Hehe... no way

Instant destruction.

That was what happened when one of those weapons was used somewhere.

Actually, destruction was not the right word to use. It would be better to call it 'Annihilation'.

If you were lucky enough to be far away from the spot where the weapon was used, like a few kilometers away, you would be able to survive with only some parts of your body burned. 

Everything would be gone for good if those weapons were used. People, animals, buildings, monsters, everything.

'Completely annihilate...'

Kairen remembered the only time he used his strange power. It was when he faced a few Philomns members in one of his missions as a cadet. 

He remembered how everything vanished after he used that power. The people who had attacked him were gone as if they never existed and even the ground was massively destroyed.

'Come to think of it, why couldn't I use that power last time while fighting that soil dude?'