It is a drawing

Inside a medium-sized building outside the headquarters of the country's strongest military organization, on the lowest level of the underground structure inside the building, in the only room at the end of the vast hall that was filled with various and numerous protective and defensive barriers and spells, a man was chained down to a chair while surrounded with countless spells and gadgets that prevented his escape.

The man who was tied down had long white hair, white pupils, white eyelashes, white eyebrows, and a pale face. His unkempt beard and disheveled hair were covering almost half of his face, making it hard to see his eyes or his mouth. 

The man's head was limply hanging down as if he was asleep, and he didn't show any signs of movement. Through the gaps created by his limping posture in the thin prisoner's uniform he was wearing, one could see small and large wounds all over his body, of which some hadn't fully healed yet.