
Kairen wanted to talk to Alan more. He still wanted to know why he helped them find the culprit. Why did he save Darren and Carlson, how was he so skilled at using his power if he was not a trained agent, or why did he live in that mountain instead of having a normal life and job using his power.

However, he couldn't do so. They weren't in the right time and situation to have a long friendly conversation.

The group that had entered the building came out after about 20 minutes. There were no enemies inside and most of the place was ruined, but they still managed to find some documents and stuff that might help them further in the investigation.

The backup forces arrived a little bit later. Now that the enemies were captured and killed, there was nothing for the two units to do. The backup forces took care of the rest of the things, which would be transferring the captured, helping the injured, and clearing the area.