126. Paying the debt with interest

(A/N: Is the timing of my update okay or shall I change it? Please say!)

The news of Izumi's acquiring Instragram hadn't subsided yet and now it was already past 10 pm, late night.

"See you tomorrow, Saito."

An officer stepped out of the police vehicle and waved his hand.

He was wearing a random official police uniform and a revolver around his waist, two shoulder cords each.

A veritable chief inspector general of Saitama prefecture.

"Same to you, Sir." The driver, Saito replied politely and left with the police car.

Of course, it was not his car. His was in the station as he went to Tokyo for the recent murder incident.

With that he walked towards his home.

He lives in Minuma Ward, close to Omiya ward and of course, knew who it belonged to.

On the other side, his house was your everyday traditional Japanese house, but with more luxurious decoration.

As a police officer, it seems he was not so pure and honest.


"What a troublesome day.." He exhaled a deep sigh and frowned.

As a leader of a prefecture, he knew who was the culprit and was really helpless about it.

Even regretted his last actions a bit..but wasn't worried about anyone finding out.

After all, his actions were at least not related to anyone around that man, right?

And, as a corrupt officer, he had covered up many scandals.

With a relieved expression, he entered the house.


He narrowed his eyes and quickly took out his revolver.

Sensing the atmosphere wasn't right, he responded calmly.

Closing the door gently, he didn't turn on the lights either.

His focus was all in that room to his further left where the light was turned on.

Slowly, vigilantly....He approached the room carefully with his gun pointed ahead as if ready to fire anytime.

No way! This is just a rental home given by the government and a person who dared to enter mustn't be a small person.

Fortunately, his wife and child were living in the capital, which made him more relieved that he didn't bring them here.

"Raise your ha-!!"

The moment he turned around, his voice stopped abruptly as his revolver fell down and his face went blank.


What he saw was that two familiar corpses were lying in a pool of blood.

He screamed violently with tears streaming down his face.


He knelt down and rammed his fist on the ground continuously as blood began to ooze out of his arm.


"What harm did they ever do to you?!"

"Whoever you are, I'll definitely kill you!!!"

"Kill you...!"

His facial expression distorted as he roared madly in the air.

"I like your expression, Chief Inspector, Takeshi Kido."


Takeshi Kido who had not lost his complete sanity demanded aggressively.

His bloodshot eyes scanned the surroundings desperately.

However in the next moment, Takeshi's expression sank and his lips quivered in fear.


The silhouette of a man wearing black suit emerges from the darkness with the corners of his mouth turned up into an evil smile.


How could it be him??

No! No!

It must be a dream....Yes, a fake. Wake up Can't you see you're going to die?!

With these kinds of thoughts, Takeshi subconsciously crawled backward with his hands trembling.

Not from pain...from fear.

Cold sweat broke out from his back, just staying in his presence.

Honestly, he never expected to encounter this unscrupulous man here.

In this world, no one except this person could make the government and the top official authorities over the world break out in despair.

A lawless guy who didn't know the meaning of word fear.

A man whom even God fears.

Has the title, 'The Most notorious criminal.'

It was none other than the "Devil".

A sharp glint flashed across Izumi's eyes as he took a gun from the suit.

"W-Why are you here?!... Stop..I told you to stop!"

Takeshi panicked even more seeing Izumi walking towards him and hurriedly shouted, but it sounded like begging.

Izumi's eyes had an extremely cruel and evil meaning.

Even at this moment, he felt confused and didn't understand why Izumi was targeting him.

As if responding to his thoughts, Izumi opened his mouth and said in a murderous tone.

"Iori Miyamura, remember it?"

Takeshi's eyes almost pooped out hearing this name.

For a while, he felt he heard it wrong.

He wasn't a stranger with this name.

At that time, he was the one who ordered his subordinates not to help her and branded her as a mad woman by tampering with the classified information of many cases under her deceased husband's name to arouse their inner disgust from his subordinates.

He did it despite knowing their identities.

In fact, all this wouldn't be possible without any external help.

You know forgery and framing is a capital crime that even he, as a chief inspector couldn't escape the law if caught.

On top of that, his punishment will be more severe than others due to his identity.

He's pretty sure that they, his superiors would kill him to make an example out of him.

So, in the face of combined pressure, a person would obviously hesitate, but.

What if someone greases his palm??

When he was struggling whether to do it or not... Suddenly, he received a massive amount of sum from Azami Nakiri and promised to do the job wholeheartedly.

In this world, everyone loves money.

And, a total of 50 Million.

Even a life can be abandoned at will...

What puzzled him now was how Izumi was related to her?



A bad premonition rose from the bottom of his heart.

Trembling, Takeshi took a close look at Izumi's face.

Indeed, in addition to the same surname. Even his face was similar to her.

"She was my mother."


All his previous doubts vanished, instead a wry smile appeared on his face.

He felt tired.

Now, everything has become clear.

Fight him to death?...Or beg for mercy?

Stop joking!

If he had not seen many cases about Izumi, then he'd really do this kind of mindless thing.

"Azami Nakiri..You really awakened a dangerous beast."

He thought wryly.

If he knew it before, he wouldn't have agreed with his proposal.

Now, he has no one but to blame himself.

Who told you to be too greedy?


"They had nothing to do with this! They were innocent!"

He shouted aggrievedly.

This was his last bit of stubbornness.

He had already surrendered to fate.....just unable to accept the death of his wife and his child.

His words made Izumi's eyes more cold. He stood in front of him, and pointed the gun straight to Takeshi's forehead.

"My mother was innocent too."


Blood splashed all over the wall as the body fell.

Looking over the three corpses with an indifferent expression.

Feeling bad for killing an innocent child and a woman?

Then, what did his mother and father ever do to anyone?

Sorry, he's not so soft-hearted and won't be repeating the same mistake as his last life.

From his consciousness, he had already received all his memories and knew who helped him and who scorned him before he arrived.

And, he's not some dumb fucking hero who'd forgive even the killer of his family.

If he keeps forgiving, then one day, he'd crumble under someone's feet.

Just look at those self-righteous heroes.

Which one of them had a good ending?

His gun transformed into a sword and went into his body.

Yes, it was his beloved sword Lucifer who had unlocked transformation ability, of course, could only turn into any weapons.

With a simple wave of his hand, two files with classified stamps on the top appeared on Takeshi's dead body and he walked out.

Not bothering to hide his traces and involvement.

That's how confident he was.


Coming out of the house, Izumi dialled a number and in a few seconds, it was picked up.

"Has the time arrived?"

A slightly complicated voice came from the phone.

Hearing this voice, Izumi's expression softened, though he knew she was still feeling sad.

"Yes." Izumi nodded then added, "But if you don't want to then there's no need to force yourself, you know. I c-"

"No! All this is my own willingness. I've not forgotten what he did back then!"

Didn't wait for him to finish.

Her loud voice was full of hostility.

"Don't forget, we're with you." Izumi didn't bother to persuade her anymore as he knew her character and knew she wouldn't budge no matter what he said.

So, it's better this way.

"Good night." After saying good night, the phone was hung up from the other side.

Izumi stared at the phone with a big smile for a moment, he could feel her heartbeat.

Obviously, she was a little nervous talking to him again.



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It'll boost up my motivation. Please 🙏 vote.

Thanks for reading my story. Have a great day ahead.

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