The Room?

After a few hours of watching the fire die, the world stayed quiet, and a nice drive down the mountain back to the mistresses house, they arrive with no more incidents.

They walk more thoroughly through the house. The vault room holds nothing new for them. They go to the kitchen, also nothing out of the ordinary.

Jessee, a little sore, kisses Zander before she goes to the master bedroom and runs a warm bath.

Zander walks the study room and pulls all the books off the shelves. 'This was always something that lead to a hidden room in the movies'.

'You're clueless aren't you. Hahaha. You could've used your skills dumbass'.

'Oh shut up. At least I get to walk around'.

Zander received a shock. 'Hahahahaha. You forget, I can still do that. Why don't you go workout. That might impress your soulmate and mother of your many children'.