The ruin that they were looking for

"The painting?"

The old man blinked a few times.

"Yes. The villagers said something about being punished because of what happened to a painting, or something like that."

The old man tapped the ground with his cane with a smile.

"Right. I remember that."

He raised his cane and pointed at the building that was the least damaged one.

"Those people who first arrived in this town also found a painting near the book that I mentioned before. That painting was a symbol in our village for years. People also gave it a name and regarded it as a treasure."

"What was the painting?"

"It was a half-destroyed ruin. The same ruin in the center of the plain before it was destroyed completely. A pillar, some broken tiles. Pieces of stones and debris surrounding the broken tile with a wall visible in the back. And some other details about the ruin's state hundreds of years ago."

