I've seen you before!

"We are going back to the headquarters with this man."

Team leader Dains said that to the group waiting outside as soon as they left the building.


The man struggled to say something, but only weird noises left his magically closed lips. There was no need to hear his words anyway as they were most probably curses.

"Was there anything suspicious in there?"

"No. But we need to interrogate this man properly."


"You stay here. There is no need for everyone to go back. Inside of the building is warm and spacious, you can stay in there. Keep looking around and searching the area. Darren, grab the man and come here. Kairen, you activate the device."


"MMFF! MMM... MMF?? F!"

The man's eyes widened and he started to desperately shake his head. He didn't seem to like the idea of others staying in his house.