As Kairen was slowly moving away from the group and heading towards the door, he felt a presence beside himself.
"Are you not helping them?"
"They don't need my power here and I can guard the door while standing outside. Besides, I can't let you go around like that! Hmm... Also, I'm helping them out a lot by taking care of you!"
Aaron shrugged and followed Kairen to the door. Kairen, who felt extremely wronged, glared at his brother.
"I'm not a kid!"
"Yeah yeah!"
"Didn't you say I was already 33? So stop treating me as if I'm a child!"
"I'll stop treating you like a child when you stop acting like a child!"
Kairen wasn't acting like a child! He acted stupidly, like childishly! He huffed to himself and pressed the button on the door to open it. The gate made a 'Pst' sound before its two sides slid open.
"I'm serious! I can take care of-"