He didn't answer!


Kairen gasped quietly.

"Isn't Fate too cool?"


The redhead repeated, his face stupid found. 

"Um... I mean, he is literally a god!"

Reynold shook his head.

"No. He is not. He's just Fate."

Now that they were talking about Fate...

"What is a Thread of Fate?"

Kairen asked the question that was long on his mind. 

"A Thread of Fate is... One of Fate's ways of controlling, and sometimes twisting Fate. They are his subordinates, which follow his will and intervene in the world when there is a need for it."

"Why is there a need for him to intervene in the world and twist fate when he is Fate himself?"

Reynold shook his head from side to side.

"You've got it wrong. He is Fate, but that doesn't mean that he is the writer of destiny. He is just a ruler, not the creator."

"Then, who is the creator?"

"No one!"

Reynold suddenly got up from the floor and dusted his cloth.