You can think that way!

"I heard from Fidel that you had something to tell me?"

The commander, leaning on his chair and clasping his hands, looked at Kairen who was sitting on a chair in front of him.

"Yes, sir."

After going through Reyan's mixed feelings of happiness, anger, betrayal, and again happiness, and then having to deal with the same emotions this time from Serria, Kairen finally managed to sneak out of the hall and head to the commander's office. Yesterday, he had finished his work for today and had also helped out Glenn. As a result, he was free to do anything he wanted. 

Now sitting in the commander's office, he was preparing the lines he had to say.

"I have a good guess what might that be but... Let's hear it out from yourself."


Kairen lowered his head.

"But first, I had a question, sir."


The commander narrowed his eyes.

"You think you are in a position to question me-"

"The team leader of unit 6."