Deep Night

But she let herself be engulfed by this darkness, which, in her opinion, was more reassuring than that of those who were pursuing her. She advanced as far as she could until she found a rather promising shelter, and hid in it, feeling her heart beating frantically and cold sweat running down her back. Trying valiantly to calm her breathing before her pursuers arrived, Mira prayed with all her being that the darkness would continue to reign in this huge, stifling room until her agony was over. But she couldn't stop her stomach from tightening so much that she soon knew she would have to gulp down everything it could hold.

And as she expected, despite such a faint and ridiculous hope to the contrary, she heard them. Her abominable pursuers. They had come in great numbers, no doubt bringing back companions as hungry and excited as themselves. They were whispering, giggling and breathing heavily.