Dark way

All the customers present also watched her, showing different kinds of emotions, some showing anger and embarrassment, others amusement and condescending disdain, others boundless admiration and jealousy for her wonderful beauty and radiance.

Her three friends, too, after the shock of her cry of joy, looked at her with indulgent smiles and some relief.

- I am so happy. Ivy declared dazzlingly.

- It goes without saying beauty. You are literally glowing. Roj exclaimed, looking almost worriedly at his redheaded friend's increasingly glowing face.

- Even a blind man could see that, my dear.

- We already knew that this great news would make you happy, but to imagine it at this point is simply excessive. Sahidi ironized as she began to taste her ice cream again.

Ivy made a small face at her, then Linelle continued.

- It's really amazing what passion, for one thing, can mean to a person. You are a living example of what unconditional love means.

- No, you're wrong," Ivy contradicted. It's not passion, it's worship. And the latter has no end.

- Fascinating! So tell us, honey.

- Yes?

- Since we're talking about feelings, I was wondering if it would be possible for you to love something more than these stupid beasts?

Ivy wanted to petrify her blonde friend with her beautiful green eyes, but too happy to feel anger, she just nodded.

- My creatures are neither vile nor stupid. Not to me anyway. And they never will be. And as for ever loving anything or even anyone more than them, I don't think it will ever happen. And probably never will.

Roj made a theatrical gesture.

- Woe to all men to lose the glorious chance to be your lover one day, my princess.

- How do you know I haven't done it yet?

Her three friends looked at her with irony. Because this day was so special for the young student that everything about her and what she could feel was clearly displayed on her face.

- If only you could see what we see! Linelle pretended wryly.

- You are really sublime Ivy, said Roj with great sincerity.

- Thank you, my darling. And I would also like to thank your prodigious brother for what he has done and accomplished for us, poor unfortunate people with great wishes but no power, as well as for his entire branch.

- I can easily understand that.

- No, I don't think you can understand how we really feel. Someone like me would never have been able to approach the members of the high hierarchy, to convince them to offer us the right to penetrate the infinite forest of the Vaegos Empire in order to meet and study the diverse and innumerable species that shelter there and are guarded so fiercely. You are really lucky to have him.

- Yes indeed, one can say that, Roj agreed but he was careful not to explain the true meaning of his words. For what he did not reveal to his friends was that he was present, and more precisely sitting in one of the seats in the great chamber of representatives when his beloved, respected, revered older brother pleaded his case with unstoppable arguments and frightening manipulation before this assembly of power, with the aim of convincing them to allow the opening of the borders of a kingdom as defended and independent as Vaegos.

At first sweating with tension and admiration in front of the exchanges between the great ambassadors, representatives in title of the kingdom of Alkalos in the assembly of the worlds, and the great heir of Vintry, Roj calmed down soon and followed with calm and seriousness the long debate which obviously finished as he had guessed it, as probably most of the people present, by the victory of this being with the intelligence out of the common and whose charisma was already legendary.

- I think we already had this kind of plea, Dr. Vintry. Declared with calm and boredom one of the high representatives, a round and mustachioed man with ashen hair, wearing a long sumptuous dress in black and purple, and whose piercing look showed an incisive intelligence but apparently also an annoyance in front of the great beauty and the extraordinary knowledge of his prosecutor. This ...instance has already been claimed to us several times and by beings more insistent and ferocious than you.

- It is true, calmly admitted Kreiz Vintry, but either these pleaders were null or it is you who are too narrow-minded but especially fearful, to accept this establishment.

Some people flinched at the offensive and degrading, though fair, accusations, others pretended not to be affected.

- This sharp and somewhat vulgar argument has also been put forward before. And as you can see, to no avail.

- Precisely. Because it is not the words of the words or the people who had the courage to do it. Declared the doctor, amused and disdainful. No, it's your fault for not being able to change things. You have neither the strength nor the courage. Who wouldn't be ashamed to belong to the only kingdom that doesn't have the right to access the Vaegos Empire. We who are its closest neighbor, while the people of other nations can move freely in, I am ashamed. And I know you are too.

He shook his head, sorry, and continued forcefully.

- Is this the legacy you wish to leave. The failure and disdain of others for our cowardice and our total lack of evolution? We may be less big and less powerful, but we don't have to bow down to this mysterious, magnificent and above all very rich empire.

This went on for a long time, but sitting in front of a single, proud person, who was able to face and answer with brilliance a myriad of questions and oppositions, the final decision could only be of a clear evidence.

- You were extraordinary Kreiz.

- Really? Asked this one, nonchalantly mocking, leaning on the corner of a glass window, observing, almost indifferently, the leaders debating in a magic silence.

- Yes, you still are, but this time it was more grandiose. You really convinced those stubborn idiots. It's as clear as day.

- And do you really think that my arguments and my incredible power tipped the scales in my favor?

- Didn't it?

His brother gave him an ironic, almost pitying look.

- You know Rojie, although you have inherited the great Vintry genes of vice intelligence and undeniable charisma, somehow you are really naive and ignorant. And believe me, this is not an advantage at all, especially in this advanced world.

Rojie narrowed his eyes, feeling suddenly very young, inexperienced, and inferior.

- How so?

- Well. he replied confidently, speaking as if to a disciple. I have already won the game, long before the debate began since I made sure that I won the decisive pawns in my camp. Wealth, power, revenge. In dark things that always generate good exchanges before. Never forget it, Roj, to win and overcome, always make sure you have the maximum of assets, strong allies and visualize all the options. That's the only way to succeed. Luck or other crazy oddities won't really enter into the equation anymore.

His younger brother regarded him for a moment, breathtakingly handsome in a white tailored suit, in contrast to his own, black and gray, though of the same excellent cut, frightened and yet amazed at that dark and sadistic side that made up his elder's personality.

- I am sure that this side is not Vintry, Kreiz! he finally exclaimed, shaking his head.

- And I'm afraid you're right, which hurts me to admit, since it's that side that got me this far, and this high," he stated with a bitterness that was more poignant than he would have liked. Oh, we've finished deliberating, apparently. Kreiz Vintry continued, watching the members of the assembly nodding to each other. Let's go hear what we both already know.