
They looked at each other intensely.

- It all started at that moment when you saved me from the dastardly intentions of those damned in your kingdom. I don't know if you wanted to give me these powers, or if you passed them on to me unconsciously. But the fact is that I received them and kept them within me, so much so that they became a timeless part of my being. I entered this forest and your sanctuary as if it were natural. As if I were coming home to my kingdom.

She looked up, breathing briefly.

- This is our destiny. And no matter what we do, no matter how much we want to, it is. You have no idea how long I've spent wishing I'd never possessed these powers, wishing as much as you do that we'd never met. But in the end, it wouldn't be right, because it would go against who I am. And nothing will ever change that.

Hearing these words so agitated yet true, the prince looked at Mira with a burning yet icy gaze that touched her to the core.