It's only the beginning

A/N: Guys, I know many want Cookie to die, but worry not he won't be able to do anything after this. Trust me. Also, I'll be skipping every Labyrinths except the metamorphosis one. I'll mention about the powers he get and a little sneak peek in one chapter only.

From next chapter, Izumi's bad-ass attitude moments and several fights would be displayed. Just know that a different plot will begin after this... I guess I spoke too much, bye.

My exams are coming on 4 December, but still the date haven't been finalized yet so I'll keep posting until then.

Hope you enjoy this chapter! Peace out!


Moments earlier,

Izumi was happily passing through the floor backwards, holding a unconscious man over his shoulder while killing nameless monsters around him with his free hand.

Ah! Yes, with his eyes closed.

His sensing ability had been developing at alarming rate.

He would be able to surpassed the founder of Uzumaki, Ashina Uzumaki in that term, who was hailed as a strongest sensory Ninja.

(A/N: I did this since he was the founder so it was obvious a thing to do, but mostly my bullshitness.)



Another one died, the moment it opened its mouth.

So, Life has been good to him but all good things must come to an end.. isn't that right?




He was halfway through his destination, a happy smiled appeared on his face as he sensed everyone were waiting for him.

He purposely delayed on his track to avoid that Delusional idiot.. However he failed to sensed that said delusional was making a move on his beloved maid.

He felt like he escaped a calamity, without knowing how he wrong he was.

Today was going to be very hectic!


Let's see whether Cookie survives or not!

The episode of debauc-*cough* bloodbath is starting.


He rushed towards his destination.

He was thinking on how to scare to them..and a huge grin plastered on his face, but it vanished when he heard those words. It made his blood boil.

More importantly it was directed at his beloved lover.

"Who you think you are, huh? You're just a replaceable maid! You should be grateful that a Hero like me is interested in you!!"

Izumi immediately lost control of his anger and the whole place began to shake with his intense bloodlust.

He spoke in a low tone but it was too loud for everyone there.

"People say ignorance is bliss, but I find yours rather disturbing."

He knew it was a mistake to let this bastard do whatever he wants.

His hair began stood up and the murderous aura flared up as he vanished and appeared near Cookie then cut his whole arm with his Lucifer, thoroughly.

Not even Grayfia was able to see his movement....To hell with that, she didn't even noticed when be appeared there.



Lucifer went inside after let out a satisfied growl, Izumi calm down after that.

Does that mean he forgave him?

No! Never!

His anger was still there but he put it off for now. If he killed him then it'd be waste for the later part.

(A/N: You know that's not what I'm talking about.)

And also the punishment he recieved was not small either nor it was the end.

It had just begun.

He slowly put the man down then walked towards Grayfia who had a bright smile on her face, ignoring vomiting sounds in the background.

Cookies still couldn't move as he was incapable of moving due to Izumi's bloodlust.


'This idiot is really a bad omen.'

Shizuku cursed mentally as she saw how Cookie just insulted one of their benefactor.

She also noticed that Hajime just shivered then smiled at Cookie.

She very well knew that look. It's like he was pitying him.

Even that short girl besides him had the same kind of look.

Then, both of them stepped back and gestured them to do so.

She thought that something seemed to be wrong.

And guessed what, in the very next moment when she heard a thundereous voice filled with anger and killing intent.

'That man is here but wh-..'

Her thoughts come to halt as she puked after seeing an severed arm rotating in the air with blood gushing out from it.

And she wasn't the only one.

Now she understood why Hajime reacted like that earlier.


"Why didn't you retaliated?" Izumi asked.

"Because I know it was not necessary." Grayfia replied with a knowing smile. "I know you'll be there." She said inside her heart.


He sighed heavily.

"Izumi-sama, you should take back your bloodlust. Poor boy would die from blood loss if you don't do that and I know that's not what you want, are you?" She further said earning a pout from Izumi.

Grayfia felt very happy in her heart and knew the reason why he left that boy alive.

After all, it's not that difficult.

"Aaaaahhhrhhhhhgghh" A painful scream erupted the moment he withdrew his bloodlust.

Cookie plopped down and started groaning in pain with tears covering his face.

Kaori immediately rushed and used her healing magic but nothing happened except the bleeding stop.

She tried to mend back the severed arm back and again it didn't happened.

It was if his body itself was rejecting its own part.

"What did you do to him!" Ryuutarou yelled at Izumi then came to sense after knowing what he did.


"..I...I.." He stuttered under Izumi's glare.

"He was asking why his arm is not healing or joining?" Shizuku spoke calmly knowing it'd do no good yelling at each other.

"Hmm, that's because it can't and won't happen.." Izumi shrugged looking at Cookie with a glint in his eyes, who already lost his consciousness.

"Ah, I mean. I've severed his very connection with his soul. So it's obvious his body would reject a foreign object." He explained clearly after taking his eyes off from the bastard, since he saw many didn't understand a thing and he didn't even bother to care.

"You mean...." Shizuku and few others gasped when they heard it.

They were probably the only one who had their brains on right place.

"Don't you think that too much?.... Please don't mistake it, I also hate him for what he did b-" A bespectacled girl asked but was interrupted midway.

"No! It's not! He should be glad that he's alive after everything. I could've killed him for the words he said to my Fia-chan. That was a clear sign of disrespect to judge someone by looks... Anyways he would think that it's better to die here than later." Izumi snorted, and whispered the last sentence with a little smile... that only 3 people heard it.

To which Hajime only nodded with a same smile on his face.

He just looked at a certain direction with his demon eye.

'Hehe... it's really here!'

"Anyway, he's smelling throw him out or whatever!" Izumi shouted closing his nose ad Cookie had long ago shited in his pants.





Aren't they forgetting about the man Izumi had brought?🤐



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