The Secret

So Mira grabbed it. Then the great winged statue cracked, deep cracks running from the heart to the extremities of the wooden body. Its inert and dark eyes wept and shed tears of blood, inexhaustible tears of desolation. The vision of nightmarish spirits breaking free, flashed through the girl's routed mind. They hated her action and rebelled against her, unleashing their rage and desire for punishment.

"Damn you!"

Mira slipped the key around her neck and hurried out of the room. When she finally arrived in the great hall, they were all waiting for her, the four guardians. They greeted her with their distressed expressions, their eyes reflecting the deepest and most complete incomprehension of her actions. The night that had been so beautiful and radiant became darker and colder, cursed and icy, saturated with evil, refusing to fade away and enveloping the whole kingdom in its deathly veils.

- What's going on?" inquired Mira as she unashamedly held their gaze.