
"The night we met was as dark and cold as your body. No one had to tell me the truth, because I knew the moment I laid eyes on you that you were my fate. But that didn't stop me from trembling with fear and destiny. Fear of what my suffering would be in loving you in the only way I would be able to. When you appeared before me, tall and strong, standing under the stars and looking at your kingdom with pride, I understood your loneliness. Before you, I was innocent and loved only creatures. And you were a wounded beast who hated and rejected the weak. Maybe the others were all right in the end, trying to separate us because we were never meant to meet. We were far too different and too many things were tearing you apart. But such laws no longer meant anything to us. And if I were given the chance to rewrite our story, I wouldn't change anything, and certainly not your cruel and tormented nature, because it was the reason that led you to me. Also, you will never have to doubt my feelings because they are real and will last to the end."


It was morning and the young woman had just woken up. She opened her eyes slowly, blinking them for a long time in order to erase the last veils of sleep which still blinded her. Then pushing a painful sigh, she turned towards the big window of her white room, which gave on the balcony, which was only equipped with a round chair furnished with blue flowered cushions. And further away, a group of trees, some of which were centuries old, hid behind their large spread-out bodies a horizon of various roofs and buildings that were as modern as they were sensational. Colorful and very hairy creatures wandered happily between the branches and leaves of the trees. Some of them seemed to enjoy the warm morning and preferred to rest in nests and little straw houses. Still others, touching and winged, looked up, spread their wings and flew away to join those who were already soaring happily under a crystal blue sky. This same pure and elusive blue sky that Ivy, although lying on her hospital bed, still admired so much, but above all, reminded her of another morning sky of the day when her whole life was to change.

Ivy smiled a half-tender, half-ironic smile as she thought about how that sky and the light that inspired so many people and gave them so much hope, including herself, meant absolutely nothing to this person.

That day the weather was particularly hot because the torrential rains had finally stopped their infernal deluge the day before, leaving room for the shining star of the sun, which could finally give free rein to its great light and warmed the whole city with its radiant fury.

Although the heat was overwhelming, people did not hesitate to take advantage of the good weather to recover from the humidity caused by the incessant rain that had lasted for weeks in all the cities of the Alkalos kingdom. The stores were always full, the ice cream and drink restaurants were the most frequented. Parks and rest areas, swimming pools, and everything related to water were incredibly busy. The whole moving scene proved oh so much about how eternal and wonderful the magic of the sun was.

But for Ivy, a gifted and diligent young student, she spent most of her time between the library and the private Okel center, which housed rare and protected creatures, revealing her total passion, bordering on an unhealthy addiction, for her chosen branch of study.

That day, as always fascinated by these strange and seductive creatures, while others were having fun in amusement parks with friends and family, she was admiring and studying a rare species called Groul, a creature with white, blue and black fur, whose round and supple body helped him move with incredible agility whether in trees, between rocks or even on dry land. At this very moment, he was making small jumps very skilful and joyful that delighted without surprises the girl.

- Oh, are you trying to distract or impress me, you little rascal? She asked him, one hand on her hips, the other pointing a falsely severe finger on her favorite little beast.

At these sweet and mocking words, the little Groul turned to her and plunged his amber eyes into Ivy's incredibly green irises. Ivy saw a mischievous, enchanted glint in them that filled her with pride. This meant that this little thing, whose species was as famous for its beauty as for the difficulty of their emotional attachment, had finally gotten used to his presence, and had even proven his trust and tenderness, performing tricks as natural as they were ingenious for his benefit.

- Oh, my sweetheart, thank you.

- Ah, you're back already, Miss Kaltan.

The young Kaltan turned to the man who had just spoken to her, a radiant smile on her lips.

- Hello, Mr. Cole, how are you today?

- Probably not as well as you from the look you just gave me. He replied, looking at her mischievously.

Ivy laughed at these humorous words.

- Is it that obvious?

- To anyone. I guess your Groul is enchanting you again today? continued the manager, as he wandered around the great hall to check on the water dispensed into the specific troughs for each creature.

- Yes, and he has just given me a real little show when you interrupted us!

- More and more fantastic. As for me, he continues to simply ignore me and only deigns to offer me condescending smiles every time I bring him his meals.

Once again, Ivy laughed out loud at these amusing and falsely cynical jokes.

- I'm sorry, Mr. Cole.

- Oh, I doubt that very much, Miss. Say you're proud. The special being who can communicate with Groul's creatures. And at this rate, this little fellow will soon be calling you mother.

- That would be wonderful!

Mr. Cole smiled gently at these very sweet words of thanks. And yet, he thought that the real wonder was rather this young girl so radiant with her long fiery hair falling freely down her back, her face with a perfect oval where two sublime and intelligent eyes shone. Her body, just as perfect and slender, was dressed in tight white pants, a very chic black blouse with short sleeves, tight at the waist, and finally, her little feet delicately wearing black suede sandals. She carried a large multicolored bag that contained all her books and documents.

The guardian and protector of rare animals shook his head. He had spent his life in this famous and highly protected center since its creation half a century ago. He had been lucky enough to know exactly what he wanted to do, unlike most people. He couldn't imagine doing anything else, and never for a moment regretted spending the years of his life doing just that one thing. And because of that, he had seen all kinds of dream creatures pass before him, all those that one could imagine. Whether they were beings or beasts. But the girl who stood before him could easily be ranked at the top of the sublimity scale. In her presence so resplendent, the old chief felt so simple, so ordinary, further accentuated by the suit he wore, a dark brown jumpsuit that disadvantageously covered his large, fat body that all the efforts of his beloved wife could not slim down one millimeter, let alone the effects of magic. His bald face, with only a few strands of hair left around his head, adorned a round, almost pink face with a thick, bushy mustache. With an amused cynicism, he told himself that he was really not what one could call a handsome man.

Then, still contemplating the young Ivy, he saw her sweep her long hair, and at the same time added to it in this graceful movement some magic gold powder that floated in a sparkling wave before disappearing finely.

- While I approve of your great passion for these beautiful little animals, young lady, I do notice that you spend a little too much time on them.

Ivy frowned slightly, already feeling tense as she guessed what the estate manager was getting at, but that didn't stop her from asking for clarification.

- What do you mean, Mr. Cole?

- You know very well what I'm trying to say. I was just saying to my wife yesterday, while the rain was still falling with delight, that you should consider going out more often. With friends or even better, with boyfriends, because the more the merrier, and do all the things that young people have to do in their time.

- I will be young for a very long time, Mr. Cole, magic helps a lot. Declared the girl with sovereign dignity, trying to convince herself as much as her interlocutor. Then I do not worry about the time I spend on my passion, that is to say, these little creatures that seem so insignificant to you.

- I never said that. He refuted with a falsely innocent air. On the contrary, I also find these animals," he pointed with a vague hand gesture, "as important as they are fascinating, which is why I chose to work here without regret. I love my job. But that doesn't mean that I'm going to devote all my time to it. On the contrary, as soon as I have the opportunity, I leave this place and put it out of my mind, taking advantage of my moments of freedom, spending them with loved ones or even alone, doing whatever I want to do. And you should really follow this example and do the same.