The Long Night

Zander pulls the ambulance into the cleaning bay. He walks through the ambulance doing a final inventory count.

After 30 minutes he signs off on the paper work and drives home. Speaking to no one "why would the motorcyclist be under the car if she slammed into his driver door? Also why did his passenger have a metal object in her heart? No way. Did he purposely kill them both"?

At the streetlight a blue M5 BMW pulls up next to him and revs the engine. Zander revs his back and looks over at the driver. The light turns green and Zander launched his car from 1st gear to 2nd and then the BMW blows past him. Zander smiles as a cop flips his lights on and pulls the BMW driver over. He waves to the cop as he drives by.


Back at home Zander walks over to his computer and an email notification is blinking. Sitting down he opens it up. The email reads, thank you for requesting to beta test the new MMORPG Deaths Sting. As you know we had thousands of requests and we found your profile answers to match what we are looking for. This is only a 48 hour testing. So grab your gamer fuel and enjoy. The testing will start at 0001 and end the following day at 0001. Enjoy and may you evade the terrible Deaths Sting.

Zander looks at the wall clock. Only 5 minutes until the testing begins. He frantically grabs his two 12 packs of MT Spew Baja Draw and his cube of OG Dew along with five bags of spicy chips and plants himself in-front of the computer. He crakes open his first can of Baja and chugs it in one go tossing the empty can aside. He crakes his fingers and logs in.


48 hours and 48 cans of soda later he's all red eyed and jacked up on caffeine and sugar. He drunk like walks over to his bed and falls onto it. 'Man that was so damn ass intense. The game felt so real...'


Zander rolls out of bed still in his work clothes from 2 days ago. Smelling himself he changes into a fresh uniform and lazily walks to his Subaru.

He rolls into work looking like shit and smelling badly of gamer sweat. The head man pulls Kris and Zander into his office. Shutting the door they hold a meeting about their crime scenes call.


One hour later they are finally getting underway. Zander is taking a count of supplies while Kris is driving to the mobile office. Kris notice that Zander is going slower then his normal self. "Hey Hotshot, did you finally get laid this weekend? You look like shit rolled over in Deaths grave"?

"Yeah I did your sister right here then made her swear to only have me for life. Hahaha"!

Kris slams the brakes and sends Zander to the floor. She smile back. "Good she's finally getting what she needs and you".

"Fuckin asses Kris. You must hate me. I spent all weekend beta testing this new intense MMORPG called Deaths Sting. I think it's going to be a hot seller when they release it. I stayed up the whole 48 hours play testing it. 48 cans of soda later and this is how I look. I'm gonna take a nap while you drive." He sits down in the passenger seat and shuts his eyes.

"Medic 13. We have one of your regulars Ms. Jones. She says that she's going to die if you don't help her with her Diabetic Emergancy. She's at 739 NE Pearl St. Good luck".

"Medic 13 copies. Mark is in route please". Looking at Kris. "So much for a nap".

"How is it you can only think of napping at a time like this"?

"I'm mentally exhausted. The Marines taught me how to sleep anywhere anytime. Look out! There's a black dog".

Kris keeps on driving "dude there's no dog, just relax".

At the residence Zander is taking vitals while Kris is taking information. Once done Kris walks back to her bag.

Ms. Jones to Zander in a whisper "watch out for lady in red today".

"What do you mean ma'am"?

"Zander my young boy, you have a nice ass. You make my Diabetic Emegancy suck so much less. I was baking cookies when my spell hit me. It's your favorite, coconut puff cookies." She smiles at him. As he turns around she places her hand on his ass and slips a paper into his pocket. "Please take some with you. Did I ever tell you that you reminded me of my oldest bastard of a son? He never sees me anymore. Coconut puff was his favorite too".

"Thank you Ms. Jones. I'll definitely take some with me".

They walk out 10 minutes later with cookies and finish filling out the paperwork as Zander drives.

Zander to himself more or less "watch out for a lady in red? What red hair, red dress, red gloves, red nails"?

"Lady in red. Are you feeling okay"?

"Yeah, I think I'm finally coming off the caffeine and sugar high. Hahahaha. That beta test took more out of me then I thought." He just drives around aimlessly.

"Medic 13. We have another one of your regulars today. I guess they know your schedule. Get over to a MR. Jackhile. He's lost his nitro pills again. Says that you are always his life savers. Address is 443 NE Allin RD".

Zander guns it as Kris talks "Medic 13 copies. Mark is in route. Over and out".

Out of the corner of his eye, he sees a stunning woman in red and then she's gone. "How many of our regulars are we going to have today? Three?four"?


Kris is finishing up the vitals on MR. Jackhile while Zander is taking information. Kris slips him a nitro pill and they both leave.

As soon as they drive off....

"Medic 13, it's your regular. Sarah Mantis, age 55. She's complaining of heart palpitations with shortness of breath. The address is 2334 SW Glendale CT."

With a heavy sigh "Medic 13 copies. Mark us in route please". Looking over at Kris "the one person I didn't want to see on this long drawn out day".

Kris LAUGHING at him "you know she wants you right? She wants you so bad that she makes things up just to see you".

"Yeah well at least I don't sleep with people we save like Timmy does. Does that sicko even have a moral compass".

"At least he's getting more action then you're ever going to get. Hahaha".

They pull up to her residence. Zander is the first one to see her setting by the window waiting for them. 'Thank god she's not wearing a red dress. Maybe that lady is really starting to go batshit crazy after all".

In the house Zander takes her vitals. Looking her over from head to toe he noticed a swelling on her ankle. He grabs her foot to exam it. "Sarah, did you twist your ankle again"?

"That damn ottoman is going to be the death of me sweetie. You know that one in my bedroom. It's the one that has my little red dress I was going to wear into work today. Oh well. I'll try and stand".

Standing up, Sarah takes a few steps and collapsed onto the floor hitting her head on the corner of the table.

Zander rushes over and checks the new vitals. They are threatening low. Her pulse is almost non existent. She has gone unconscious. Picking her up, he places her on the stretcher and takes her to the ambulance.

Kris drives while Zander continues to monitor her. He hooked her up to a mobile unit to monitor her stats. She flutters her eyes open glad to see Zander. In a whisper "come closer".

Zander leans in and is kissed on the lips for what seems like forever. She lays back down, smiles "now it's done. Take care sweetie." She flat lines. Zander immediately cuts her shirt and bra off, goes and hooks up an AED, then immediately begins with CPR.

Kris "what the fuck you do? Kill her?" She floors the ambulance and picks up the mic. "Dispatch let them know we have a cardiac arrest and CPR is being performed. We'll need assistant upon arrival".

"Hosptial has been informed of the update. Over and out".

Slamming the ambulance to a halt, Zander is still performing CPR. Kris pulls the stretcher out while something falls to the floor and wheels them into the lobby.

"How long you been doing CPR?" The dr switching spots with Zander.

Zander gets off of Sarah and the stretcher "10 minutes now. I'm pretty sure she's dead. I do know that she has a DNR on file as she's a regular flyer".

The dr. stops CPR and calls TOD (time of death). "Sorry kid. You win some and you loss some. We'll take care of everything from here. Go get cleaned up in the dr. lounge. You look like shit".

Zander runs his hand down her from head to toe. "Farewell and safe journey to the other side". He walks off to clean up.