
A/N: I won't be able to post any chapter tomorrow as my results are coming out tomorrow. So I'm getting ready for hell!

Hope you enjoy this chapter! Peace out!


"Stop! I'll 'die' from your glares..It's not my fault, alright!" Izumi couldn't take it anymore, he popped the water ball and said.


Realising a sigh both of them stopped annoying him further..

"So Shia.. Did the person you just mentioned had same face as you?" He asked as he wanted to confirm something.. and as expected.

"No! I never had that kind of face... It's like she wanted to slaughter everyone in her path.." She denied like her life depends on it.

Yep, it is what I thought it was..

He nodded in understanding but same couldn't be said for other two.. They had questioned mark on top of their heads.

"I know what had happened to her and the problem is still there, it's not over ...yet." He smiled, a tick mark appeared on top of Grayfia's head.

"What you mean!"

Grayfia roared as she was getting annoyed since he had 'I know it all' expression on his face.

Ah, it's frustrating for not knowing everything....(A/N: Did this ever happen to you?)

"Calm Down Fia-chan.... 'I'm thinking' " He grinned when he said that.

Tio who was beside him covered her mouth but her giggling sounds were obvious.

Grayfia glared intensified but Izumi answered before it could explode.

"She have different personality..... Two to be exact. One is human we're currently talking about and the other is her Demon part.. " He paused for a moment to think again, however Grayfia, Tio and somewhat Shia gasped from what they heard.

"*Ahem* In other word, you can call it, her Alter-ego.. Meaning she is completely opposite of our 'current' Shia.." He sent another message to Grayfia.

She immediately understood and activated her ring and a barrier surrounded them..

"What was that?!" Shia asked with a scowl..Izumi noticed her change and slightly raised his eyebrows.

'She felt that? ..... Oh I that's how it is.'

"It's nothing.... I think it's time you stop pretending, don't you think?" The moment he said that, the aura around Shia began to change but unlike previously she didn't had the red aura...

She looked like a exact copy of Shia but with tanned skinned color...

"Haha..... I never expected to be caught this early.. Good Good since you found out, I have no choice but to force you into telling me..."

Alter-ego or Dark Shia revealed a bloodthirsty grin and a hammer appeared in her arm..She was ready to battle, but..

"Oh..Are you sure of forcing me? Are you?" Izumi had an amused expression with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Grayfia and Tio facepalmed at his behaviour...

(A/N: From now on I'll call her Shalter...)

"What do mean by th-" Alter was shout but immediately her changed into that of a terror when she noticed something..

"Impossible...when?" Seeing her dumfounded look, Izumi only smiled.

"You don't worry.... I'm not going to anything but I needs answer then I'll cancel 'whatever' I'm doing..." He spoke with a same smile..

Alter gritted her teeth in anger and nodded in response.. After all, she could nothing so her only option was to accept.

"Good! Can I call you Shalter? Calling two people with same name is confusing so from now on, you're Shalter..." He didn't even gave her a chance to reject.

Both girls again facepalmed seeing how he named her like giving a name to kitten.

"Now enough of chit chat... Tell me who are you and how you took her place..?" All the playfulness he had, vanished instead replaced with a serious expression on his face.

Shalter kept on glaring at him then understood her current situation..

"I had no name nor I had a body. I represented her demonic power but when she first managed to use mana, I somehow got a body even I don't know how... I guess you could call me her dark personality." Shalter explained her origin but Izumi frowned since it was not what he had expected.

"But why did I sense two power inside her?" Tio questioned that had been bugging her for sometime.. However, Izumi answered her before Shalter could.

This, of course annoyed her but still keep quiet.

"That's because she has.... Nothing changed in her, expect she somehow mistakenly created a different persona and that persona is her.. Who represent her desires, I mean all her negaitve desires.."

Izumi cleared her doubts and pointed his finger at Alter..

"Tsk!" Shalter clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"And how come she is talking with us like this...and when did she changed place?" This time Grayfia spoke up.

"No no... You're wrong Fia-chan.. It was her from the beginning but we failed to noticed earlier.. since her act was very excellent until you activated the barrier...Am I right, Shalter-chan?"

When he pointed it out, both Grayfia and Tio was surprised that they didn't noticed this.

"Tsk! Tsk! Of course you're right, Mr. Smarty- pants." She kept clicking her tongue due to Izumi knowing everything about her and didn't even gave her chance to say any more than he wanted.

It's like he was preventing her from speaking, no...Did he also know about it? No.. It's basically impossible.

She threw that out of her mind instantly, but still couldn't help it and looked at him.

And she was horrified when she saw that same smile he had when he was trying to seal her again.

Yes, that time Izumi had already activated the seals and had thoughts to seal her if she decided to play tricks or whatnot.

"Please.." She begged in low voice but all of them heard her clearly.

"It's okay... I'm not doing anything as long you don't do anything stupid.." He understood what she wanted.

"Thank You.... And I've been wanting to ask you something, what are you? You're clearly not a human. No trace of humanity can be found in you." She quickly changed the topic after all it might had take too much courage for her to say thank you.

She can't lose her dignified image like this, so she began her counterattack..

'Oh.... You're too early to play with me not even Fia-chan defeat me in this field..' He, Grayfia had same thoughts as him but it was different from his..

'Sigh, you have my condolences..' She looked at Alter with pity.

"Ohh~ is that so?... I heard that you wanted to kill me because I ignored Shia, so how about I show you my love by taking you in a spanking date.. and you can be Shia's replacement to test whether I'm safe for her or not since for time you're residing there... What do you think?"

He went into his teasing mode and said while rubbing his hands together with a glee, Shalter's cheeks turned pinkish in embarrassment when he mentioned spanking, also caused her to completely missed his last sentence..

She didn't expected him to this open.. most importantly she couldn't,.. her mouth refused to speak anything in return due to her erratic combination of fears, dependence...and heading towards???

'W-what is this?' These kind of feelings was something foreign for someone like Shalter who never knew anything about love so.

Yes.. even though she resided inside Shia, she doesn't know anything, except how to slaughter, kill...blah blah blah!

It's obvious for her to become confused.

Seeing her flustered and somewhat confused expression, Grayfia knew it was her time to step in.

"That's enough Izumi-Sama..."


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