembered these after when memories were rushing back.


In the darkness, he was given two choices from what he assumed was God. He could go on to the after-life or reincarnate into a new life. God told him that he would have to reincarnate into an anime world as he could not reincarnate back into his earth.

He even asked of his deceased family but reply stunned him and made him happy.

"No need to worry, your parents are already reborn and your little brother would be born to a beautiful family and will lead a good life, but you may born without parents."

He didn't care whether he had parents or not, his only regret was that he couldn't saved his family, now he had need to worry anymore and going to fulfilled his parent's wishes along with his.

He didn't have to think much and quickly chose to be reincarnated, he was a fan of anime, manga, and other novels, and he was also quite familiar with stories of reincarnation.

He wondered if he would get a cheat or a system that would help him in this life.

Thankfully he got a system.

Even though the penalty was harsh, not everything was bad after all the rewards were goods.

He nodded in satisfaction when he thought of it.


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