
Kreiz laughed sarcastically and mockingly.

- Yes Zion, answer your other unwanted guest, what exactly was I talking about a moment ago? Why don't you reveal the reason why you are hiding your true form? Ivy is dying to know. But of course, if you dare.

- What I dare to tell you now Ivy, is that my other form is no more about you than it is about that other undesirable behind you that you defend so dearly. I reserve it for those who deserve it. And now I command you both to leave Vaegos, before the sun rises at dawn, or I will make sure you never do so again. And I, the strongest, will imprison you forever in an infinite realm of nightmares.

But the two strangers never had time to respond to these terrible threats or make any gestures, for dark red sparks suddenly appeared and quickly filled the surrounding area. Dark magic without question.

- What's going on? Zion exclaimed feverishly.

He turned to look and try to figure out what was happening.

Ivy didn't feel threatened either. And right now, she was fully aware that she knew very little except her rare creatures. However, she could easily sense that the scarlet glow surrounding them was not a good omen, not good at all.

- Zion, what's going on?

- I don't know, I have no idea.

- But?

- Shut up Ivy, you're distracting me.

Ivy kept quiet to give Zion time to work his magic. With near-perfect artistry, Zion unleashed his immense power. His magic enveloped her intensely, ready to act. But as he reached out to extinguish the unknown lights, they shook dangerously and exploded with frightening violence, burning everything that touched them. And Ivy could not protect herself from this dark magic and was seriously burned, which caused a gaping wound. She screamed in pain, falling weakly to the ground.

- No, Ivy! Kreiz shouted, running quickly to her and supporting her before her light body hit the icy ground.

- Let me see! Where does it hurt? Tell me! First, Kreiz raised his hand to create a powerful barrier. Then trying to take care of the woman's wound, he turned her over to get a good look at the wound, and stifled a shocked exclamation when he saw it, black and surrounded by faint cursed signs. Ivy moaned softly, dizzy with pain.

- It hurts, doctor.

- Call me Kreiz!

- All right, Kreiz! Do you think we'll make it?

- Of course we'll be okay. Haven't you noticed that we're with the supreme master of arrogance. If he can't save us from these strange and dangerous magical attacks, no one can.

Ivy laughed at the cynical but oh-so-sweet mockery.

- Yes, you're right.

Zion violently pushed the rays away before swallowing them in small spheres of magical water to extinguish them.

But another, much more serious problem arose.

The light began to illuminate the horizon and grew irresistibly.

- No...

Zion turned pale and did not know how to behave. He turned to his unwanted guests and saw them hugging each other, supporting each other sheltered in a huge spherical barrier. It was an image of pure intimacy and the birth of something great that no one could ever stop. Something indefinable, uncontrollable was born in him, something that strangely hurt him more than the light.

But the light intensified considerably and the prince became weaker in the same way.

But fortunately, at that moment, one of his guardians, a being with long, thick, yellow hair, wearing a black mask, appeared. His body, engraved with ancient marks, was covered with a light tunic and various leather accessories.

- Majesty!

Zion turned around, relieved.

- Ah Hydros! I almost waited. What's going on here?

- I'm not sure yet. But I think one of the giant beasts has inadvertently released a marrottal monster.

Despite his fatigue, Zion had the strength to jump and cry out.

- What?

- I think this is it, your greatness!

- But that's not possible! It was me, you hear? I was the one who specially installed the spells to keep them prisoner. How is it possible that a creature of such a low level can defeat them?

- So that just means you're not as strong as you claim to be Zion, you'll just have to accept that reality, that's all, and find a solution, in accordance with your real skills.

- Shut up, Kreiz, or I'll burn you myself. And I don't want to hear anything from someone who, in such a sinister situation, is only supporting a weak woman.

- How poisonous jealousy can be!

Ivy frowned, Zion looked really sick. She never thought she would see him like this, weakened. Not this person, she thought.

- Zion? she called hesitantly.

But he didn't even bother to make a move.

- Zion, are you well?

- No, of course that not, since you are there! You all foreigners who, in spite of my will, dared to visit my beautiful territory.

- Now you are overreacting. But more importantly, since you keep claiming that this is your so-called empire, then make sure you protect it and us in the same way. We had nothing to do with it. Please fix the problem so we can leave this place safely.

And the problem quickly became apparent to them. A gigantic, shapeless, dripping beast emerged from the edge of the forest and strode toward them.

- Prince?

- Calm down Hydros. I am here!

It was a colossal red mass, putrid and highly toxic, covered with dark fissures from which lethal gases and toxic purple liquids escaped.

- What is this monstrosity? Ivy asked in disgust, her hand over her mouth.

- It's a monster. That's all you need to know.

- And you keep this kind of monster in your kingdom? The writer asked with the most profound contempt.

- Yes. But monsters exist everywhere Kreiz and in different forms. And you know best, don't you?

- How dare you...

- Boys, this is not the time! Ivy intervened, annoyed.

- Ivy is right, but this time we'll fight together to get rid of our opponent as quickly as possible. I will lend you my strength because yours seems to have lost a lot of its vitality. And we wonder why when we know that we are right on your territory.

Kreiz left Ivy in the large shield and created another for himself. Together, he and Hydeos stood up to face the shapeless giant before rushing to attack him.

Zion tried, but as the red light intensified, his physical strength diminished dramatically.

Although Kreiz fought hard against the monster, he found time to exclaim angrily.

- It's okay Zion, take your time, it's not like your beast here isn't really a deadly threat!

Ivy likewise shook her head as she contemplated the mythical beast. Dismayed at its weakness and lack of dedication.

- Zion, do you even realize what you are doing, or more accurately, what you are not doing? You haven't moved a finger to fight this monster that you so proudly called your own, despite your endless speeches, filled with an arrogance just as excessive. Was it all nothing but lies ?

- Ivy....

- No! Don't even try to apologize! It won't do any good. I see the truth before me. A truth that doesn't even try to save face! In fact I understand now why you are still in your place. It is because it is the others who are fighting for you. Your friend, if it was ever this Hydros, is doing everything in his power to defeat your enemy, and all the while, you stand there like a creature belonging to the lowest level of the hierarchical pyramid.

Ivy never understood why she felt so sad.

- In fact, Kreiz was right, you are weak.

Precisely, despite all the will and strength of Kreiz and Zion's guardian, they were violently struck by the monster's poisonous tentacles and brutally pushed back.

- Kreiz!

- Hydros!

A tear went through Ivy's heart as she looked in the direction the famous doctor had just disappeared, painfully imagining his injuries and his condition.

- Kreiz....

Then she turned to Zion and saw his transformation. His appearance as a mythical beast faded into another form, a form of original man. And as the scarlet light grew, so did his transformation.