
Unfortunately, Izumi 'crying' noises reached Myuu' ears and looked at his direction curiously..then freed herself from Grayfia's grasped.

"Big Brother, are you the one who saved me?" She asked innocently as she recognised his warm aura.

"Tch!" Grayfia clicked her tongue while Tio giggled.

"Eh! How did you know it was me?" Izumi raised his eyebrows as this was obviously a shock to him since he knew that Myuu was just a naive kid, later transformed into a super kid.

"Because I just feel like it..." She tilted her head in confusion.

Intuition? The Fuck! She is just a kid for Christ sake!

"I see.." Izumi was having an internal monologue whether to pull a candy stunt or not.

In the end, he decided not to..He stood up holding Myuu, who happily wrapped her little arms around his neck.

He narrowed his eyes while giving a smirk towards Grayfia's side.

This doesn't sat well with girls group but they relented seeing she was happy.

"Okay then.." His eyes glowed in hostility as he continued, "We're going to eradicate a thorn."

All of them had same eyes as him since they noticed several people were following them ever since they arrived in this town and also heard from Izumi that this town is outside Kingdom or Empire's jurisdiction, so that's why crime rates are too high. So murders, kidnapping, etc,. are normal here.

"Hey! Myuu, are ready for a little show?" Myuu just looked at him with her big eyes, it's obivious she didn't understand the meaning.

Izumi muttered something near her ear, causing her to become full spirited.

"Yes!!" She said excitedly pumping her fist into the air.

Izumi's lips curled into a smile that something everyone presented there knows. He just kept looking at a certain direction.

Others just sighed as they could see another shitstorm was coming, not that they would blame him since they were more than willing to participate.

(A/N: This is where he'll declare the war against that Self-proclaimed, his actions would do. I'm sure many readers are getting impatient so I'm speeding up things.)


Izumi was standing in the air with Grayfia on his left holding Myuu, who seemed to brimming happily in the air.

Weird, isn't it?

Definitely not a normal child!

Izumi was looking down at the seven story building. It was actually the biggest underworld organization specialized in people trafficking, 'Flithof'. The boss resided here with several of his grunts.. The atmosphere around there was very gloomy compared to their usually eerily and quiet, since they lost a valuable asset (Myuu) and potential assets (Izumi's girls and Yue.).

"I'll be back in a minute, Fia-chan, Myuu." Saying this he disappeared.

Also theirs hideouts had been exceeded to 10 amongst 60s.. All the thugs were killed beyond recognitions expect the messengers. But the problem was those messengers couldn't talk as the horror they experienced was too great..

"Stop fucking around!? Ah! Say it again you bastard!"

"H-ah! Like I reported before the no of hideouts ex-ahhh" Another one died.

"Useless! Useless! Trashes! Can't even perceived the identity of the who has gals to disrupt my business.. Go find those bastards! Use whatever it takes.. if not Flithof reputation is going t-" The man who killed the thug gasped when he noticed someone standing outside his window.. "Is my eyes playing me?" He rubbed his eyes then pinched himself to check whether what he saw was illusion?

"Hi, I'm Izumi. I heard you're looking for me. Ah! Sorry for this though."

The man stiffened when he saw that handsome man threw a bag, he was not retard so he could tell what was inside.

He immediately regained his sense when he realized he wasn't alone. He smiled thinking this man is stupid to deliver himself at his doorstep.

Well, a delusional boss with bunch of scaredy grunts is the last thing I wanted to face, well this makes everything easy.

Izumi thought looking at the change of expression on the person infront of him.

'Hehe.. I'll use him to capture those ladies...then I'll enjoy watching his reaction by plowing them infront of him...hehe'

He was so engrossed in his perverted thoughts as he didn't heard something kept dropping in his room..

"Hey! Capture this bastard! We'll use him to capture the targets!" Hansen immediately commanded to his thugs without looking..but got no reaction.

He felt weird seeing none of them were reacting, feeling they must have scared like him. So he chuckled a little thinking what a single man could do against so many.

When he turned around he saw all his subordinates were lying headless... He gasped in horror and immediately knew who it was.

Before he could react he saw himself in the air..

" I'll die! Let me go, please... I'll do anything. Money, power, women.. I'll give everything. Just don't kill me, please." He desparately begged Izumi.

"Shut up!"


"You're late.." Hajime groaned as he saw Izumi had arrived holding a man with swept back brown hair with a goatee, wearing a furry white coat.

"Is he the one?" Izumi nodded as he threw him towards Hajime..

"You are.. Your are the targets!" Hansen screamed looking at the groups..

"Another word I'll kill you." Hajime pointed his gun at his eye which made him quiet.

After a few minutes, Izumi nodded saying.

"Ilwa has already evacuated the area around here, so I think it's time."

Everyone went back as they knew he was going to pull something crazy..

Izumi smiled at Hansen, then began to concentrate his gravity aiming his right hand upward..

In few seconds, everyone looked up as they could sense something massive heading towards this direction..

A medium sized meteorite entered their view, everyone including those present in Furhen gasped in terror as they saw something that wasn't possible..

(A/N: The keyword, "medium sized".)

"Oh my God! What is that!"

"It's a meteorite! We're doom!"

"Is the world coming to an end?!"


Several shouts could be heard as the town's people began panicking seeing a meteorite appeared out of no where.


"Did he.. just... Summon a meteorite?!" Hajime asked as he felt goosebumps all over his body, even his face was covered in sweat..

"This is going to obliterate the whole town!" Yue shouted desparately as she could sense Gravitational force was being used..

"Izumi-Sama know what he is doing." Grayfia erased their worries... As always she was the first one to come for his support.

"Yes.. This must be why Izumi first handley evacuated the area." Tio said supporting her mate.

Shia was looking at the sky with a dumfounded expression on her face.



"Shattered Heaven" He said while pulling down the meteorite from the open sky.

It landed at intended destination and massively destroyed the place where it got crashed and shooked the entire town sending the shocking waves in all the direction..

"Noooooo..." Hansen, the boss of Flithof cried as he saw every thing he had built was being crushed.

Ignoring him, Izumi looked at Myuu who was smiling brighter than ever.

"I love it!..I really did have fun." Myuu said excitedly as she struggled from Grayfia's grasp.

Others present there just looked at her with a surprised expression on their face.

Seriously! That was fun.. Did Izumi's habit affected her this much in few hours?

All of them had this kind of thoughts running inside their heads.

Izumi grinned as he knew Myuu was rather abnormal....He shifted his gazes at the last man.

He then arrived near the Hansen....Gestured others to leave and they left in understanding.


"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! That boy ruined everything I've built... It's not fair!" He was screaming while hitting his hands on the ground..

"The world is never fair" Izumi said with a glint on his eyes. His aura exploded in anger looking at the bastard who was aiming for his lovers..


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