Grayfia's Race Origin..

(A/N: My shamelessness got better of me, so I changed every events from the Original DxD and added a 'little' bit of my bullshitness while explaining.... Sorry if you're a die hard DXD male lover... cause I'm not.

Hope you enjoy my shamelessness!

Honestly this site server is freaking broken... I mean sometimes it's showing more than 920k views, sometimes 867k views .... Half of the vews got stuck and same for power stones.. Dunno what's going on anyways... Please help me to understand this, through which I may find a way out🙏..

(1280 words.. excluding this.)


'Devil? Not Demon?' Yue was confused by Tio's word and doesn't know what a Devil is and same could be said for Tio though she got to knew Grayfia before but she never asked her race's origin.

Well, ..Why I am not surprised! This world's inhabitants are only chess pieces. And their common sense are bit backward. Of course they won't know about Devils when they doesn't exists here..... Thought Grayfia amusedly.

"Can you tell us, What is a Devil? Sorry if that sounds rude.....It's just we have no knowledge about anything called Devil nor we ever heard of it..." Yue finally gave in to her curiosity and asked Grayfia.

"No, No. I understand. Have you ever heard about Angels?" Both Tio and Yue nodded.

Of course, they heard about how Angels were spotted in Human's territories. How human calling them Apostles of God or whatnot?

"Then let me tell you... We Devils are the arch-nemesis of the Angels and Vice-versa and I'm sure they are not any Angels here in this world... If not, I would be feeling discomfort but here I am....well and healthy. I'm sure those Angels you heard about are either fake or might be someone's artificial creation." Grayfia said without knowing that her guessed hit the spot....Tio was about to speak but Grayfia gestured her to stop as she was not finished yet.

"A long time ago, in the beginning of time there existed a Biblical God not your typical mad God.... He was a Genuine God... He created two beings named Lucifer, a Devil and Michael, an Angel. Lucifer was very attached to his father and he always fought with Michael for fun. One day, Biblical God began to ignore Lucifer and spent most of his time creating Angels. This was the turning point that changed Lucifer and he became angry.

Time passed, Lucifer budding anger turned into hatred at his father who never help him to create a single Devil except him but kept on creating Angels. He knew if this goes on Angels would rise and Michael would outnumbered him. So, he begun researching on his own after many many failed attempts he finally created a life.." Grayfia paused for a bit to help them digest the new information.

Seeing their nods, she continued..

"Eventually he surpassed his father but still had his deep hatred for him. Millions of Devils were created and it balanced the power system. Unknown to him, the Biblical God was watching everything. He deliberately ignored his firstborn son or creation so he could realized his own potentials. He knew that Devil and Angel are the two sides of the same coin.. They will never be similar... Angels loved peace and helped Humanity to survive but Devil on the other hand loved to caused chaos and power-hungry.. That's why Devils are stated to be personification of evil... But not every Devils are same." She again stopped causing both girls to twitched their mouth.

This time she did that intentionally because it won't be fun if they heard everything in a single breathe, right?

"However everything falls apart when another race came into existence.....Fallen Angels. Their wings turned black and they lost their Angelhood because they rebelled against the God and casted out from Heaven. But it still doesn't stop there as many Angels turned into Fallen Angels... There is rule that every Angel must follow.. That is to never have improper desires or having a feeling of lust is a sin, if that ever happened, their Angelhood would be taken away causing them to become a Fallen.. In a way, you could say that Fallen Angels are basically Angels that have given up on good and righteous path.. Thus like that, another faction came into the existence. And their leader is Azazel, fourth ever Angel created by God and falls because of his lust for his fellow sister Gabriel, second Angel said to be one of the most beautiful woman to ever existed....*Ahem* Sorry.. I got distracted."

Grayfia coughed when she realised she went off the track.. But the other two could feel some sort relations between this Gabriel....


Yes, there was definitely something between Gabriel and Grayfia and another woman. Since they three were called the Most Beautiful Women in the World(Between three Faction), also had another name 'The Trinity' (A/N: Basically it's my bullshitness.. No offense to this name.)


"But there was someone who was happy with the situation of the Angels and started formulating his plans to destroy the Angels but had forgotten one important facts that his Father and the creator would be fighting alongside to protect the Angels... Thus, the war started and the Fallen Angles joined in and it turned into the three-way war.... Years after Years passed, no side won but one day two heavenly dragon suddenly fought causing three Factions to joined hands to defeat, to survive because their after collision shockwaves were very destructive. In the end, God sacrificed most of his power to trap those two dragons and died fighting against Lucifer but in the end took Lucifer along with him.

But did the war stop? No... Greediness knows no bound no matter whether its humans or ants... Each wanted what others possess thus caused a Civil Wars between Devils....It's probably still going on....." Grayfia finally took a breather as she knew that war didn't end because as long those old coots existed it'll never end.

Tio and Yue were surprised to hear something great and new.

Never ever in their wildest dreams they thought that Angels truly exists..Yes, they have heard but never believed and hearing from the silver haired Devil, they finally take it that they were just frog in the bottom of the well.

They were very proud of their respective race knowledge and powers.. but now all of that come crumbling down..And they could tell she was telling truth.

Of course!! Those intuitions are at works!! (No offense to the nonexistent female readers)

I mean who would lie about his/her own race, and even stated the whole history unless they're paranoid and self believer.

Unknown to them, they are many who does that and they had even gone as far as to tinker the history to their own agenda...Clear example of these would be Konoha who erased Uchiha involvement in creating the whole Village and even wore Uzumaki's symbols without stating the obvious.

"I'm just curious....You said another world. That means who you're not from here." Yue spoke as her curiosity had gotten over her..

"Yes, that's correct. Me and Izumi does not belong to this world. You can say I am not from his world either, I came from the world filled with supernatural races, but there we don't control people like here. And Izumi saved me from that hellhole... So I decided to stay with him." Grayfia smiled warmly remembering their meeting causing Tio to become depressed and of course, Yue noticed this from the corner of her eyes.

The way Grayfia spoke about Izumi, even those ultra dense protagonist could tell she is in love...How ironic, but they couldn't even noticed theirs?

She quickly connected the dots and realised it was the legendary love triangle. But still she would support Tio even though her chances of being together with him are very low.

(A/N: SPOILER ALERT! Please don't read what's written below since many readers don't like foreshadowing so you've been warned....)














Little did she know that Tio is be going to become one of the happiest women in the whole, whole multi-universe. After all, she just meet a pearl who would shine brighter than any other.

Tell me who's the pearl??


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