Troublesome Situation

Izumi was frowning continuously as those damn stares were annoying him...Hell, even Myuu was getting scared.

For the sake of Myuu, he retrained himself from blowing up. He knew how this little girl would cry silently at night thinking about her mother.

The fools who accompanied them couldn't do anything as it was outside their affairs.

They were just lowly gatekeepers.

Only reason none of the people attacked his group because they saw Kraken, mythical beast said to be the guardian beast of Poseidon.

Izumi noticed a group was coming at their direction and his eyebrows twitched as he wanted to end this peacefully but it seems it couldn't be that smooth. They were surrounded his party with a small gap to 'escape'.

"Oi, let us restrain you untill be clarify the truth, if you're lucky you may get few years in prison."

"Don't you even want to hear my side of story." Izumi asked with barely restrain anger.

"Of course, but it's better if we are the one who go and confirms it."

'This bastard really trying get on my nerves.'

Izumi glared the soldier making him shuddered a little, but waved it off admiring how these beautiful ladies were.

Shizuku's hand was on the hilt as she had been informed about the truth of this world which made her very vigilant and attentive of her surrounding. She stole a glace at Izumi who had his eyes closed. Only Grayfia and Tio had calm expression while Myuu was asleep in Tio's arms.

"I see. Then don't blame for anything.." As soon he finished, Lucifer appeared in his hand and produced a swift slash, 5 heads were flying in the air as their body fell lifeless on the ground.

Everyone gasped witnessing this brutal scene. Even Shizuku had her eyes widen as she barely felt his movement but could tell he's very proficient in swords and ranked higher than grandmaster swordsman.

Izumi calmed down quickly after purposely killing some annoying ones and leaving only few Sea-dwellers as he didn't want any conflict with Myuu's hometown people.

"What's going on here?" Came a voice seeing commotion and frowned when he noticed the cause. He would be under 55 or below and had Heiligh Kingdom's crest on his Armor, surmising that he was the commander sent under pretext of the Kingdom's protection to protect it from outsiders.

Izumi narrowed his eyes dangerously. The man who seemed to be the leader was frowning probably sensing the heavy aura from Izumi.

He was no fool and had his fair shares of experience. He could tell that the young man infront him had no loopholes despite how carefree his stances seemed to be and also that long ponytail haired girl expression was another clue.

So he did whatever any other person would do, he glanced coldly at his Demi-Human subordinate and demanded, "Hey you speak, what lead to this?"

"C.. Comander, he illegally entered the land and ...and.. tried to -"

"Papa~ are we there?" A loud yet sleepy voice sounded out interrupting the stuttering soldier.

"Yes, Myu-chan. We're on your hometown." Izumi smiled as he turned back and smiled taking his supposed daughter in his arms. Myuu rubber her face on his cheek with a smiling face, still had her eyes closed.


The awkward atmosphere spread around seeing the supposed father and daughter bonding.

However, the some onlookers froze in shock including the commander as they couldn't believed their ears after hearing the little girl called Izumi and his change in behaviour as if nothing happened.

'Are you serious?!' It was their thoughts after all, judging from the child's features one could tell she has no human resemblance and a pureblood Sea-dweller at that.

Grayfia slapped her forehead while both Tio and Shia were slightly giggling and Shizuku was probably busy thinking about Izumi's last attack.

(A/N: No, No, No...Not Harry Potter blood supremacist. Here Pureblood means born between same race. Half Blood means born between different race.)


After some moments, the surrounding people returns to their sense and began to cause huge commotion.

Izumi leered through the whole crowds then stopped at the perplexed commander. A letter appeared out of nowhere and landed on commander's hand.

He quickly tore it and was surprised seeing what was written. Unknowingly, his forehead was covered in sweats.

'Should I thank this child or my luck for not provoking him?...May be both.'

"Ahem, we're really sorry for the misunderstanding. Please come I'll show you the way." The Commander respectfully signalled Izumi's party to follow him, leaving everyone dumfounded.

Walking by, the Commander lastly introduced himself as Saluz, he was one of the 5 people Ilwa and Lao trust so Izumi informed him about the Kingdom being compromised by outside force and reminded him not to act suspicious, such as when delivering the monthly report of this town situation, etc., as the enemies were monitoring their every movements.

"Her mother situation is pretty bad. She was gravely injured during the kidnapping incident, resulting in cripple as her feets are being crushed by those kidnappers."

"Don't worry we've the solution to-"

Izumi was interrupted by a huge commotion from the road ahead. It was the voice of a young woman and several men and women's.

"Remia! Calm down. It's impossible with the condition of your legs."

"That's right, Remia-chan. Myuu-chan will surely come back."

"I don't want to. Didn't you say that Myuu have come back?! Then I must go and see her. I need to welcome her."

With resounding of frantic voice of the woman called, Remia's. Myuu's face bloomed and shone. Then as loud as she could, she called out to the woman in her mid twenties, who had collapsed at the entrance door, while running.



Izumi put her down as she ran with full might and jumped into the bosom of the woman, her mother Remia who tried hard to hold her tears but in vain.

She kept on saying "I'm sorry." Tears fell as she was both relieved for daughter's was safe and grief for incapable of protecting her.

Surrounding people watched warmly as the mother daughter duo embraced each other after separating for a long time.

"It's okay Mama. Myuu is here, so there's nothing to worry about."


Never did she thought she would be comforted by her four year old daughter.

She thought her daughter really had changed and matured a little but felt she's still a Mama's girl like always.

Myuu watched her mother in worry and noticed her Mama's leg. She peeked through her long skirt and saw her legs were bandaged all over, they were in miserable state. After staying with monsters (Izumi's party) she could tell how weak her mother seemed to be and her health was not good.

"Papa! Please help Mama. Mama legs are injured."

"Eh! M-Myuu.. Just now."

"Papa, Hurry!"

"Ara? Arara? You said Papa? Myuu, who is this Papa?" Remia had a huge question mark above her head when she heard her daughter calling someone Papa.

"Huury up, Papa!"

Myuu shouted as Izumi who was talking with Saluz hurriedly arrived and saw everyone were gazing at him. He shrugged and looked at beautiful lady in her mid-twenties with long green hair and green eyes. Unlike humans, her ears are fan-like fins. She also has maple-like hands with a folded thin film attached in between her fingers just like the rest of her race.

(Pic Here)

He found this situation really troublesome as he could feel her presence was getting weaker and weaker but that's not due to her injury. There was something else, luckily he arrived in time if he were to be arrive a day, only fate could tell what could have happen to her.

'Looks like someone targeting her.' He mused to himself with a serious look. It was very fatal for Remia who had long forgotten about love and closed her heart.

Remia was in daze seeing the, young man. She felt her heart beating faster and face become hot as the man infront of her was the most handsome man she ever seen.

'Is this...? N-no way. This is impossible. I can't fall in love again..No..No..No..' She kept on denying her budding attraction and feeling. No matter what she can't do that, after all she's a Demi-Human and her desire to mate has been aroused yet again.

Tio smiled hiding behind her fan, she felt it clearly with Grayfia coldly looked at Remia before sighing at her current state.

She felt that Izumi's charm was really dangerous to opposite gender, right?


Guyz please give some reviews and power stones.

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