Gravity Magic

"So you're here for my magic, right?" A voice asked the group but you could detect some fear in it...

They were standing in a stone filled room along with a funny looking freaking gender bended Golem wearing lipstick, was smiling at them..or atleast that's what it looked like.

It was a new body as the previous one received harsh beatings from girls, as soon as they entered in this room.

And it's hard to understand what going on, since no one would noticed anything from a Rocky face after all.

Even Izumi was somewhat at lost..

Can you understand a rock? No..

Can you tell whether the rock is smiling or not?..No.

Come on, You can't just sketches some smily mask on it and said..

'Yes. Can you believe it? That Rock just smiled at me.. '

Sorry not that type of person....So don't drag us with you..


"Yes..." Seeing no one responded to Miledi's question, Izumi spoke up..and continued.

"Also I have something that may interest you.." Izumi hinted with little anticipated gaze causing others to furrowed their eyebrows, but didn't said anything...

They thought he must have his reasons.

Because each have their own reasons and that's not something they could ask.. as long it's not hindered their ways.

"Um.. okay. Since I've time, I will hear about your deal...So let's return to the main topic, my magic would be only suitable for you." She nodded at Izumi's request and pointed at the ones with high compatibility.

She was referring to Yue, Grayfia and last but not least, Our Protagonist Izumi..

Although that shocked Izumi, he still had normal expression on his face.

Since in the canon everyone was able to get it so seeing him along with Grayfia had been chosen, while Hajime, Shia and Tio didn't.... again it reminded him that they were in the AU of the original version.

So it was an expected results.

Shia and Tio groaned in irritation as they didn't get anything and felt like side characters, even though Hajime didn't showed it on his face, he was feeling same as them.

Three of them entered the magic circle and the information on how to Age of God Magic were directly carved into their brain.

Izumi who had experienced what it felt like at previous Labyrinth didn't felt any pain nor had any reactions, but same couldn't be said for other two.

Grayfia and Yue were clutching their clothes so hard that their hands went red.


The carving ended after a few seconds, Izumi immediately rushed towards Grayfia and same goes for Hajime who was supporting Yue.

After all first time always hurts.....Not the one you're thinking you pervs..

"We're fine. This is nothing!" Both women shouted at the same time, still both their partner didn't pay any heed to their words.

What a joke! They had endured more pain than this but never received anything unexpected like someone invading their mind, so they felt little pain..but it's still manageable.

Boys understood their reason but still couldn't bought themselves to back down seeing their respective loved one like that.

What kind of lover they would be if they did that?

You all must be wondering why Grayfia suffered from aftermath when she had the Ring of Halo that should have been protected her?

It's simple.

She herself allowed it happened if she hadn't given the permission then the ring might have repelled it and everyone would have known about its existence.

Remember, the Ring works according to the will of the user/host.


"This is… … magic to manipulate gravity as expected."

After 'easily' obtaining Miledi Raisen's age of gods magic... They began to try their luck, although it would be normally impossible for anyone to success on their first try....

However something unexpected really happened..

Izumi got it right on his first try..

And no, it's not a miracle since he could take it back easily..

The air around them immediately got heavier as the gravitational force increased, but it disappeared in seconds..and it was just test run...If he had used it for real, all of them would be lying unconscious on the ground and more so with broken bones...

(A/N: What do think, shall he show, those delusional Heroes the 'Power of God'...😂)

Others were surprised seeing how fast he learnt it.

Grayfia was the only one feeling proud inwardly like it was her doing.

The owner Mini Miledi was same as them.

She was shocked to the core, how could she not?

Not even she could do that easily.

Even geniuses like Grayfia and Yue couldn't do it on the first try.

"Y-y-you. Wh.. What are you? How can you control it that fast?" Mini Miledi-Tan uttered in disbelief as she stood in place...but no facial expression could be seen.

"Hmm....I dunno know. I was simply focused on it and..bam... it came out right." Izumi shrugged nonchalantly, but..

'Luck, Again?....Nah! I'm sure it's my innate talent....Yes that must be it.. There's no way everything is related to luck.' He was in daydreaming mode feeling great.

But your very existence is a luck bruh!!


All of them left that place or teleported to be exact before Miledi could pull one final prank.....

Of course, Izumi and Miledi talked about his little 'deal'.

At first, she didn't agree so Izumi used his hole card wisely... He said if she didn't agreed to his request then he'd throw her at girls again..and might informed that she's bullying him, giving them another chance to take their anger on.

This terrified her, so she nodded in full throttle.

However, this will be the story for another time.


Izumi and Grayfia were inside their room in OO Palace.

"Hah!...I still can't grasped it properly. Izumi-Sama, tell me how did you control it that fast?"

Grayfia looked towards Izumi who was smiling at her and she could tell it was not his usual smile.

There was some playfulness hidden behind it.

Izumi stood up from the chair and arrived near Grayfia, held her chin and lift her head to meets her eyes.

Though, Grayfia was trying her best to avert her eyes from him as her face turned scarlet.

Her behaviour was exactly like a girl who just got confessed for the first time.....

Look like she's still shy, even after we've been doing naughty things everyday..But it's fun to tease her when she is like this.. Izumi mused to himself.

"Fia-chan~ how many times I told you to call me Izumi when we're alone.. Hmm, Look like you needs some punishment..."

He moved his face closer to hers and immediately stole her delicate lips.

She didn't even resists after all it was not first time they were doing this. So she wrapped one hand around his neck and another was running throughout his soft hair...

Meanwhile, Izumi was not just sitting idle.

His hands explored all over her body then felt something hard poking his chest.

He smirked internally as he knew what it was.

Moving his hand towards it, he began to circle around causing it to became little hard.. He couldn't wait and immediately began to rubbed it.

She kept moaning but still doesn't gave up in the battle through tongues..

So he had to take drastic measures to make her give up..

He slightly pinched her right nipple through her clothes causing her to tightened her left hand around his neck, also other holding his shoulder length hair...


She moaned loudly inside his mouth giving him perfect edge over their battle for 'territory'....

Also there was some 'water' on the floor... I wonder what that could be?








"Hahah .... I'm back...Take this..*Fart*.." Cliff-Kun farted, destroying Author-sama perverted mood....








(A/N: Next chapter will be half-half....okay!)

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