
The following days passed as if in a dream, a dream so wonderful empty of all boundaries, of all inhibitions, where only joy, light although her beloved did not love it, and her love existed.

Never was Ivy freer, happier, more in love in her entire existence than in the days that followed.

Totally recovered, she did nothing but talk to her parents by video to reassure them of her fate, not even wishing to waste a single second away from her only love. No, she had become even more selfish, self-centered and narcissistic than him, in a way.

She lived only for him.

At first, they did not leave the palace of this unnamed kingdom that Zion had always and still refused to give a real name, before a good week, spending their days as well as their night, which besides were confused, to make love, sleep, eat and to make love again, again and again.