
- Oh, so he finally dared. He dared to do what he should never have done. He entered here in Vaegos. He has entered my kingdom.

The beast raised his arrogant head to the starry sky and felt the life of the infinite empire through his whole body. As soon as he came out of his daytime sleep, he felt the alien presence of all those who dared to enter within his realm, whoever they were, with or without his permission.

- He had the audacity to trample the ground of my world with his dirty feet.

A huge whitish monster, one of the most powerful guardians of the imperial territory, rose from the water and bowed to the beast.

- Yes, your majesty. They are beginning to invade Vaegos. According to our sources, due to various pressures they have had to endure over the past few months, the members of the Union of Worlds had finally decided to vote positively for special access to our territories.

- Special?

- Yes, fortunately for now. I mean it's just not acceptable," he corrected hastily, seeing the terrible look on his sovereign's face. "They haven't accepted free access yet, but have limited it to anyone who is involved in any way with rare creatures.

- I see. I don't know if I should feel flattered by this delicate attention to me and my Empire. And anyway, this kind of condition is easily circumvented for those who are smart enough to find the way. And corruption is the main weapon.

The sovereign beast spoke with affected calm. But his close guardians were not fooled by this artificial serenity. They all sensed that through this arrogant face, a boiling of feelings as excessive as devastating were mixed in a hellish whirlwind. Besides, the prince had been tormented by many things for some time. As much as he knew that the time would come when the doors of his empire would have to open to others, and that the distant family of this dear friend would be one of the causes. Sometimes he thought that things were getting so bad and inexorable that he had to forget himself in order to bear it.

- Why?" exclaimed the guard, amused and mocking, shaking his head slightly in annoyance. Because none of them, no matter how brilliant and experienced, will ever be able to really study you as you deserve? the monster suggested with a gravelly laugh, apparently even holding back from beating the water with his gigantic tentacles as pale as the light he has never known, to show his amusement.

- I can already see what they're going to put in their manual and encyclopedia about you. he continued, falsely neutral. "Not much except obvious signs of darkness.

The master of darkness, stung to the core, and already feeling capsized by a dull helplessness, looked at him while nodding with a falsely reassuring smile.

- Very funny, Yugen. But the most to be pitied is certainly not my person. Because I can already guess that you, my beautiful one, will not be in any book, because it would not be big enough or simply, he added with a falsely serious expression, because nobody will be interested enough in you

The monster, who lost his ironic and confident smile as he spoke, now looked at his master with a look of hatred.

- I could devour you here and now. No one will probably ever know about it. And it will save them the immeasurable fatigue of studying you and finding out who you really are. Not to mention the satisfaction of swallowing and tasting you and finally taking your place at the top of the Vaegos world.

- Yuren, I knew you were stupid. But at this point, it's really too pathetic. By eating me, you are condemning yourself, aren't you? And apart from your speech, only the weak have ever mocked you.

And the beast with the sparkling fur like a star wave accompanied his ironic words with a jeering laugh.

The white monster whitened even more with rage and approached his sovereign in a threatening way.

- You...

The beast carelessly turned its haughty head towards its faithful servant, and with its eyes and body taking on a magical and powerful glow, it used a powerful spell that severely injured Yuren. The latter screamed with rage and pain, his dark, almost black blood came out abundantly from his deep wound, so he quickly dived into the waters to let the waters heal him before reappearing, stunned and furious.

- Master, this is not a game!

The master shrugged, casually, with a smile that others would have called sincere. But not Yuren. Not at all.

- Of course it is. I'm forcibly training you so that you'll be ready the day you finally want to challenge me to take my throne.

- One day, just for what you just did, I will, Your Majesty.

- I'm just waiting to see," he replied, seemingly excited.

Yuren looked at him for a moment before shaking his head, more cynical than ever.

- You almost sound like it. Anyone who didn't know you and to whom you didn't reveal your true nature would be too easily fooled. Unfortunately for them. Which, of course, is not the case for you.

- But not for you either.

- Of course I do. Because I know and will always know that you are neither simple nor superficial as you so love to let people believe. You are a special being who likes to do harm.

The mythical beast looked at his gardian for a moment before giving a smile that revealed without ambiguity the true nature that the Yuren monster feared and at the same time, loved so much. The real reason why he stayed by his side, protecting him and maybe also revering him a little, despite some bad treatments he received especially at really unexpected and inopportune moments.

Then, sighing slightly and abandoning this discussion that had become boring, the beast moved, pursed again his lips.

- Anyway, his perseverance finally succeeded and now he has access to my universe, which above all and he is perfectly aware of it, I cannot tolerate, and for any reason.

- Speaking of reasons, wouldn't it be better to give him a chance.

Another of the beast's guardians suddenly appeared, a being with red hair and white skin etched with abstract and rather terrifying black markings wearing a long, colorful, glittering tunic with class.

- And why should I do it? Inquired the latter, fierce, accelerating his steps and his glow.

- Because it is the role of a sovereign to do so. Replied the guardian without being in any way dismantled by the brutality of the beast. To analyze, interpret, dissect before making the right decision for the well-being of the majority and the empire.

- What you have just said is perfectly correct Kleb, except for the little mischievous gleam in your eyes, surprisingly flamboyant in this dark night, which unpleasantly distorts the tone of your voice.