Why am I so stupid?

"Wow, what is this?"

"An outside worship place?"

The three people walked towards the strange room. Just like the other parts of the temple, this place was also extremely damaged. There were huge broken parts in the benches and a part of the platform was also damaged. 

The three of them approached the platform and looked closely at it. At the first glance, there was nothing to it. But after looking at it a little bit more, they could see some carvings on its surface.

After looking at the whole place one last time, Kain turned on his communication device.

"Team leader Dains, we found something at the back of the main building. Please come here after you are done searching the temple."

The leader of the operation was team leader Dains so Kain had to report everything that might be useful and important to him.

'Is it alright to be here?'