
The car stops at the booth. On the holographic board, 9,019,150 chips is displayed. Zander punches the holographic board making an error message appear. Next thing displayed is Have a Great Day Dr. Blacksoul. Remember Always Fly Safe. The car continues on.

Jessee puts her feet up on the dashboard of the car and Zander looks over at her. "Nobody in my car ever puts their feet up there. You can place them in my lap if you have to stretch."

Not a few seconds after placing her feet in his lap the car hits a tree, causing them both to lean forward. The car backs up and then hits another tree. The car talks to Zander "putting car into manual mode. Remember to fly safe." Zander "sweet kitties I get to drive! Hold on tight princess". Zander floors the gas and speeds off.


Once they get out of the forest and into town Zander puts the car back into auto drive. Subconsciously he massages Jessee feet in his lap. He speaks to her. "What else can you inform me about in your time".

Jessee looks out the windscreen while trying to remember back to her life. "What I can remember is that our military was reckless. We were destroying the whole planet. What you see now is nothing like it was." She closes her eyes and recalls. The landscape used to be big towers with lots of neon lights and signs everywhere. Cars would go zipping by each other at incredible speeds with people standing on sidewalks. The sidewalks are moving with portals that would transport you all over the different towns. Some towns looked like they came out of a war zone and some looked like they came out a futuristic time with lights moving all over the place. Another town looked like it belonged in a horror movie. She tells Zander all this while they speed along not seeing a single person.

After a few minutes they arrive at one of the futuristic buildings of old where the car stops and a portal of sorts opens and sucks them in like a tractor beam. The car comes to rest in a parking spot in the garage and the doors open letting them out.

They slowly get out of the car and the trunk opens. Walking over to the trunk Zander pulls out the bag. Looking inside all he sees is another uniform and a kinda of cocktail dress for a female. The dress is a deep purple with gold trim. They both walk over to what would be an elevator. At the doors as they open a portal of sorts appears. He grabs Jessee's hand and walks into the portal. A second later they appear on the top floor.

Slowly walking down the hallway no one is seen. There's only four doors on this level. Walking down to the last door it unlocks with a CLICKING. they walk through the door and the lights come on. The door closes behind them. A sexy woman voice comes on. "Welcome home Dr. Blacksoul. It's been 1765 years since you've last been here. No new messages. I since a female friend is with you. Did you want the extra special dinner made for you? Also don't forget to check your desk. You left behind instructions for yourself for when you woke up from your nap. Dinner will be ready in 30 minutes." The voice disappears and leaves them alone.

Zander hands over the dress to Jessee " this might be more comfortable then that uniform. Also I guess a shower might be in order after a 1000 year nap. I'll go and check what this guy left behind and if there's anything else we need to know." He walks off. On his way the house looks like a damn museum with what can only be referred to as over the top pictures of nakedly drawn woman in wired potions reminiscent of old Earth Greek paintings. In one of the rooms a fully suspended body of a female skeleton can be seen with many other strange devices and drawings. In another room is what would be called an old English study with books lining all the walls from floor to ceiling and a holographic board next to a big comfy chair. He sits down in it and starts working on the holographic board.

At the same time Jessee walks into the major master bedroom. A huge bed with four corner posts that depict naked woman standing over a fallen animal maybe a tiger. She walks into the huge bathroom and runs a bath. This is going to feel amazing she thinks to herself.

Zander is rereading the message that the owner of the house left. If something has happened while I've been in cyrogenic sleep and you're reading this message and not myself, well then shit. I'm dead and this planet went to shit with it. You now have my car, my laboratory, and my houses. Use them wisely as I'm sure that you will be lonely. There's a safe and a workout room in this penthouse. My other room has a mini laboratory and the bedroom is my favorite room. Find a way to get back to the past was a goal of the military here. I was organizing a team of researchers for this endeavor. If my team was not successful and then nothing on this rock will have changed. If my team was successful then 75 percent of the world will be Forest and let's just say not many people will be alive which means I can rule this planet with the iron fist that I want. I can make the perfect people and social Society that only I can envision. Note to myself in the future when I do wake up. I'm the most awesome minded person ever. Oh and the code to the safe is suck it buttercup. Yes I amaze myself sometimes. End of ranting. Now go run the world. Oh and that Zondora woman needs to be killed if she's still alive so we can find out how to control them. She holds the answers.

Jessee walks into the room in the cocktail dress and spins around for Zander. "Well how do I look?" She spins around one more time.

"Stunning. Just...wow!" He gets up and walks over to her. They walk over to dining room and sit down. While eating an amazing meal Zander fills in Jessee about the letter. A glass of wine appears before them both. Zander takes a sip before spitting it back out.

[Poison Detected: nullified]

Zander bats away the wine from Jessee before she takes a sip. The glass hits the ground and wine spills everywhere. After that, dinner continues with nothing else happening.

Once done with dinner, Zander walks over to another room in the house looking for the safe and workout equipment. Finding the work out room he jumps onto the treadmill. Pushing the start button, a holographic image of the world 1000 years before is displayed in front of him. As he runs on it, the image moves around with him. He can feel as if he's really out there running. After awhile a notification pops up.

[Daily Quest Completed]

[Rewards: 10 EXP and +5 skill points]

He turns off the equipment and looks around the room. No safe in this room. He walks into the master bedroom and looks for the safe. Again nothing. He walks into the room with the mini laboratory and again no safe. He goes back into the study and uses the inspection skill. It reveals that a set of four books can be moved. He pulls them and the bookshelf swings out revealing a wall safe about half the size of the bookshelf. Stepping up to the safe he puts in the long string of numbers. The safe BEEPS and pops open. Out falls onto the ground a ton of chips cards all different colors. Only one is left inside and it is red. Attached to that card is a note. A few Rings fell to the floor, a laser gun, keys to who knows what and some kind of lapel pin. He YELLS for Jessee.

She comes running in and skids to a halt. Mouth open wide. She bends down at the pill of chips on the ground. Picking up a gold one she looks at it. "Is there really that much on it"?

Zander pulls out the red one from the safe and reads the note out loud. "This red one is to be used to restart the planets economy in my image. The gold ones are to be given to seven trusted advisors. And the seven purple ones are to be given to their underlining in due time. The rest are to rebuild the banks and make people dependent upon you. The three Rings are all rings of power to prove your station. Keep one for yourself and give the other two to your two top advisers. The laser gun is for your bodyguard. Don't fuck up." Zander just looks at everything with surprise.