
Ducas continued to study the former Zeog and then squinted his eyes.

"Why is it so important to the beasts, and obviously especially to you, to not let you get hurt?"

Zion made an effort not to betray his emmottions, for the answer to his interlocutor's question was in a way his greatest weakness. But he was not at the end of his astonishment and sorrow, because another voice was soon raised.

"That's just what I would like to know."

Zion and Ducas turned in one motion to the newcomer, who happened to be a woman. And not just any woman, one as beautiful as Castellian could be, if not more. A woman who happened to be the mother of the current Water Zeog.

"Majesty," Zion and Ducas did once again in the same while bowing their heads slightly to Iveress Vintry.

"Please, we are among people of very high rank, titles should no longer be in order."