I just wanted to talk...

"Haa. Where did that thing pop out from?"

Deputy team leader Bray joined the others while massaging her forehead. 

Everybody started to talk at that moment as if that question was what all of them were thinking about.

"It came out of the ground."

"Why would such a thing be underground? I've never heard of a monster as strong as this one who lives underground."

"I've never heard of one living on the ground either. It wasn't a level 1. It was much stronger."

"Yeah. I'm not sure if we can only call it a mere monster... It was crazy.

"And why did it only attack that dude? Hey, did you do something to that centipede? It even came out of the ground from right below your feet."

"N-no. Not at all."

"Why would it want to kill you so badly then?"

"I don't know..."

"Maybe it could sense that Kairen had the power to kill it and attacked him because of that?"

"You mean, it could sense mana?"

"Something like that."