Oscar Orcus! The Hero

A/N: Finally this Fanfic got 1M Views.... It's my first story that I have put my heart into it. Even though it may not be the best but I have worked hard and had tried to give my best.... I'm very much thankful for all my readers, all of these would not have been possible without your support.. I hope you all to keep reading and supporting it... And, I'll try my best to improve my story.

Thanks a ton!!

May Maa Durga Bestow You and Your Family with 9 Forms of Blessings- Name, Fame, Prosperity, Wealth, Happiness, Education, Health, Power and Commitment..

'HAPPY SUBHO ASHTAMI' .... To all my fellow readers and their families out there.

(1484 words excluding this) Doing an Early Release for today.


Since they couldn't open the doors their mood were rather down. With no other choice, they continued on their search.

The five headed to the third floor's back room. There was only one room on the third floor. When they opened the door into the interior, there was a 7-8 m wide exquisite and delicate magic formation engraved on the floor in the center of the room; the design was something they had never seen before. A rather splendid geometrical pattern formation and it looked like art.

However, Izumi eyes were on the skeleton sitting on the throne, more precisely the ring it was wearing.... He knew to enter that room the ring of the Oscar Orcus is necessary.

"Suspicious. Why there should be a corpse here?.. no.. It's like he (because of male clothes) was waiting for someone." Yue said causing others to noticed a strange looking skeleton hung his head down, while leaning on the throne.

"It's like he is telling us to come and stand there." Tio pointed her finger towards the circular magic formation situated infront of the throne... and the skeleton's hole eyes was directed at it.

Suddenly, somebody went and stepped into the formation, a snow white light flashes covering the whole room.... and of course the person was the one and only Izumi Miyamura.

Due to intensity, he closed his eyes. As information invaded his mind, he only smiled as his purpose was achieved.... He finally met the man who would be shortcut to his goals.

The Light soon settled, Izumi opened his eyes; in front of him was a young man in black clothing.

If you look closely you could see this man was wearing the same robes as the corpse...

"You have arrived here after overcoming the trials... Or should I say travellers from other worlds.. Anyway, My name is Oscar Orcus. The person who created this dungeon. If I said one of the Traitors, would you understand?"

Izumi nodded and immediately gestured others to stepped inside the formation.

Wouldn't it be better if they heard it together... This way they could shortened their time limit after all it was better than doing one on one. And the formation circle was very wide and had no problems in fitting five people.

As soon others stepped inside, same thing happened to them as to Izumi. They all opened their eyes and looked at the man who was standing looking at Izumi.

Since he was the first one to entered so as a result, the speaker would be focused on the main person.

"Ah, please don't ask questions. This is just a recording, unfortunately, it wouldn't be able to answer your questions. For the person to reach this place, I will impart the truth of the world and what we fought for…this is the leftover message. I took this shape. Please I want you to listen…We are traitors but we are also not."

Then he narrated about his and his teammates rebellion.....yada..yada..


Oscar Orcus smiled gently as he finished narrating the whole story.

"I don't know who you are or what reason you arrived here... but I could tell you're a traveler from other world, same as us.. I will not coerce you into our ideals... However, I wanted you to know. What we stood for.

…To you, I grant my powers. You are free to use it as you will.

Please do not use this power to satisfy the evil in your heart.

Our conversation is at an end. Thank you for listening. Now your free will won't be under supervision."

As soon says that, two people fell on knees as something invaded mind.. Their mind began to throb and they endured it quietly because it imprinted the knowledge of certain magic.

"Izumi!!" "Hajime!" Both Grayfia and Tio shouted at Izumi, on the other hand, Yue for Hajime.

(A/N: Yes yes, I changed it two means no Yue.. Only Izumi and Hajime got the power.)


"Ugh.... my mind is going to explode carrying those information." Hajime said to Yue, who was sitting near him.

"But what happened caused you two suddenly act like that?" Tio questioned.

"Ah, we learnt some new magic…Age of Gods magic, it seems."


"Then, why nothing happened to not any of us?" Grayfia asked to Izumi who was looking around the whole room...

She for a second thought may be Oscar Orcus liked men.

"It's because you're not compatible or may be your affinity is difficult to deal with it... But it won't matter after I studied it, I may transfer the knowledge to you.. Since the structures of this magic is great but I'll do it in our world as it'll take great deal of time." Izumi mumbled to himself...Of course Grayfia heard it.... Did you forgot she could felt his feelings because he is her master?

"And what's so special about this magic?" Yue asked irritably.. Because they got nothing.

"Well, its called creation magic... You add magic into the minerals and the added magic can give special properties to the minerals." Izumi said as he stood up and dusted off his pants..

(A/N: Remember I have already mentioned that in my fanfic chakra, magic, mana, elements, etc are same thing yet different and MC will have no trouble as his energies will keep changing according to the respective worlds system..)

Three women's jaw dropped hearing his words, Hajime only nodded since it was true.

"Also this formation is our only passage to outside... But firstly we must stock ourselves well..Who knows what awaits for us outside?" Izumi reminded mysteriously, after all he'll begin his works since the requirements to make that seal has been met.

All of them opened their eyes wide after hearing that they could finally leave this Labyrinth, but not on hurry especially after hearing the danger from the information they received.

"With this you can make Artifacts easily, that's means...."Grayfia stopped when she saw Izumi's wide grin.

Izumi had already told her the necessity of artifacts to make seals and after that he wouldn't have to feared about soul attacks.

She knew he was doing this for her safety.

She couldn't help but felt warm and a red blush appeared on her cheeks.. thinking about something perverted.

Tio was puffing her cheeks, she could tell that something was going on between Izumi and Grayfia when she saw Izumi smiling at Grayfia, and she felt being left out.

'Hmph! I'll definitely win him over and maybe.... maybe he'll accept me after that.' Tio was imagining the surprise she planned for Izumi.

If Izumi could heard her thoughts, he would ran away because her surprise would be his failure since he couldn't change her destiny regardless after meeting her first.

Izumi noticed Oscar Orcus was smiling but it seems surreal.

"Hey guys!! Let's give him a proper burial. Since, his long lasting wish has been fulfilled, it's only natural to pay respect to the man who waited years upon years to pass the knowledge and proved themselves to the world that they are innocent."

Izumi genuinely said as he only read the story but seeing the hardships these 'Traitors' went through moved his heart, but he won't forget the purposes of his.

Orcus's body was buried at the end of the field, and a gravestone was erected there.

There was a something written in deep black letter, 'Here lies the remains of the Hero of Tortus'

It was Izumi who wrote this. Unlike in the original how Hajime and Yue didn't even paid respect to the man after stealing his property.

Izumi would never do that to the person who helped him, but same couldn't be said for his enemies... Only those who are worthy deserves his respect in return.

But he took out the ring before burying, earning number of intense glares from the party.

"Hey!! You think I'm a grave robber? Hmph, this ring is the key to those rooms you were desparately trying to open.. Look at the pattern engraved on it."

Immediately after hearing his words, they looked closely and noticed it had the same stange pattern as those doors.

This caused the three girls to blushed and Hajime to looked away in embarassment.

And of course, Izumi smiled triumphantly looking at their reactions.


(A/N: I really hated when Hajime never cared about the remaining of Oscar and even buried him in insulting manner... I mean you stole his power and his artifacts, atleast you could have buried him properly... Doing so your karmic point may had rose up but no.)

Guys Please don't use slangs in reviews although you may be writing for fun but don't use it anymore.... This site is deleting all of it. I got three 4.9, two 4.7 stars reviews but due to some 'jokes' it didn't appeared on the section..

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