
[Name: Izumi Miyamura]

[Age: 18]

[Gender: Male]

[Innate Skill: Universal Body.

Progress: (1.9%)

Physical strength And Spiritual Strength (Unlimited)

Note: Always adapting and evolving. In other words, limitless potential.)]

(Also Kagura Mind Eye, Adamantine Sealing Chains, Data Kiss goes into the innate category)

[Abilities from System: Wind, Water.]

(Demonic energy and Death energy comes from his sword so, no need to explain.)

[Passive: Cooking Mastery, Drawing Mastery, Weapon Mastery.]

[First World(Arifureta): Creation Magic, Gravity Magic, Spatial Magic, Restoration Magic, Spirit Magic, Evolution Magic, Metamorphosis Magic and Concept Magic]

[Weapons: Lucifer, Ring of Halo]

[Rewards: Eyes of Destruction, Weapon's shapeshifting ability, Dimensional Travel.]

(Dimensional Travel: *The host can travel to the different worlds/dimensions, but since the host isn't strong enough, the system will

continue to provide assistance until the host grows stronger. And modified it so, that the host can only travel to those worlds he did previously freely as well as any connection that can reach him, be it a person or an object. Limit: ----)

[Hidden Task Completed.

Title Acquired: The Conquerer!

1. Arifureta World]

[Extra Rewards:

1. Subordinates summoning cards.

(Responded according to Host's wish.)

2. Blood Boost: Anyone who receives Host's blood will gain a tremendous amount of power boost and a very very low chance of inheriting some of Host's ability.

(Warning ⚠️: Since Host's Blood is priceless. It is recommended to use it wisely, otherwise the host will face dire consequences.)]

{A/N: Don't worry. He'll not distribute his blood casually like a living blood bank. This is only exclusive for his women and his children.}

2. Indomitable Libido: An inexhaustible libido and very powerful carnal drive that can act as an unending source of power for their abilities and lifestyle. (Reminder: Once a woman have sex with the host, there's no going back. So, please treat it with caution and don't be like a rabbit in heat.)

[Family Members: Grayfia Lucifuge Miyamura, Tio Klarus Miyamura, Shea Haulia Miyamura, Shalter Miyamura, Remia Miyamura, Myu Miyamura, Shizuku Miyamura.] (This is for the future lol.)

(A/N: Shalter used Izumi's surname after her rebirth into a new body. Grayfia and Tio kept their last names as middle names. Shizuku being from a typical Japanese family will use Izumi's name. As for Remia, no need to say anymore. I'm sure y'all got the (◠‿◕).)

[Subordinates: All members of the Haulia Family, and Amazons of Themyscira(150).]

[Pets: River(Kraken), Wolves(Fenris, Ulf and Adalwolf)]

[Next Mission: Rule over Earth]

[Side Mission: Avenge your parents' death]

[Time: Unlimited]

[Rewards: Not available now! The system will consider after the tasks]

[Punishment: None; This function will cease to exist from this moment on.]


PS: I'll continue writing the remaining chapters of Izumi's world from Thursday. After completing the whole arc, I'll start updating... Specific date is not known.

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