I smell a huge conspiracy



Waking up, both Izumi and Tio were about to go for another round, but guess who teleported into their room.

"Good Morning, Fia-chan."

"G-good Morning, Grayfia-chan." Tio said with a flustered face.

"Good Morning." Grayfia greeted them back with a cold voice, but whom she was fooling?

Her face was completely red seeing Izumi's penis standing in its full glory.

Izumi smirked inwardly as he knew that Grayfia had low resistance against his lil bro.

He instantly arrived behind Grayfia and hugged her... She struggled for a bit then melted as she could tell what he's planning.

He peck on her left cheek then carried her towards the bathroom, completely ignoring Tio who had awakened her other blood and was blushing while trying to move because her hips weren't moving due to intense SmackDown from last night....no today's morning.

They kept going on for 8 hours straight then she fainted..dead away.

(A/N: Remember it's her first time and Izumi was more aggressive...)

Now she understood why Grayfia agreed to have other girls around him.

He's simply a insatiable beast.... but she loved him more that way.

"Ohhhh~.... More ...ahh....I'm coming Izumiiiii!"

Tio blushed intensified hearing Grayfia's moan aloud along with shower running... She quickly used healing spell on her legs and hips then ran inside the bathroom...but forget to clean the spunk inside her as they were flowing down through her thighs... leaving some in the ways.

5 minutes later...(SquarePants vibes😂😂)

"Yessss.... Destroy this one's pussy...





"Ahnnnn.... I'm c-cumming!!" Three voices said at the same time.


They were inside the Sleipnir traveling to the next .. Both Tio and Grayfia had a tint of red on their cheeks recalling their previous intimate moments.

'Why they have been acting like this?.... More importantly, how come this baddy have Demonic energy. This doesn't makes sense.'

"Hey, my useless other self! Ask that baddy how come he has demonic energy?"

Shalter who was inside Shia could easily detect Izumi's change and his mana pool was the one that scared her since it was too vast.

'Okay!' Shia replied cheerfully causing Shalter's mouth to twitch.

"Izumi-san, Shalter-chan is asking, how come you have demonic energy inside you?" Shia indirectly threw Shalter under the bus.

"Yes, Izumi-Sama, even I noticed this during...you know...." Grayfia went into her maid mode but couldn't finished the sentence.

But Tio was more open about her desires..

"During our intense love making..... right!?" Tio said nonchalantly, making Grayfia shivered in embarrassment.

Shia opened her eyes wide... She never in her wildest dream had expected that Tio would in intimate relationship with Izumi-kun..

It's obivious she was radiating air of jealously, even Shalter sighed at Shia's slow progress.

"Well, I don't have problem telling you about it. Just don't tell others what I'm going to show you.. Okay?" Izumi said with a serious voice.

Three girls nodded their heads in understanding.

"Lucifer!" The moment Izumi called out its name, a rather black with a strange multicolored pattern sword appeared to be floating in the air.

(A/N: There is a huge gap between their seating and have more space above their heads..)

However, Izumi didn't expected it to this powerful... All the girls inside the car had goosebumps feeling the aura this sword was radiating.

It's like death looming over them..

"Lucifer! They're family..." He knew why it acted like that.. He had recieved another information about it.

This sword has a Yander-*coughs*.. no. It is overly protective of its master.

Lucifer calmed down then disappeared on its own making Izumi sweat dropped...

"The Fuck is that!" Everyone recognised that voice.... well, there was only one person who would shout like this.

"Shalter-chan! Language." Grayfia reprimanded Shalter.

"Humph! Sorry"

"It's my sword, Lucifer. You see it has trust issues.." He began to bullshit.

"But was that death aura?" It was Tio who asked this question.. Since she knew that aura well.

Izumi nodded at her question.

"But I can't control it...not in my current state..." He shook his head in denial.

"Is this same as the ring you gave me?" Tio again asked but with a loving tone.

Yes, Izumi had already given the Ring of Halo to Tio after their bathroom events. She squealed in joy and rained down kisses all over his face.. as this act of him was basically a proposal.

After all, which women doesn't want to be loved and proposed by their significant other?

Technically, Tio never wore shiny ornaments or jewels since she never felt like wearing it. But a gift from her partner was something she would bragged about.

And why she said that in front of Shia as she had other reason, Izumi and Grayfia also knew that..

Izumi could only sigh....as he knew what going to happen next.


He could sense Shia's glare on him and even her jealously..

He closed his eyes for a second...

"Sigh,.. Shia I -.."

"Am I bad? Is my body not to your satisfaction?!? Why? Is it because I've long ears!..Tell me Why?!" She cried out.

Look like she finally snapped... Grayfia, Tio & Shalter thought.

"Listen to me, the reason I never pay attention to you because I want you find someone better than me...As you can see I'm not a good person as you think. I've two lovers which is frown upon on this world... Only Kings and Emperors can have more than one wife.. Not only that they'd be travelling with me to my world.. I'm sure yo-"

"I already know that.. My father and my tribesmen said that they'd travel with you. I've no attachment to this world.. Even if I have, I would definitely follow my lover.. I want a chance, Izumi-san." Shia cried but Shalter knew it was clearly fake even Izumi's other lovers could tell that.

"Ok..ok..ok. We'll go on a date in next town. Don't cry. However, truth to be said, I was feeling some attraction towards you and definition would hurt to see you with ma-ehh."

Izumi was so engrossed on his thoughts, that he didn't realised that he again fell in a trap..

"Hehehe... I'm happy that you feel that way Izumi-san.. A date it is then." Shia laughed as he wiped her fake tear..

"No...no... It can't be.. I demand justice! This is so unfair... Where is justice in this world!" Izumi yelled as he wept tears of blood.

To think he would fall for a petty trick.. Twice, at that.

All the girls broke out in laughter seeing Izumi's situation.

After few minutes, Izumi calmed down and speed up the car.

"Shia.. Take out that collar and throw it away.. It's not required anymore." Izumi said making Shia smiled at his suggestion.

She had no problem wearing it as she knew there was a law for Demi-Human to wear a slave collar for belongingness. But now Izumi asked her to take it out, she feel warm and knew he would protect her like he does, no matters what.

Even Shalter was feeling same as her.


As for why, she tricked Izumi into a confession. It was because both Grayfia and Tio had told her how Izumi was feeling attracted to her but stoping himself probably because he had already two lovers..and thought Shia would not like it.

Tell me, which man wouldn't feel that way?

Especially, when the girl herself was showing her curves, affectionate sides to him whenever they met or talk and she had been doing this from the very day they met... So as days goes on, it was obvious that the boy's would definitely feel something for her.

It's natural, after all!

Shia, that day went into cloud nine seeing her crush also had feelings for her.. So she along with her two sister-in-bed to be, began to make plans.

(A/N: It happened before they went to Ul..)

And their labour bore the fruits!

Tio and Grayfia were seen sneaking giving thumbs-up to Shia..who also returned it.

I smell a huge conspiracy...! Izumi tilted his head in confusion as he thought unsurely..

(A/N: You must be feeling confused that he didn't take Grayfia and Tio in a date ... It'll be revealed in the next chapter.. I'm speeding up romances because the readers wants to read more about his world.. I'll also write his interaction with his lovers in his world.)


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