Experiment gone wrong!

Since the bunny didn't woke up from the repeated shock. Hajime and Yue went on their two wheeler magic bike. (check wiki)

Izumi, Grayfia, Tio and the worthless bunny went on the magic car that Izumi designed after getting the Creation magic....

A 4-door SUV, but at the same time it's not. Its had big wheels along with high resistance metals that could even withstand a full pledge attack and the whole car was black in color.....blah.....blah...

Difficult to explain...

(Pic here)

Izumi named it 'Sleipnir'.... and it's a magic based car and runs on magic even the wheels are magicproof, unfortunately Izumi was a greedy man so he had installed the voice recognition and set it that only he or Grayfia could access to it...

Honestly, Grayfia and Tio were shocked for different reasons.

Grayfia was surprised by the name, but felt proud of Izumi, on the hand Tio was gawked at the sight of the Sleipnir and looked at Izumi weirdly.

It's obvious she don't know anything about cars and bike... Hell! None of the residents of this world knows it.

Such a waste.. Izumi sighed inwardly.

"Jeetane vaala haar nahee maanata aur harane vaala jeetata nahee.."

(T/N: Winners never quit and quitters never win..)

He spoke in 'Hindi'.

It's Indian's mother tongue or A Indian language.

Although, he knows many languages kudos to his last life..He said the password in Indian because it's his choice...

(A/N: Me too!! I know four languages..Hindi is one of them.)

"What was that, Izumi-Sama?" Grayfia asked as she couldn't understand what Izumi said and which language was that?

(A/N: I know Devils can speak in all languages but in my story it's little different..)

"Ohhhh, I forgot you don't know this... Sorry Sorry, I'll teach you later. I spoke in Hindi, it's a common language in India.. And the password meaning.. 'Never give up' " He exclaimed as he indeed had forgot about this and spoke the password into her mind, in other word Telepathically.

Grayfia raised her eyebrows and nodded in understanding.., Meanwhile Tio was still in daze looking at the car..

"Izumi, we're going first with the compass and when she wake up you'll take the lead." Hajime said loudly, with him and Yue were on a magical bike...that Hajime had created.

"Yeah." Izumi nodded in smile as his and Hajime friendship deepened as both them were Motorhead, in other words, fellow lovers of cars and bikes alike.

A fellow brother who understands what is man's romance.


Izumi and others went inside the car, as Izumi sat in driver seat with Grayfia in front and Tio at back, she had shocked face looking at the interior design.

She was along with the unconscious rabbit.

"Buckle up! We're chasing dreams today." Izumi spoke in excitement, but other were confused at his words.

He noticed their gazes and sighed at himself for being an idiot...

How could they know what buckle up means?

It's not common sense for them because they could fly so no needs for car but they can't understand the nature of driving cars.

It's also called man's romance!

He swore to himself that he'd teach his beloved Grayfia everything.

He showed them how to do that and start the car with depressed mood.



"Where am I?..... I remember seeing a beautiful young man with two beautiful ladies... ughh! " A 'troubled' female voice came out as she held her head.

The shock was probably too great for her and she even didn't saw or noticed the Cyclops and the loli vampire.

"So you finally wake up..... worthless bunny." Izumi said without looking back.

"It's you .... wait wait, what is this? Where are you taking me?!" Bunny panicked as she found herself inside a weird looking... uh, something she don't know and thought he must be thinking of selling her like those Soldiers.

"No need to panic... you're safe here. Anyway don't you think it's time we introduce each other."

"He is Izumi Miyamura and I am his maid, Grayfia Lucifuge....she is Tio Klarus." Grayfia introduced everyone's name by pointing each one.

The Bunny nodded with a smile and speak up.

"My name is Shia Haulia and I'm from Rabbitman tribe..." Her ear fell down when she mentioned her race name.

Izumi only sighed as he knew her story...and thought it was stupid for others Beastmen to execute her just because she was a monster.

If it were him, he would have protected her from others because her magic may come in handy.

'Sure enough those fools acts first think afterwards!'

"Can I call you Shia?...You can also call me Grayfia." Grayfia spoke shocking both Izumi and Tio as they knows she was never this friendly and doesn't allow a stranger to call her name directly.

'Did she really figured it out? Hmmm, well who am I to intervene in her business? I'm sure she must have a reason for that...'

Izumi decided to stop thinking and focus on driving as a horde of monster were coming next.

He pressed the red button( protection) and a barrier covered the whole car along with some pointed spikes appeared on each sides except the frontal as it had a huge push bar extended upto the bonnet...and a big bang launchers on the top...

All in all, 'Sleipnir' looks like a military truck...

And the sounds alerted the others.....

"Nothing... it's nothing. Please continue your talk Fia-chan." Izumi waved his hand and told them to continue on..

'Now then....' He had a glint in his eyes because he got to try his masterpiece (Sleipnir) on those monsters..

'Rocket-kun... It's your time to shine.' He pressed the button behind the helm...

*Screech* ..... *BOOMM*

".....Oh my....." Izumi faced was like 😯.

"What was that, Izumi?" A deadly voice woke him up..and made him shiver.

"..A T-test. I was experimenting those weapons..." He mumbled in low voice but everyone heard in clearly since their hearing capacity was better than human..

Being gazed by pairs of eyes with clear irritation in them, since he interrupted their 'sacred' discussion or women's talk to be exact.

He felt like he was being wronged.

Grayfia's mouth twitched a little but she did not pursue the matter further, but.

"Remember not to do it next time as those are not for experimental purposes." Reminding him, she returned to continue her 'interrogating'.

"...Fuh* ...Safe." He zoomed towards the area where the it landed and saw only water oozing out like a fucking crybaby.

Meaning the whole land was destroyed which caused all this water to come out.

He immediately switched off the zoomer as he was afraid that someone might see this..

'Shit! I didn't expect it to be too deadly. And that was only 35% of its power...If the damage is like that then what about its full pow...' He stopped his word as a chill ran down his spine at the very thought.


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