Forgotten 'Main' Protagonist Lifestyle

Meanwhile somewhere inside the labyrinth..

Two people were walking with tattered and ragged clothes..... exactly looking like what you call 'Garibb' in Hindi.

One of them was young boy with one arm, one eye and white hair with not so perfect body. He was a perfect replica of one eyed Cyclops. Other was a beautiful wavy golden blonde hair girl with crimson red eyes, and a porcelain complexion....The problem was the difference in the appearance of the girl ....well, umm..she was a bonafide loli....or legal loli that radiates mature vibes around her.

(A/N: This AU... So I made him lost his hand and an eye, before the Hydra incident. Check my review section to find answer.)

No pedos here!!...Are you really not?...Hmm, can't trust you since I have seen fair share of pedophile and the Main Antagonist of the current world was the purfect example of it..

Gotta call FBI..





Sorry for getting carried away, ....ahem, where I was.... here.


"How long we will walk? Where is the damn door to the last level?" The boy impatiently shouted.

"You asked me and who I'll ask." The girl rolled her eyes at him...then a mischievous glint appeared in her eyes. She immediately jumped on his back and sunk her two pointed teeth at boy's neck.....

She become pretty obvious after her good display....Only Vampires does that what she did which clearly indicated that the girl must be a Pureblood Vampire....

Why Pureblood? Because only Pureblood Vampire had pale white skin..

"Ngh!" The boy groaned at the sudden development.

The boy sighed at her unexpected antics...He understand that she never came in contact with anyone in the abyss and their first meeting was kinda awkward...Most of the times, her actions invoked his lust but he held it in..

He is a man and the girl with 12 year old appearance though her actual age far differs from it. It didn't help the fact as her looks are more charming for a virgin like him... Anyone in his place would have been bewitched by her, it was troublesome. Still there were inside the dungeon and the tension helped him bear it. When they returned to the surface, he didn't have much confidence in resisting her advances with her adult mode. There may not be the meaning to impart…

" taste good as usual." The girl spoke licking the blood on her lips...

"Don't say something that may led others to misunderstand, Yue." Hajime shouted without looking, he knew if he looked back he couldn't control his lust anymore and that worried him head to toe...

He was afraid!

He was afraid, afraid that FBI may popped up any moment if he do that...Even though she was still older than him her appearance make it looks otherwise....He read it somewhere that no matter where if you ever sunk your claws on minor then FBI would hunt you to the end of the world.

Yes..The two people were, the anti-hero protagonist Hajime Nagumo and the other was Atavist whom Pedophile Ehito wanted, Yue. It was her new name given by the person that is her light...She discarded her old name because she hates it.

(Pic Here 1)

(Pic Here 2)

"Hey, Hajime! Are you still not going to take revenge for the betrayal?" Yue questioned, still on his back with her arms around his neck.

He stiffened a various memories flooded inside his mind....

(Days back....)


Before the summoning,

Hajime was originally a weak and average human with a timid and tolerant personality, but with an extremely kind and gentle heart.. Because of these he was often bullied by his peers.



After, he along with others were summoned to this world without their consent and the ones who summoned them, told them that they're chosen sacri-*cough* Heroes....He never believed those white beared old mans....And his skill was Synergist which is totally useless in battling. Due to this he again ridiculed by the others..But one girl support him and promised to protect him, in turn it arose jealously from those who had crush on the particular girl...

During one expedition, he saved his classmates by distracting a behemoth, however he was betrayed by someone who he knew.. causing him to fell in the abyss. He lost an arm and an eye but his desired to live was so strong that he used his useless ability to kill monsters and ate them... gaining new abilities..

At first, he was very hesitant but slowly it fades away since his hunger grew by each second. At one time, he encountered a certain vampire who was chained, without a second he decided to leave not responding to her pleas but stopped after he learnt that she was betrayed by her own family because of her power..He freed her out of sympathy and even gave her a new name.

(A/N: I can only explained this much,..if not to your satisfaction, then go and check the plot at wiki..)


After taking a breath, he shook his head and stated firmly.

"Even I wanted to do that, I won't...Now I have one goal that is how to find a way to go home and whoever stand between it..would be my enemy even if they're my former classmates..." At the end of sentence his eyes glowed in hostility.

"Don't worry, you're not alone.... I'll be with you.. always." Yue nodded happily since he had already told her he'd take her with him.

"Hmm, anyways are those stairs?" Yue pointed her hand at one particular direction.

Hajime followed her finger and saw rocky staircase, without a second thought he went there and it let them down.

They stumbled upon a very large space supported by pillars. Most eye catching was

Each pillars were 5m in diameter, and had spiral designs with vine patterns engraved onto them. There was about 30m to the ceiling. Unlike the usual rough ground in the dungeon, this place had beautiful flat ground, and the room gave off a solemn atmosphere.

He stepped into the room while admiring it,, but same couldn't be said for the loli vampire.

Yue tightened her hold.

"Hajime, I having a bad feeling about this."

Before he could reply, the door closed and pillars started to shine, this got them regain their caution. Yue immediately come down and prepared for any traps or attacks.

"You're right..There is something here..I could feel it. Let's move forward carefully." Hajime become vigilant and slowly advanced since nothing happened after that.

After waking they found a dead end ahead. No, not a dead end, but a huge door. The double door was 10m tall and had extravagant sculptures engraved onto it. Particularly, some of the patterns drawn were the same as the ones on top of the octagon system.

"This looks amazing. By any chance…"

"Abode of Traitors?"

Hajime immediately understood that this room was the last boss, his instincts were warning him, same goes for Yue.

When he took one step, a huge magic formation activated about 30m wide. Hajime recognised this magic.

He could never forget it, since it was the same magic that triggered causing him fall in the abyss. Compared to the magic formation from last time, this was 3 times larger than that, a lot more complex and detailed.

"This size..Yue be prepared...This must be the last boss means we're at last level. This might be little harder." Hajime raised a flag without knowing.

Yue tugged his arm with determined expression on her face.

As the light shine brighter causing them to help up their arms to prevent light from blinding them. When the light disappeared, a huge roar sounded vibrate the whole room.



(A/N: Stable update from now on as usual, since my exams are over..... No Yue in the harem... Honestly, I don't want to full NTR'd Hajime as he was one of my Favourite MC regardless of my hate for him... It'll leave bad taste in my mouth if I did that.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Drop some reviews and few stones.....

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