Intuitions are scary!

Inside a room, four people were sitting and discussing about something.

"Meld-san and all the other knights are dead! They sacrificed themselves to let me escape! Please help us NAGUMO!!." Endou shouted in hoarse tone.

Nagumo didn't reply as he was contemplating on something.

"Well, first please calm down." Another voice said and then asked Izumi, "Can I see the letter from Furhen?"

The owner of the voice was a powerful man with a good body build, and had a large scar on his left eye who was around 60 years of age. It was obvious his eye had the ability to perceive the situation, polished for years, and ambition was overflowing from his body.

Izumi handled the letter with a smile. He was exactly looking like a normal person, but the man could perceived that the boy infront of him was anything but simple.

He opened the letter then read the message written inside, and started to sweat. He sometimes glanced at Izumi in between.

Even a fool could deduced whatever written there must be related to him.

"Thank you for delivering this letter. It certainly helps a lot." The owner spoke up with more respectful tone, after wiping his sweats.

Both Izumi and Hajime didn't missed that expect Endou who was boiling in impatience.

"My name is Loa Bawavis.." Loa extended his hand towards Izumi, who did the same.

"Izumi Miyamura." They shook hands.

"There's no time, Guild leader. My classmates will die so please stop wasting time with a nobody!" Endou yelled as his impatience ran out.

"..." Izumi outright ignored him and went to his place.

Hajime and Loa sighed in relief for different reasons.

Hajime who knew Izumi thought Endou was going to die before his classmates could and Loa went pale for another reason.

His friend had mentioned how Izumi pulled a meteorite and destroyed the whole underworld in an hour and also said to treat him with respect.

He obliviously trusted him since he knew Ilwa isn't someone who would joke in a matter like this.

You must be wondering where were others?

They went to sightseeing with Myuu and Grayfia along with Yue volunteered to go with them as they knew these two(Tio and Shia) would definitely cause trouble.


"Listen, Mr. Kousuke, the man whom you called a nobody is a Gold Rank, well probably higher than it." Loa glared at Endou, who shivered thinking he just provoked someone he shouldn't.

"So Please remain calm..*Ahem*, You said someone from demon race attacked your group while you're in 89th floor and you're the only one who was able to flee because of your thin presence.." Loa asked.

"..Y-yes .." Endou stuttered, while looking at Izumi.

"I've already informed the king about your situation and they're sending back up. They had put a back up team, before your group went inside the dungeon and not even 2 days passed, here we are. " Loa sighed as he felt this Hero's party are becoming too overconfident.

They argued with King that they would definitely complete the dungeon in two days. I wonder where they get such courage.

Hell! Even Izumi's group didn't complete it 2 days and needlessly to say these daydreaming brats.

It seems their fake status ended up damaging their heads.

He then looked at Izumi's direction.

"Mister Miyamura, can you and your group assist us with this mission?" He thought if his group assisted them then they would be able to rescue the Heroes, since they have already cleared the labyrinth according to the letter.

"Well, it depends on him." Izumi glanced at Hajime who was feeling nervous for some reason.

He kinda want to leave this town as it bring back bad memories but he also wanted to help the only girl who never believed he had died from what he heard from his Sensei.

"Nagumo, what are you spacing out for? They're your classmates, you shou-"

"Shut up! Another word and I'll seal your mouth for eternity." Izumi interrupted Endou as he was getting annoying as seconds goes.

"Eek!" He nodded his head like a obedient dog as he could feel his legs were trembling.

Hajime exhaled deeply then spoke up for the first time.

"Let me ask you something Endou, why you all went into that deeper without caution or rest."

Izumi smiled slightly as he was thinking exactly the same thing.

My man! You're going on right track!

Everyone in the room had their eyes on Endou.

"Eh?..We-ell, that's because.. We..We.." Endou didn't know what to say as there was nothing to say.

"You probably followed Kouki and others, because you all wanted to impress girls, am I right?" Hajime again asked but with cold tone.

"... That's n-not i.." He stopped and pondered on what Hajime said.

He was right! They all went because of Kouki and even tried their best to impress Kaori and other girls.

He nodded robotically.

"Then there's nothing to say... I'll help them only this time after that they're your responsibility." Hajime said to Loa who was seething in anger.

This brats!! Just who they think they're? Did they thought they're special just because they're summoned from another world? Treating everything as a game. Damn it!

His aura exploded in anger but Izumi stepped in and tap on his shoulder.

"Hey! Cool down. It'll only worsen your condition."

Loa calmed down then widened his eyes in surprise as when he realized someone just managed to sneak past him.

After all, he was a former veteran Gold Rank adventurer and his skills were top-notch amongst humans..but his age was catching up along with his hidden injury.

When?? I didn't feel his movements. Fuck, he even found out about my injury... I owe you one, Ilwa for informing about this monster beforehand.

"Fuh... It's just that Meld and I were buddies, to think he died due to the stupid act of these brats.." He closed his eyes as a tear escaped.

All the respects he had for Hero's party hit rock bottom after Endou's confirmation.

Endou just sat there with a downcast expression.


Izumi had already called Grayfia as she was the only one who could teleport them.

When Endou saw Grayfia and others, began to drool but trembled under Izumi and Hajime's combined bloodlust.

He immediately lower his head if not he may lose his life.

"Fia-chan, I'm really sorry for disturbing you in your break.. Thanks for coming. I'll make it for you, later." Izumi winked at her in the end of his sentence.

Grayfia nodded with her usual cold face but there was a pink flush marring her cheeks.

She knew how he would compensate her.

"Tio and Shia, wait in our room. We'll be back in no time.. You can put Myuu on the bed so she could sleep comfortably."

He then looked at Tio who was holding a sleeping Myuu, well she fell asleep midway and Shia who had a puffed cheeks.

He gave them the key to their room given by Guild as a token of appreciation.. Every gold rankers were given one room or even floor each.

They went inside not before Tio giving a sweet kiss on his lips and a smug smile at Grayfia, who twitched her eyebrows in annoyance..

Endou nose bleed seeing their intimacy.

Shia probably ran away in embarassment.

She may had kissed Izumi before but could never do that infront of many strangers.

"Well, what are we waiting for, let's go!"

With that, all of them teleported to 90th floor.

Yes, Yue went with Hajime since her intuition was roaring aloud as if telling her about upcoming threat.



Women are not only deadly because of their looks. Have you ever heard about intuition?

I don't think so ..!

They're are far deadlier than the Eyes of Whatever.

They would be able recognise the game even before you play it! Just with these intuitions.

This is why, Izumi always wept in injustice when he saw Grayfia's or Tio's intuition.

Intuitions are scary!

(A/N: Comments after me if you've ever felt it.)


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