115. The Devil

The elderly reporter wiped the sweat from his face with a handkerchief remembering what happened that day, "One reporter was very self-conceived and questions from his mouth were sharp as well. Unfortunately, he poked the DEVIL😈 ."

After hearing this, the lucky journalist fell into silence.

The young journalist was not a fool, so he guessed the hidden meaning from that particular word 'Devil'.

That name had already become synonymous with fear, despair and cruelty.

Normal citizens only knew this title and often made fun of it. He was also like them but after he entered the news department, he knew what that meant.

His legs trembled from what he heard next.

"He constantly tried to find faults with him and like an expert all of his routine were skillfully dodged by the other party. This angered him and he touched his bottom line by raising many ambiguous questions about his wives.

He wanted to make another party angry so he could take advantage of the situation. Who would have thought that in the end he would start his own countdown?"

"W-what happened to him? And what is the connection between Izumi Miyamura and The Devil." All his previous arrogance and confidence was replaced by fear and panic.

By stuttering he asked a stupid question.

The elder journalist put up a grave look as his scanned his surroundings like he was going to tell some national secret.

"Lad, remember not to tell anyone that I told you this. Izumi Miyamura has another name."

"The DEVIL."


The young journalist expression paled and he was desperately trying to confirm whether this senior was playing a prank on him..

"Y-you...are lying. Then why haven't the police arrested him yet? How come he has been allowed to establish Miyamura Enterprises? Tell me, you're playing a prank, right, right?!"

"It's just proved that you're really naive." The old reporter shook off his hands and replied in disdain.

"Kid, the world is not always sunshine and rainbows." He was reprimanded with a cold expression, "The Devil has already put a golden ring on the so-called law. Even the Police and the president of Japan fear him. The people living in the underworld Salute him.

You can throw dirt, stones, even shoot him with a gun, but Izumi Miyamura will not do anything outside the law and once you cross his bottom line, he'll show you what a true despair is."

"Kazi! Huh? What are you doing here with a dead man?" Someone came searching for the elder reporter named Kazi and was surprised to see him talking with an atom bomb.

"It's nothing. I'm just teaching a youngster that being in journalism is also a high risk profession nowadays.. Let's go."

They left a desperate panic stricken guy frozen in disbelief.

Obviously he had received too much shock today.

Originally thought that his time to rise had arrived when he was recommended by his boss to represent their company in this light interview.(According to him)

His superior allowed him with the team to gain experience not to and maybe he was daydreaming too much to pay attention.

When he heard a story about Izumi Miyamura, he always believed that this guy was just a lucky bastard. And after witnessing those beauties, his head had been filled with fantasies and unknowingly he felt envy, jealousy and hatred towards him.

As his three bar overflowed, no one noticed that his life bar was almost devoid of any water/energy.

So, he told himself that if Izumi can do it then why not me?

Now, he understood that his previous conclusion was wrong.... He's lucky, it's because he makes his own luck.

But, the script had already developed towards a direction where his very life was at stake.

He regained his bearing and resolutely turned around and left the room with a single thought in his mind.

That was to apologise to Tio and Remia as soon as possible.

He hoped that at least they would persuade him....if not then..

Others reporters who were discussing stopped and someone among them spoke up.

"I must say at least, he is smart."

"Yeah I agree, he's lucky because Mr. Miyamura wasn't present at the conference."

"Humph! That's why our company doesn't send youngsters to such critical press conferences without much experience.

Not every youngster can be like the Izumi Miyamura period."

"He just raised his survival percentage to 0.5%. If he hadn't gone towards the elevator I'd have thought he went to the station. And by chance he survives, he'll definitely quit his job."

Some praised his luck, some expressed contempt while others just nodded.

Mistake is a must but it depends on what extent the other party could take.

All in all, the final decision depends on Mrs. Miyamura.


Grayfia who left the building had already arrived near the Iori Bakery and Cake Shop.

It's obvious she cheated.

At first, she teleported to the home from there and saw a naked Shea masturbating with a porn doujinshi in her hand.

Opps, busted.

Last night wasn't enough for her, it seems.

After berating her for a while, she took a shower and wore her maid uniform, did her make up, perfume then left the home with Rolls-Royce Black Bagde.

(A/N: In this world, something is advanced while some are backward. So, don't compare it according to real date or time.)

Not before reminding Shea to be careful. Shea would be alone as she'd take three wolves with her after picking up Izumi.(No power)

No way! Who made Izumi attached to them so much?

So much that he'd take them to his enterprises.

As for any legal trouble?


Even if he walked with a tiger, no one would point at him.


After Izumi arrived in front of the shop, it was filled with people and there were two waitresses going in and out, while another was standing behind the counter.

'Bakery and Cake Shop, Iori'

This name.

Countless memories flashed across his eyes.

No matter how many times, he never gets bored of it.

He seemed to return to the past where he saw his mother was still the manager and he was the worker.

Noticing the tired yet happy look in his mother's eyes who was watching him working obediently.

Then, he felt the scene around him running away, distancing farther as he closed his eyes.


He opened his eyes and saw a familiar girl waving her hands.

"How are things going?" Izumi suppressed his melancholy and asked.

"It's all thanks to you, Miyamura-kun." The girl replied.

A young girl with an average height and figure. She had light, brownish amber eyes with a golden tint and black shoulder length hair.

She was wearing a maid Latte uniform with two silver bobby pins on the left side of her face that pulls her side bangs away from her eyes.

(Pic Here)

"Misaki-chan, how many times have I told you to call me Izumi like you used to?"

Izumi entered the shop followed by a struggling Misaki.

She looked at Izumi's back very entangled and didn't know whether to speak or not.

And of course, Izumi noticed her tangled appearance, and chose to stay quiet.

He put up an apron and went to the kitchen to bake a few cakes with anime characters on it, make a special Yakisoba Pan, etc.


Misaki who followed him subconsciously after a few minutes, she steeled her heart and stood next to Izumi.

Izumi was paying attention to her and at the same time his hands didn't stop working.

Misaki grasped the corner of her skirts tightly and mustered up her courage, "I-izumi, are you free tonight?"

She immediately squeezed her eyes shut and her hands holding the skirts clenched more tightly.

"Of course." His hands stopped and he replied with a small smile, "I've been waiting for this for almost two years."

He wiped his hands then took a firm hold of those clenched fists as his finger skimmed through her hands.

Misaki's body was electrocuted as her eyes swam with tears.

No way! Those were ready to explode if rejected.

Women ☕.


Izumi suddenly pulled her and their lips touched as her eyes widened to the extreme and her hands were locked by his.

Her fruitless struggle was ignored.

After a minute, they separated and Misaki took advantage of this and made a certain distance between them.

She pointed at Izumi who was licking his lips and pouted angrily, "Y-yyou! That was my first kiss."

"Then, I'm glad."

His reply made her a little irritated.

You know she had been savoring her first for so many years and this beast took it and acted like it was nothing.

"Damn it." She gritted her teeth and jumped at him.


You are too tender.

Izumi caught her hand but her real intention was somewhere else.

Her right leg went straight to his...cough.


Contrary to her expectations, Izumi blocked it with ease and pinched her fleshy thigh lightly.

"Better be obedient or else I'll take your another first right here." Izumi warned as his eyes were scanning her chest area which made Misaki blush profusely.

Inside, she was extremely happy as she finally got her wish.


After a series of unexpected turnovers, both of them were now seen laughing as they had already prepared the cakes and breads.

She took a break to spend some time with Izumi as both of them were holding a glass of coffee.

"Who'd have thought that the boy who was previously a super nerd is now a youngest Billionaire.."

"Me too. I never thought that the former class president had such an interesting hobby."

Ridiculing each other, their eyes coincidentally met.

Misaki knew Izumi had a group of lovers but that doesn't bother her and still confesses to him.

Not because he helped her mother.

She had a crush on him from their childhood but one day, he suddenly transferred to somewhere along with his family.

And at that time, due to her age, she couldn't inquire about him.

She always regretted not telling her feelings to him.


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It'll boost up my motivation.

Thanks for reading my story. Have a great day ahead.

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