I want to retire

It has been ten days. 

Ten days have passed since the day they went to that temple to look for the ancient artifact. Ten days since that incident. Ten days since two of his unit members went missing, or rather, kidnapped.


An explosion rang out in the distance. The team could see a huge building crumbling down not too far away from him. Dust was rising to the air and screams were heard from every corner. Red lights lit up the area and alarms rang out all at once.

He hurriedly brought his communication device to his mouth and spoke in a preserved voice, doing his best not to scream out loud.

"I told you to go unnoticed. What the hell are the two of you doing?"

And an answer came back after a few seconds. A girl started to talk to him while panting and gasping.

-We... Huff... We were found out huff... We had no other choice... huff...