129. Civil Unrest

Hi guys! I hope you all are doing well.

Um....Today as I'm going on a trip to East Sikkim with my family and will return on Sunday evening or Monday Morning.

Originally, I was going to update as usual, but this morning my family surprised me with this sudden news.. Since I'm traveling, I can't focus on writing or else it'll ruin the fun.. So, please try to understand my difficulty and forgive me for this.

In fact, I was really unwilling to post this chapter and only wanted to inform you about my absence... Still have no idea why I'm posting.

The stable update will continue from next week as usual.

Hope you like this chapter. Peace ✌️ out!



Izumi was half lying on the bed, looking at the small figure besides him.

A young girl with long wavy blue hair was sleeping cutely, the small smile on her face made Izumi a little emotional.

"How times have changed.."

He gently caressed her head.

Watching his daughter, he remembered how his mother used to do this when he was a kid.

Father would always tickle him then receive scoldings from mother.

Mother's always nagging mouths almost making their ears calloused.

It still felt like yesterday.



All those days have become memories which he could only cherish.

In his last life, he failed as a son.

This life, he didn't had a chance to redeem.

Instead of love and care, he gave them only pain and suffering.

What a useless failure!

"You're not a failure, Izumi!"

"No need to comfort me. I know what I am."

Grayfia, wearing her usual blue and white french maid outfit with long sleeves and a white maid headband over her head with red lipstick as a cosmetic accessory.

(Pic here)

When she saw his expression changed from melancholy to sadness and pain, she could tell what he was thinking.

Her serious expression immediately softened.

I'm afraid he still can't get over it.

Unlike her parents who died from war, his parents suffered extreme unjust, especially his mother.

A weak woman who just wanted to live, was caught in between two families struggles.

Speaking of this, Grayfia was really grateful for her mother-in-law.

It was her outstanding upbringing that made Izumi for what he is.

A responsible man, a good husband and a loving father.

Though she knew it wouldn't be that easy for him to leave it behind.

"We're with you, Izumi." She approached him and held his hand, "You're not alone anymore."

Izumi whose hand was held by Grayfia couldn't help but smile lightly.

He squeezed her hand and said while his other hand was still caressing Myuu, "Now I understood why my mother could always have the strength to endure."

Grayfia was a little taken back then showed a sweet smile as her eyes moved to Myuu who was sleeping soundly.


She probably had an urge to get pregnant immediately and she knew how healthy his little guy was.

Every night, all their sisters combined couldn't resist his lethality.

With a blush, she hurriedly threw those unhealthy thoughts out of her mind.

For now Myuu is enough. No need to think about messy stuff.

"Cough*.. Izumi" She coughed and took her hand back.

Her face became serious.

"Everything is in the place, but..."

She hesitated whether to tell him or not. After all, she knew how much this man endured.

"It's okay." Izumi waved his hand and told her not to mind.

"It's just Odin found several attacks from an unknown server trying to get into 'that' file."

"And, it's been happening since last night."


"Someone actually cracked Odin's security.."

"Interesting, very interesting." Holding his chin, Izumi leaned back with a thoughtful expression.

'Who could it be?'

You know someone who could break into his handmade AI could only be counted with two, three fingers.

Of course, he wasn't worried about any hackers at all.

Odin's system wasn't that simple.

Coupled with his advanced knowledge from his past world, he can confidently say that he's invincible in terms of technology... at least in this world.

Whoever it was, although broke in, only a first layer.

Odin had 99 layers and the difficulty of each increases by 10 times.

Invented by a super genius like him and not something those normality could touch as they wish.


As if she could read his narcissistic thoughts.

Grayfia snorted, "I've already found out who it was."


Izumi almost choked.

Then, why paused? Should've told me from the beginning..

"It's from that genius scientist."

"That genius inventor?" He raised his eyebrow and Grayfia nodded.

"Let's keep that aside for now." Learning who it was, Izumi immediately lost interest.

It turned out to be that troublesome woman.

He knew the reason too.

Instead, he looked at Grayfia tenderly.

"How about we take a bath...together?"


He didn't give her a chance to open her mouth and blocked her with his lips, holding her in a bridal carry and hurriedly dashed into the bathroom.

Grayfia reluctantly gave in.

Don't misunderstand..

She was afraid that his unscrupulous action might disturb Myu.

It's not because her body wanted more, absolutely not.

How could a strict personality like woman her would openly admit it?

She doesn't like admitting that she loved this while she is on the job.

(In order to save pen and ink, the process of what's happening inside will be left to the reader's imagination.)

(A/N: Also, MC will only show his true feelings in front of people he cares about not in front of outsiders, remember this very well. Don't blame me for not explaining his character. I've been telling you from Arifureta world.)


Several state leaders had issued a red warning and warned citizens not to leave their home.


The Devil!

He's back with a bang.

Mass murder with river of blood flowing in several places around the country.

For a time being the whole Japan was in high alert after its independence since 1951.

Of course, they never mentioned him at all. This pot was thrown over to the terrorist.

Only those upper echelons and media knew the truth.

Still, they were clueless why is it him?

All of these happened after today's main headlines.

It's all about Nakiri....To be exact, the ex-husband of Mana Nakiri.

Azami Nakamura.

From how she openly reveals his true face in front of the world. Cheating scandals, Applying Reverse Divorce and murdering of Eldest son and daughter-in-law of Nakiri's was also connected to him, no, to be exact, he was the mastermind behind all this.

Journalists and media did their jobs digging black materials on him and detailed the various deeds done by him and each of his deeds shocked and scared the people.

Not even an hour had passed, the news was already flying everywhere.

This is the internet age.

Some news doesn't need to be printed.

His reputation hit rock bottom and his business went bankrupt within minutes.

He wasn't alone though.

The police reputation also took a massive hit after knowing that they secretly helped him by taking bribes with an unknown amount.

Instead of doing their jobs to protect people, they were actually committing murder.

There was also an exaggerated sentence.

[Is our country and its people still safe? Collaboration with a ferocious murderer and that too more than twice.]

The media kept adding fuels while they didn't forget to drag police into the water.

That sentence seemed to be the turning point.

All hell broke loose.

People were extremely furious after hearing it.

Even some radicals had already begun to vandalize the police building with stones and block the road, totally ignoring the warning issued by the states head.

Violent protests could be seen everywhere, especially Tokyo.

Blocked trains, airplanes and other means of transportation, directly overwhelmed the authorities and foreigners who were scheduled to travel.

It was also mentioned that the chief inspector who was being bribed was found along with his family...dead.

Method of killings - Shot to death.


Half of the information they got it from the file lying on his dead body.

According to the media, more similar cases had been hidden by the police.

Even though the higher ups of police wanted to hide some details, they were helpless.

Before they could, the situation actually magnified.

Because they found out who was the killer.

Izumi Miyamura aka DEVIL😈!

Just didn't understand why he did that? Why were his subordinates very rampant in the morning?

What connection did he have with Azami Nakamura?

What the actual fuck going on?

Investigation was still going on.

The only troublesome thing was that those damn and annoying politicians chose this time to jump.

And the target was police while they didn't forget to severely condemn Azami Nakamura for his disgusting actions.

Don't you guys always go around wearing stupid monkey caps, touting messenger of justice or what not. Arresting here and there regardless of evidence, just because you're under the law?

Then bear it.

Many rich people and politicians who suffered under their hands, stood up and vented their dissatisfaction.

A lot of ordinary citizens also expressed their dissatisfaction for the police's shameless behaviour.

For example, if you can't find any clues or suspects in a certain case, push the blame to the natural disaster and this happened many times.

Who are you fooling??

Obviously with a protective umbrella like Devil, they weren't too worried about retaliation either.


"Damn! Those bastards still have a face to condemn us for corruption. Their damn whole upbringing is filled with black money!"

Tokyo, National Police Agency headquarters.

"However, keeping that matter aside, I still couldn't understand why that man killed the inspector and his family?"

"Why are there no results till now?!"


The deputy head of the department slapped his desk angrily.

He was a man within his late fifties, and his long career as a civil servant had made him age quickly.

Just he was about to curse some more.

At this moment.

Hi phone rang.


"What?! Have you found something?!"

"Hurry up and send her information to my desk! I repeat! I need all her information. Not a single letter should be missed. Understood?!"

Putting down the phone, he slumped back and massaged his forehead.

All this pressure had given him a big headache.

He was nearing his retirement and this case happened.

Obviously, it wasn't under his jurisdiction, and he still had to do this.

It'd be great if this was only a simple murder.

Okay, even it's not a simple murder, he won't complain.

But, No!

It had to be one which involved that man.

And, whenever 'he' was involved, the matter wouldn't be that simple.

He was still mulling about it.

Unfortunately it's too late.

Now, it has risen to national level problems.

If not solved, it'd leave a huge stain on his glorious career.

At worst, he might become a whipping boy.

But, he still believed his gut feeling very much.

He felt that all these major incidents were connected to the one person.

Now, all he could do was pray his point to be alright.


Readers, please vote and give your honest review in the review section, I'm begging you.

It'll boost up my motivation.

Thanks for reading my story. Have a great day ahead!

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